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Soledad Club
11:30 am ♦ Wednesday Morning Open Pairs Game
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery

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28 players with Masterpoints (19 with photos, 9 without photos)

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Paul Darin
70.51% - 1.40 MP

George Bessinger
65.38% - 0.98 MP

William Grant
65.38% - 0.98 MP

David Oakley
59.78% - 0.70 MP

Frederick Parker
59.78% - 0.70 MP

Mary Fenton
58.86% - 1.40 MP

Chris Hastie
57.21% - 0.72 MP

Lawrence Rossman
57.21% - 0.72 MP

Judd Halenza
56.95% - 0.98 MP

Bruce Sherman
55.93% - 0.50 MP

Henri Farhi
55.38% - 0.70 MP

Bette Strauch
53.65% - 0.49 MP

John Strauch
53.65% - 0.49 MP

Elaine Chan
52.08% - 0.36 MP

Jill Seagren
51.91% - 0.32 MP

Stephen Seagren
51.91% - 0.32 MP

Freda Anderson
51.21% - 0.23 MP

Martha Woodworth
51.21% - 0.23 MP

Jacqueline Ives
44.39% - 0.22 MP


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