ACBL Unit 361 Sectionals - Denver

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Field strength:  Mean: 2023 MP  Geomean: 923 MP
(based on 104 players)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Rank Masterpoints
Clyde D'Arcy - Joanna Chau 61.46 1st SA 1.92 Silver
Bill Darden - Marcia Christopher 61.15 2nd OC 3.98 Silver
Donald Vancil - En Hay 59.62 15th OA 2.40 Silver
Kurt Simmons - Scott Needham 59.15 1st OB 9.28 Silver
Alice Kinningham - Joan Curran 58.38 1st SA 1.92 Silver
Peggy Ware - Spencer Jones 57.77 5th OA 6.39 Silver
Jonell Comerford - Leo Comerford 57.62 2nd OB 6.96 Silver
John Hart - Rick Clelland 56.92 1st OC 5.30 Silver
Bill Allegar - Bill Beard 56.69 7th OA 4.80 Silver
John Gallagher - Michael Jalving 56.38 10th OB 1.69 Silver
Christina Werner - Lori Beard 55.08 1st SB 1.27 Silver
Robert McKenzie - Robert Vetter 54.08 4th SA 1.14 Silver
Hachy Pennell - Roger Pennell 53.77 16th OA 2.26 Silver
Eric Mead - Steven Wainz 53.69 2nd SB 0.89 Silver
Joe Luk - Richard Bonner 53.31 4th SA 0.67 Silver
Mindy Smith - Thad Smith 53.08 4th OC 2.24 Silver
Daryl Dietrich - Jim Walker 53.00 3rd SB 0.71 Silver
Eileen Schoen - Joyce Sloop 52.92 6th OA 5.48 Silver
Burke Snowden - Skip Carson 52.08 5th SA 0.38 Silver
Partnership Pct Rank Masterpoints
Dennis Goldston - Linda Sundbye 52.00 th SA 0.67 Silver
Bertie Wetzler - Jan Benninghoven 51.85 5th SA 0.38 Silver
Marilyn Ballon - Paula Warren 51.38 th SA 0.96 Silver
Margaret Devere - Marion Brum de Barros 50.69 4th SB 1.20 Silver
Frances Nelson - Vard Nelson 50.31 5th OC 1.77 Silver
Diane Morgan - Jill Fink 50.00 2nd SC 0.66 Silver
Jim Steele - John Clough 49.92 4th SB 0.47 Silver
Carol Ward - Timothy Watson 49.69 3rd SB 1.28 Silver
Ellen Jenkins - Kenneth Lager 49.62 2nd SC 1.51 Silver
Katelin Yates - Paul Haynes 48.77 th SB 0.64 Silver
Allen Kane - Chuck Henke 48.69 th SA 1.34 Silver
Gail Hanson - Michael Innis 48.62 th SC 0.62 Silver
Marilyn Eber - Roy Weinstein 47.15 th SA 0.96 Silver
Christopher Dorton - Shari Dorton 45.00 2nd SC 0.62 Silver
Linda Harder - Merrily Van Zevern 44.85 th SC 0.62 Silver
Richard Gardner - Susan Marshall 44.54 6/7th OB 2.49 Silver
George Becker - John Van Ness 44.00 th SA 0.96 Silver
Dennis Blackketter - Nancy Motlong 43.23 th SC 0.94 Silver
Brian Hegarty - Judy Bredall 42.46 th SA 1.34 Silver

The percentage shown here is for this session only. The final masterpoint award shown is based on performance in all sessions and is the better of your multi-session overall award or the sum of your individual session award(s).

EVENT>Saturday Strat Open Pairs|SESSION>2 Of 2       |SECTION> C N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>July 13, 2013      |SANCTION>S1307057  | 07/13/2013 17:25|EVENT CODE>1301
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Golden, CO      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Denver Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=9/C=5                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Jim Francis            Bettie Marosey           B   .     .     .    613.50  321.00    .     .     .    292.50  45.00          
 2 Linda Washburn         Karen Ruffin             C   .     .     .    595.50  280.50    .     .     .    315.00  48.46          
 3 Roger Pennell          Hachy Pennell            A  16     .     .    716.00  366.50    5     .     .    349.50  53.77  2.26(OA)
 4 Lois Jurgens           Virginia Pedersen        B   .     .     .    622.50  301.50    .     .     .    321.00  49.38          
 5 Max Farnsworth         Carole McLennan          C   .     .     .    475.50  222.50    .     .     .    253.00  38.92          
 6 Bill Allegar           Bill Beard               A   7     .     .    758.00  389.50    3     .     .    368.50  56.69  4.80(OA)
 7 Kurt Simmons           Scott Needham            B   4     1     .    775.50  391.00    2     2     .    384.50  59.15  9.28(OB)
 8 Marcia Christopher     Bill Darden              C  14     4     2    729.00  331.50    1     1     1    397.50  61.15  3.98(OC)
 9 Dennis Goldston        Linda Sundbye            A   .     .     .    698.50  360.50    .     .     .    338.00  52.00  0.67(SA)
10 Vard Nelson            Frances Nelson           C   .     .     5    670.50  343.50    .     4     2    327.00  50.31  1.77(OC)
11 Robert McKenzie        Robert Vetter            B   .     .     .    675.50  324.00    4     3     .    351.50  54.08  1.14(SA)
12 Virginia Gunter        Warren Garrett           A   .     .     .    643.00  315.00    .     .     .    328.00  50.46          
13 Eva Clough             Gerdur Kristjansdottir   C   .     .     .    502.00  269.00    .     .     .    233.00  35.85          
                                          Totals                        8475.00 4216.00                   4259.00       

EVENT>Saturday Strat Open Pairs|SESSION>2 Of 2       |SECTION> C E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Denver Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=9/C=5                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Clyde D'Arcy           Joanna Chau              B   .     .     .    399.50    0.00    1     1     .    399.50  61.46  1.92(SA)
 2 Lucy Strait            Shirley Hammond          C   .     .     .    485.00  234.50    .     .     .    250.50  38.54          
 3 Chuck Henke            Allen Kane               A   .     .     .    706.50  390.00    .     .     .    316.50  48.69  1.34(SA)
 4 Michael Jalving        John Gallagher           B   .    10     .    683.00  316.50    3     3     .    366.50  56.38  1.69(OB)
 5 John Black Jr          Sandy Black              C   .     .     .    549.50  273.50    .     .     .    276.00  42.46          
 6 Joe Luk                Richard Bonner           A   .     .     .    677.50  331.00    4     .     .    346.50  53.31  0.67(SA)
 7 Christopher Dorton     Shari Dorton             C   .     .     .    606.00  313.50    .     .     2    292.50  45.00  0.62(SC)
 8 Merrily Van Zevern     Linda Harder             C   .     .     .    630.00  338.50    .     .     .    291.50  44.85  0.62(SC)
 9 Jane Ranney            Jerry Ranney             A   .     .     .    590.00  288.50    .     .     .    301.50  46.38          
10 Rick Clelland          John Hart                C  13     3     1    734.00  364.00    2     2     1    370.00  56.92  5.30(OC)
11 John Clough            Jim Steele               B   .     .     .    649.50  325.00    .     4     .    324.50  49.92  0.47(SB)
12 Burke Snowden          Skip Carson              A   .     .     .    645.00  306.50    5     .     .    338.50  52.08  0.38(SA)
13 Katelin Yates          Paul Haynes              B   .     .     .    628.00  311.00    .     .     .    317.00  48.77  0.64(SB)
                                          Totals                        7983.50 3792.50                   4191.00       

EVENT>Saturday Strat Open Pairs|SESSION>2 Of 2       |SECTION> D N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Denver Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=10/C=6                     ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Daryl Dietrich         Jim Walker               B   .     .     .    612.50  268.00    4     3     .    344.50  53.00  0.71(SB)
 2 Elizabeth Thornton     Linda French             C   .     .     .    575.50  303.00    .     .     .    272.50  41.92          
 3 En Hay                 Donald Vancil            A  15     .     .    721.50  334.00    1     .     .    387.50  59.62  2.40(OA)
 4 Margaret Devere        Marion Brum de Barros    B   .     .     .    679.00  349.50    .     4     .    329.50  50.69  1.20(SB)
 5 Anne Somervill         Ann Culbertson           C   .     .     .    548.00  288.50    .     .     .    259.50  39.92          
 6 Joyce Sloop            Eileen Schoen            A   6     .     .    759.50  415.50    5     .     .    344.00  52.92  5.48(OA)
 7 Nancy Motlong          Dennis Blackketter       C   .     .     .    623.00  342.00    .     .     .    281.00  43.23  0.94(SC)
 8 Mindy Smith            Thad Smith               C   .     .     4    681.00  336.00    3     2     1    345.00  53.08  2.24(OC)
 9 Judy Bredall           Brian Hegarty            B   .     .     .    637.00  361.00    .     .     .    276.00  42.46  1.34(SA)
10 Jill Fink              Diane Morgan             C   .     .     .    597.00  272.00    .     .     2    325.00  50.00  0.66(SC)
11 Deborah Laut           Judy Walker              C   .     .     .    599.50  281.50    .     .     .    318.00  48.92          
12 Marilyn Ballon         Paula Warren             A   .     .     .    687.00  353.00    .     .     .    334.00  51.38  0.96(SA)
13 Leo Comerford          Jonell Comerford         B   9     2     .    755.00  380.50    2     1     .    374.50  57.62  6.96(OB)
                                          Totals                        8475.50 4284.50                   4191.00       

EVENT>Saturday Strat Open Pairs|SESSION>2 Of 2       |SECTION> D E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |TOURN>Denver Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=8/C=5                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Lori Beard             Christina Werner         B   .     .     .    621.50  263.50    3     1     .    358.00  55.08  1.27(SB)
 2 Ellen Jenkins          Kenneth Lager            C   .     .     .    656.00  333.50    .     .     2    322.50  49.62  1.51(SC)
 3 George Becker          John Van Ness            A   .     .     .    661.00  375.00    .     .     .    286.00  44.00  0.96(SA)
 4 Richard Gardner        Susan Marshall           B   .    6/7    .    686.50  397.00    .     .     .    289.50  44.54  2.49(OB)
 5 Diane Wright           Richard Wright           C   .     .     .    630.00  310.50    .     .     .    319.50  49.15          
 6 Bertie Wetzler         Jan Benninghoven         A   .     .     .    624.00  287.00    5     .     .    337.00  51.85  0.38(SA)
 7 Carol Ward             Timothy Watson           B   .     .     .    651.00  328.00    .     3     .    323.00  49.69  1.28(SB)
 8 Jared Johnson          Robert Battin            C   .     .     .    594.50  297.50    .     .     .    297.00  45.69          
 9 Spencer Jones          Peggy Ware               A   5     .     .    771.50  396.00    2     .     .    375.50  57.77  6.39(OA)
10 Michael Innis          Gail Hanson              C   .     .     .    622.50  306.50    .     .     .    316.00  48.62  0.62(SC)
11 Eric Mead              Steven Wainz             C   .     .     .    591.50  242.50    4     2     1    349.00  53.69  0.89(SB)
12 Alice Kinningham       Joan Curran              A   .     .     .    703.50  324.00    1     .     .    379.50  58.38  1.92(SA)
13 Roy Weinstein          Marilyn Eber             A   .     .     .    678.50  372.00    .     .     .    306.50  47.15  0.96(SA)
                                          Totals                        8492.00 4233.00                   4259.00       

1 ♠AT62
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3/2♣ 3 3/2♠ 3/2NT  ♥6
EW: -/1
       ♣4/5 ♦4 ♥6/7 ♠4/5 NT4
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: +400 3NT-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  430         25.00   0.00  3N N 4    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D1-Beard-Werner
  300         24.00   1.00  3* E -2  D8-Smith-Smith vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  250         23.00   2.00  2♣ W -5   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D5-Wright-Wright
  180         22.00   3.00  1N N 4    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  150         20.50   4.50  1N N 3    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  150         20.50   4.50  3 W -3   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  130         19.00   6.00  3 S 4    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  120         17.50   7.50  1N N 2    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D7-Ward-Watson
  120         17.50   7.50  1N N 2    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  100         16.00   9.00  2 E -2   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C5-Black Jr-Black
   90         14.50  10.50  1N N 1    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C11-Clough-Steele
   90         14.50  10.50  1N N 1    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D11-Mead-Wainz
   50         12.00  13.00  3 W -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
   50         12.00  13.00  2 W -1   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D9-Jones-Ware
   50         12.00  13.00  2 E -1   D11-Laut-Walker vs D8-Johnson-Battin
         50    8.50  16.50  3N N -1   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
         50    8.50  16.50  2N N -1   C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
         50    8.50  16.50  1N N -1   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C6-Luk-Bonner
         50    8.50  16.50  1N N -1   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        100    5.00  20.00  3N N -2   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        100    5.00  20.00  3N N -2   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        100    5.00  20.00  3 S -2   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C12-Snowden-Carson
        110    2.50  22.50  2 W 2    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        110    2.50  22.50  2 E 2    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        140    1.00  24.00  2 W 3    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        200    0.00  25.00  4 N -4   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C3-Henke-Kane
2 ♠T9753
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦5 ♥6 ♠5 NT4
EW: 4♣ 2 1 2/1♠ 3NT
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: -400 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         24.00   1.00  3N W -1   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C2-Strait-Hammond
   50         24.00   1.00  3N E -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C12-Snowden-Carson
   50         24.00   1.00  6♣ W -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        130   22.00   3.00  3♣ E 4    D11-Laut-Walker vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        150   21.00   4.00  2N E 3    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        400   19.00   6.00  3N W 3    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D5-Wright-Wright
        400   19.00   6.00  3N W 3    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        400   19.00   6.00  3N E 3    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        430   13.00  12.00  3N W 4    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        430   13.00  12.00  3N W 4    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        430   13.00  12.00  3N E 4    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C11-Clough-Steele
        430   13.00  12.00  3N E 4    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        430   13.00  12.00  3N E 4    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D9-Jones-Ware
        430   13.00  12.00  3N E 4    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        430   13.00  12.00  3N E 4    D8-Smith-Smith vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        430   13.00  12.00  3N E 4    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        430   13.00  12.00  3N E 4    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        460    4.00  21.00  3N W 5    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        460    4.00  21.00  3N W 5    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D1-Beard-Werner
        460    4.00  21.00  3N E 5    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        460    4.00  21.00  3N E 5    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C3-Henke-Kane
        460    4.00  21.00  3N E 5    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C5-Black Jr-Black
        460    4.00  21.00  3N E 5    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        460    4.00  21.00  3N E 5    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        460    4.00  21.00  3N E 5    D2-Thornton-French vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
        460    4.00  21.00  3N E 5    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D7-Ward-Watson
3 ♠QJ75
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦5 ♥4 ♠6 NT4
EW: 1♣ 2 3 1♠ 3NT
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -600 3NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  4 W -1   D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        100   24.00   1.00  2♠ S -2   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        110   23.00   2.00  2 W 2    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        140   17.50   7.50  3 W 3    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        140   17.50   7.50  3 W 3    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C5-Black Jr-Black
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C3-Henke-Kane
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        140   17.50   7.50  2 W 3    D8-Smith-Smith vs D1-Beard-Werner
        170    7.50  17.50  3 W 4    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D5-Wright-Wright
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C12-Snowden-Carson
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    D2-Thornton-French vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
        170    7.50  17.50  2 W 4    D11-Laut-Walker vs D7-Ward-Watson
        180    2.00  23.00  2N E 4    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        760    1.00  24.00  1* W 4   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C11-Clough-Steele
        800    0.00  25.00  3♣* S -4  D12-Ballon-Warren vs D9-Jones-Ware
4 ♠Q86
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 1/-NT
       ♥3 ♠3 NT7/6
EW: 4 4♠  ♣5 ♦4 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: -500 5*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         24.50   0.50  4♠ E -2   C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  200         24.50   0.50  3 W -2   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C3-Henke-Kane
  110         22.00   3.00  3 N 3    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  110         22.00   3.00  3 N 3    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  110         22.00   3.00  3 N 3    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D5-Wright-Wright
  100         20.00   5.00  4♠ E -1   D4-Devere-de Barros vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        140   15.00  10.00  3♠ W 3    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        140   15.00  10.00  3♠ E 3    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        140   15.00  10.00  3♠ E 3    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        140   15.00  10.00  3♠ E 3    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        140   15.00  10.00  3♠ E 3    D11-Laut-Walker vs D7-Ward-Watson
        140   15.00  10.00  2♠ W 3    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        140   15.00  10.00  2♠ E 3    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
        140   15.00  10.00  3 E 3    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        140   15.00  10.00  3 E 3    D8-Smith-Smith vs D1-Beard-Werner
        170    8.50  16.50  3♠ W 4    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        170    8.50  16.50  3♠ W 4    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C12-Snowden-Carson
        170    8.50  16.50  3♠ W 4    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        170    8.50  16.50  3 W 4    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        200    5.50  19.50  3N S -2   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        200    5.50  19.50  3♠ E 5    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C11-Clough-Steele
        620    2.00  23.00  4♠ W 4    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        620    2.00  23.00  4♠ W 4    D2-Thornton-French vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        620    2.00  23.00  4♠ E 4    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C5-Black Jr-Black
        620    2.00  23.00  4♠ E 4    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        620    2.00  23.00  4 W 4    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D9-Jones-Ware
5 ♠3
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 1  ♥6 ♠4 NT6
EW: 1 3♠  ♣2 ♦6 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: +100 4♠*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  750         25.00   0.00  5♣* S 5   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D9-Jones-Ware
  710         24.00   1.00  4♣* N 4   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  600         20.50   4.50  5♣ S 5    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  600         20.50   4.50  5♣ S 5    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  600         20.50   4.50  5♣ S 5    D2-Thornton-French vs D1-Beard-Werner
  600         20.50   4.50  5♣ S 5    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  600         20.50   4.50  5♣ N 5    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C3-Henke-Kane
  600         20.50   4.50  5♣ N 5    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  150         17.00   8.00  4♣ S 5    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D5-Wright-Wright
  130         15.00  10.00  4♣ S 4    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  130         15.00  10.00  4♣ S 4    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D7-Ward-Watson
  130         15.00  10.00  4♣ S 4    D8-Smith-Smith vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  100         12.00  13.00  4♠ E -2   C7-Simmons-Needham vs C11-Clough-Steele
  100         12.00  13.00  4♠* E -1  C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  100         12.00  13.00  3♠ E -2   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D10-Innis-Hanson
   50         10.00  15.00  3♠ E -1   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        100    7.00  18.00  3N S -1   C1-Francis-Marosey vs C12-Snowden-Carson
        100    7.00  18.00  3N S -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        100    7.00  18.00  6♣ S -1   C6-Allegar-Beard vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        100    7.00  18.00  5♣ S -1   C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        100    7.00  18.00  5♣ S -1   D10-Fink-Morgan vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        140    2.50  22.50  3♠ E 3    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C5-Black Jr-Black
        140    2.50  22.50  3♠ E 3    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        140    2.50  22.50  2♠ E 3    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        140    2.50  22.50  2♠ E 3    D11-Laut-Walker vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        200    0.00  25.00  3N* S -1  D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D11-Mead-Wainz
6 ♠A3
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2 2NT  ♣6 ♠6
EW:  ♣6 ♦6 ♥4 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 14 - 16 = -2
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  170         25.00   0.00  3 N 4    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  140         19.50   5.50  3 N 3    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  140         19.50   5.50  3 N 3    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C11-Clough-Steele
  140         19.50   5.50  3 N 3    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  140         19.50   5.50  3 N 3    D8-Smith-Smith vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  140         19.50   5.50  3 N 3    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  140         19.50   5.50  3 N 3    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  140         19.50   5.50  2 N 3    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  140         19.50   5.50  2 N 3    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  140         19.50   5.50  2 N 3    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D9-Jones-Ware
  140         19.50   5.50  1 N 3    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  120         14.00  11.00  1N N 2    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  110         11.00  14.00  2 N 2    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  110         11.00  14.00  2 N 2    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D7-Ward-Watson
  110         11.00  14.00  2 N 2    D11-Laut-Walker vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  110         11.00  14.00  1 N 2    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  110         11.00  14.00  1 N 2    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  100          8.00  17.00  1N E -1   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C3-Henke-Kane
   80          7.00  18.00  1 N 1    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D11-Mead-Wainz
         50    3.50  21.50  4 N -1   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C6-Luk-Bonner
         50    3.50  21.50  4 N -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
         50    3.50  21.50  4 N -1   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D10-Innis-Hanson
         50    3.50  21.50  3 N -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C5-Black Jr-Black
         50    3.50  21.50  3 N -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D1-Beard-Werner
         50    3.50  21.50  3 N -1   D4-Devere-de Barros vs D5-Wright-Wright
        110    0.00  25.00  2♠ W 2    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
7 ♠AT5
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5 4 1♠ 3NT  ♣6
EW: 1♣  ♦1 ♥2 ♠6 NT1
LoTT: 18 - 16 = +2
Par: +620 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  690         25.00   0.00  3N N 6    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D1-Beard-Werner
  680         22.50   2.50  4 N 6    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  680         22.50   2.50  4 N 6    D2-Thornton-French vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  680         22.50   2.50  4 N 6    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  680         22.50   2.50  4 N 6    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D7-Ward-Watson
  660         19.50   5.50  4N N 5    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  660         19.50   5.50  3N N 5    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D9-Jones-Ware
  650         18.00   7.00  4 N 5    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  620         13.50  11.50  4 N 4    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  620         13.50  11.50  4 N 4    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  620         13.50  11.50  4 N 4    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  620         13.50  11.50  4 N 4    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  620         13.50  11.50  4 N 4    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  620         13.50  11.50  4 N 4    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  620         13.50  11.50  4 N 4    D8-Smith-Smith vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  620         13.50  11.50  5 S 6    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  500          9.00  16.00  4♠* E -2  C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  230          8.00  17.00  3 N 6    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C11-Clough-Steele
  200          7.00  18.00  3♠ E -2   D11-Laut-Walker vs D5-Wright-Wright
  170          6.00  19.00  3 N 4    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        100    2.50  22.50  3N N -1   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        100    2.50  22.50  4 N -1   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        100    2.50  22.50  4 N -1   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C3-Henke-Kane
        100    2.50  22.50  4 N -1   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        100    2.50  22.50  4 N -1   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        100    2.50  22.50  4 S -1   C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C6-Luk-Bonner
8 ♠AJ2
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 5♠ 1NT  ♦3 ♥3
EW: 3/2 4  ♣1 ♠2 NT6
LoTT: 21 - 18 = +3
Par: +300 6*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  690         25.00   0.00  4♠* S 5   C7-Simmons-Needham vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  450         16.00   9.00  5♠ S 5    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  450         16.00   9.00  5♠ S 5    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  450         16.00   9.00  5♠ S 5    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  450         16.00   9.00  5♠ S 5    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  450         16.00   9.00  5♠ S 5    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D7-Ward-Watson
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D8-Smith-Smith vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D1-Beard-Werner
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ S 5    D11-Laut-Walker vs D5-Wright-Wright
  450         16.00   9.00  4♠ N 5    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  200          6.50  18.50  3♠ S 5    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C3-Henke-Kane
  200          6.50  18.50  3♠ S 5    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
   50          5.00  20.00  5 W -1   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D9-Jones-Ware
         50    3.50  21.50  6♠ S -1   C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C6-Luk-Bonner
         50    3.50  21.50  6♠ S -1   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        140    2.00  23.00  3 W 3    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        450    1.00  24.00  4 E 5    D2-Thornton-French vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        590    0.00  25.00  4* E 4   C1-Francis-Marosey vs C11-Clough-Steele
9 ♠AKT
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣2 ♦2 ♥3 NT5
EW: 5♣ 5 3  ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -500 5♠*-NS-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         24.00   1.00  3♠ S 3    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  140         24.00   1.00  3♠ S 3    D8-Smith-Smith vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  140         24.00   1.00  2♠ S 3    D11-Laut-Walker vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  110         22.00   3.00  2♠ S 2    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  100         21.00   4.00  5 W -1   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D9-Jones-Ware
         50   16.00   9.00  4♠ S -1   C7-Simmons-Needham vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
         50   16.00   9.00  4♠ S -1   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
         50   16.00   9.00  4♠ S -1   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D1-Beard-Werner
         50   16.00   9.00  4♠ S -1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
         50   16.00   9.00  3♠ S -1   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C12-Snowden-Carson
         50   16.00   9.00  3♠ S -1   C6-Allegar-Beard vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
         50   16.00   9.00  3♠ S -1   D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D10-Innis-Hanson
         50   16.00   9.00  3♠ S -1   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D5-Wright-Wright
         50   16.00   9.00  3♠ S -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        100   10.00  15.00  4♠ S -2   C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        100   10.00  15.00  3♠* S -1  C8-Christopher-Darden vs C11-Clough-Steele
        100   10.00  15.00  3♠* S -1  D4-Devere-de Barros vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
        170    7.50  17.50  3 W 4    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C3-Henke-Kane
        170    7.50  17.50  3 W 4    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D7-Ward-Watson
        300    5.50  19.50  4♠* S -2  C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        300    5.50  19.50  4♠* S -2  C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        620    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        620    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        620    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    D2-Thornton-French vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        620    2.50  22.50  4 W 4    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        790    0.00  25.00  4* E 4   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
10 ♠KJ75
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1 1♠ 1/-NT
       ♦6 NT7/6
EW: 1  ♣6/5 ♥6 ♠6 NT6
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: +90 1NT-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  1N E -3   D4-Devere-de Barros vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  200         23.00   2.00  2N E -2   C6-Allegar-Beard vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  200         23.00   2.00  1N E -2   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  200         23.00   2.00  1N E -2   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  120         21.00   4.00  1N S 2    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  110         19.50   5.50  2♠ N 2    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  110         19.50   5.50  2♠ N 2    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C3-Henke-Kane
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C11-Clough-Steele
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D1-Beard-Werner
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D7-Ward-Watson
  100         14.50  10.50  1N E -1   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D9-Jones-Ware
   90          9.50  15.50  1N S 1    D8-Smith-Smith vs D11-Mead-Wainz
   90          9.50  15.50  2♣ S 2    D11-Laut-Walker vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
    PASS       6.50  18.50  Pass Out  C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C5-Black Jr-Black
    PASS       6.50  18.50  Pass Out  C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C6-Luk-Bonner
    PASS       6.50  18.50  Pass Out  D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D5-Wright-Wright
    PASS       6.50  18.50  Pass Out  D10-Fink-Morgan vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        100    3.50  21.50  2♠ N -1   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        100    3.50  21.50  2♣ S -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        180    2.00  23.00  1N* E 1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        300    1.00  24.00  3♣ S -3   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        800    0.00  25.00  3* S -3  C1-Francis-Marosey vs C10-Clelland-Hart
11 ♠J
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 4 2 1♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣4 ♦2 ♥5 ♠6 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +130 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         25.00   0.00  3♠* E -3  C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  400         23.50   1.50  3N S 3    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C11-Clough-Steele
  400         23.50   1.50  3N N 3    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  130         20.00   5.00  4 S 4    D11-Laut-Walker vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  130         20.00   5.00  3 N 4    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  130         20.00   5.00  1 N 4    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  130         20.00   5.00  1 N 4    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  130         20.00   5.00  1 N 4    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  110         17.00   8.00  1 N 3    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
         50   11.50  13.50  3N S -1   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C3-Henke-Kane
         50   11.50  13.50  3N S -1   D8-Smith-Smith vs D10-Innis-Hanson
         50   11.50  13.50  3N N -1   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C13-Yates-Haynes
         50   11.50  13.50  3N N -1   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C10-Clelland-Hart
         50   11.50  13.50  3N N -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
         50   11.50  13.50  3N N -1   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
         50   11.50  13.50  3N N -1   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D8-Johnson-Battin
         50   11.50  13.50  3N N -1   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D7-Ward-Watson
         50   11.50  13.50  6 S -1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D5-Wright-Wright
         50   11.50  13.50  5♣ N -1   D4-Devere-de Barros vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        100    4.00  21.00  3N N -2   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        100    4.00  21.00  3N N -2   D10-Fink-Morgan vs D1-Beard-Werner
        100    4.00  21.00  5 N -2   D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D9-Jones-Ware
        100    4.00  21.00  5 N -2   D2-Thornton-French vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        100    4.00  21.00  4 N -2   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C12-Snowden-Carson
        300    0.50  24.50  6* S -2  C7-Simmons-Needham vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        300    0.50  24.50  5* N -2  C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
12 ♠J3
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4  ♣5 ♥6 ♠6 NT5
EW: 2♣ 1 1♠ 1NT  ♦3
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +130 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  670         25.00   0.00  3* S 3   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  200         24.00   1.00  4♣ W -4   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  150         21.00   4.00  3N E -3   D4-Devere-de Barros vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  150         21.00   4.00  4♠ E -3   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C3-Henke-Kane
  150         21.00   4.00  4 W -3   D11-Laut-Walker vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  150         21.00   4.00  3 W -3   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  150         21.00   4.00  4♣ W -3   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D7-Ward-Watson
  130         18.00   7.00  3 N 4    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  110         16.50   8.50  3 N 3    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  110         16.50   8.50  3 N 3    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  100         12.00  13.00  3N E -2   C1-Francis-Marosey vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  100         12.00  13.00  3N E -2   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  100         12.00  13.00  3N E -2   C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  100         12.00  13.00  2N E -2   D2-Thornton-French vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  100         12.00  13.00  4♠ E -2   D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D9-Jones-Ware
  100         12.00  13.00  4♠ E -2   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  100         12.00  13.00  4♣ W -2   D10-Fink-Morgan vs D1-Beard-Werner
   50          6.00  19.00  3N E -1   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
   50          6.00  19.00  2N E -1   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C12-Snowden-Carson
   50          6.00  19.00  2N E -1   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D8-Johnson-Battin
   50          6.00  19.00  3♠ W -1   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
   50          6.00  19.00  3♣ W -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        100    2.50  22.50  3 N -1   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C11-Clough-Steele
        100    2.50  22.50  3 N -1   D8-Smith-Smith vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        500    1.00  24.00  4* N -2  C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        530    0.00  25.00  3* W 3   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D5-Wright-Wright
13 ♠853
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2  ♦6 ♠4 NT5
EW: 1 3♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♥4
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         25.00   0.00  1♣** E -1 C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C3-Henke-Kane
  200         24.00   1.00  3 W -2   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D5-Wright-Wright
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ W -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   C6-Allegar-Beard vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D7-Ward-Watson
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D8-Smith-Smith vs D9-Jones-Ware
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D10-Fink-Morgan vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D11-Laut-Walker vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  100         16.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        100    8.00  17.00  2♣ N -1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        120    7.00  18.00  2N E 2    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D1-Beard-Werner
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ W 3    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        140    4.50  20.50  3♠ E 3    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        140    4.50  20.50  2♠ W 3    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        200    2.00  23.00  3♣ S -2   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        500    0.50  24.50  3♣* S -2  C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        500    0.50  24.50  3♣* S -2  C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C11-Clough-Steele
14 ♠A85
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 4 6 6♠ 6NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦2 ♥1 ♠1 NT1
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +990 6NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
 1100         25.00   0.00  2* W -5  C6-Allegar-Beard vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  990         23.50   1.50  6N S 6    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  990         23.50   1.50  6N S 6    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  520         21.50   3.50  3N S 7    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  520         21.50   3.50  3N S 7    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C11-Clough-Steele
  490         17.00   8.00  3N S 6    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C3-Henke-Kane
  490         17.00   8.00  3N S 6    D2-Thornton-French vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  490         17.00   8.00  3N N 6    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  490         17.00   8.00  3N N 6    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  490         17.00   8.00  3N N 6    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  490         17.00   8.00  3N N 6    D8-Smith-Smith vs D9-Jones-Ware
  490         17.00   8.00  3N N 6    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  480         12.50  12.50  4 S 6    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  480         12.50  12.50  4 N 6    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  460          7.00  18.00  3N S 5    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D7-Ward-Watson
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D1-Beard-Werner
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  460          7.00  18.00  3N N 5    D11-Laut-Walker vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  450          2.00  23.00  4 S 5    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  430          1.00  24.00  3N N 4    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D5-Wright-Wright
        100    0.00  25.00  6N N -2   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
15 ♠J8
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1  ♥5 ♠4 NT5
EW: 2/1 3♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♦6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         25.00   0.00  2 W -2   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D10-Innis-Hanson
   50         24.00   1.00  4♠ E -1   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        110   21.50   3.50  2♠ W 2    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        110   21.50   3.50  2♠ E 2    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C11-Clough-Steele
        110   21.50   3.50  2♠ E 2    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        110   21.50   3.50  2♠ E 2    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        140   14.50  10.50  3♠ E 3    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C12-Snowden-Carson
        140   14.50  10.50  2♠ E 3    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        140   14.50  10.50  2♠ E 3    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        140   14.50  10.50  2♠ E 3    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        140   14.50  10.50  2♠ E 3    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C3-Henke-Kane
        140   14.50  10.50  2♠ E 3    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        140   14.50  10.50  2♠ E 3    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
        140   14.50  10.50  1♠ E 3    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        140   14.50  10.50  1♠ E 3    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        140   14.50  10.50  2 W 3    D8-Smith-Smith vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        150    9.00  16.00  2N W 3    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D5-Wright-Wright
        170    5.00  20.00  3♠ E 4    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        170    5.00  20.00  2♠ W 4    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        170    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 4    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        170    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 4    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C5-Black Jr-Black
        170    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 4    D2-Thornton-French vs D9-Jones-Ware
        170    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 4    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        170    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 4    D11-Laut-Walker vs D1-Beard-Werner
        420    1.00  24.00  4♠ E 4    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        500    0.00  25.00  3* N -2  D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D7-Ward-Watson
16 ♠74
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣1 ♦6 ♥2 ♠3 NT2
EW: 5♣ 1 4 3♠ 5/4NT
LoTT: 17 - 15 = +2
Par: -660 5NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         24.50   0.50  4♠ E -2   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C11-Clough-Steele
  200         24.50   0.50  6 E -2   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  100         20.50   4.50  6N W -1   D10-Fink-Morgan vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  100         20.50   4.50  4♠ E -1   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  100         20.50   4.50  4♠ E -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D9-Jones-Ware
  100         20.50   4.50  6 E -1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  100         20.50   4.50  4 E -1   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  100         20.50   4.50  4 E -1   D8-Smith-Smith vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        150   17.00   8.00  4♣ W 5    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        600   15.50   9.50  5♣ W 5    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        600   15.50   9.50  5♣ W 5    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        620   13.50  11.50  5♣ W 6    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        620   13.50  11.50  5♣ W 6    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D7-Ward-Watson
        650   11.00  14.00  4 E 5    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        650   11.00  14.00  4 E 5    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        650   11.00  14.00  4 E 5    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C3-Henke-Kane
        660    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        660    8.50  16.50  3N W 5    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D5-Wright-Wright
        680    7.00  18.00  4 E 6    D11-Laut-Walker vs D1-Beard-Werner
        690    3.00  22.00  3N W 6    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        690    3.00  22.00  3N W 6    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        690    3.00  22.00  3N W 6    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C5-Black Jr-Black
        690    3.00  22.00  3N W 6    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        690    3.00  22.00  3N W 6    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        690    3.00  22.00  3N W 6    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        690    3.00  22.00  3N W 6    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D10-Innis-Hanson
17 ♠J863
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 1  ♥5 ♠5 NT5
EW: 1 2♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♦6
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  470         25.00   0.00  3* N 3   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  150         24.00   1.00  1N N 3    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  120         23.00   2.00  2N N 2    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  100         21.50   3.50  2N W -2   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  100         21.50   3.50  4 E -2   C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C2-Strait-Hammond
   50         17.50   7.50  1N W -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C12-Snowden-Carson
   50         17.50   7.50  1N E -1   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C10-Clelland-Hart
   50         17.50   7.50  2♠ E -1   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C11-Clough-Steele
   50         17.50   7.50  2♠ E -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
   50         17.50   7.50  2♠ E -1   D4-Devere-de Barros vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
   50         17.50   7.50  2♠ E -1   D11-Laut-Walker vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
    PASS      12.00  13.00  Pass Out  C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
    PASS      12.00  13.00  Pass Out  D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
    PASS      12.00  13.00  Pass Out  D3-Hay-Vancil vs D10-Innis-Hanson
    PASS      12.00  13.00  Pass Out  D10-Fink-Morgan vs D11-Mead-Wainz
    PASS      12.00  13.00  Pass Out  D12-Ballon-Warren vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C3-Henke-Kane
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    D2-Thornton-French vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D1-Beard-Werner
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D5-Wright-Wright
        110    5.50  19.50  2♠ E 2    D8-Smith-Smith vs D7-Ward-Watson
        120    1.00  24.00  1N W 2    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D9-Jones-Ware
        150    0.00  25.00  2 S -3   C1-Francis-Marosey vs C6-Luk-Bonner
18 ♠AJT32
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 4♠  ♦6 ♥5/4 NT6
EW: 1 2  ♣5 ♠3 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +500 5*-EW-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ S 4    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D5-Wright-Wright
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ N 4    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ N 4    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ N 4    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  620         23.00   2.00  4♠ N 4    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  500         19.50   5.50  5* E -3  C8-Christopher-Darden vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  500         19.50   5.50  5* E -3  C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C11-Clough-Steele
  200         18.00   7.00  3♠ N 5    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N 4    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  170         16.00   9.00  3♠ N 4    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  170         16.00   9.00  2♠ N 4    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  140         14.00  11.00  3♠ N 3    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  100         12.00  13.00  4* W -1  C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  100         12.00  13.00  4 E -2   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  100         12.00  13.00  4 E -2   C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C2-Strait-Hammond
   50          9.50  15.50  4 E -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D9-Jones-Ware
   50          9.50  15.50  3 E -1   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        100    7.00  18.00  4♠ N -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        100    7.00  18.00  4♠ N -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        100    7.00  18.00  4♠ N -1   D11-Laut-Walker vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        140    3.00  22.00  3 E 3    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        140    3.00  22.00  3 E 3    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C3-Henke-Kane
        140    3.00  22.00  3 E 3    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        140    3.00  22.00  3 E 3    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D1-Beard-Werner
        140    3.00  22.00  3 E 3    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        200    0.00  25.00  4♠ N -2   D8-Smith-Smith vs D7-Ward-Watson
19 ♠KT8
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 2NT  ♥6 ♠4
EW: 1 2♠  ♣5 ♦5 NT5
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +120 2NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  120         25.00   0.00  1N N 2    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D5-Wright-Wright
  110         24.00   1.00  3♣ N 3    D8-Smith-Smith vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  100         22.00   3.00  2 W -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C11-Clough-Steele
  100         22.00   3.00  2 W -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D7-Ward-Watson
  100         22.00   3.00  2 E -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C3-Henke-Kane
   90         17.00   8.00  1N N 1    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C5-Black Jr-Black
   90         17.00   8.00  1N N 1    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C13-Yates-Haynes
   90         17.00   8.00  1N N 1    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C2-Strait-Hammond
   90         17.00   8.00  1N N 1    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C6-Luk-Bonner
   90         17.00   8.00  1N N 1    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
   90         17.00   8.00  1N N 1    D11-Laut-Walker vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
   90         17.00   8.00  1N N 1    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
         50   12.50  12.50  2N N -1   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
         50   12.50  12.50  1N N -1   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D9-Jones-Ware
        100   11.00  14.00  3 N -2   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        110    9.00  16.00  2♠ E 2    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        110    9.00  16.00  2♠ E 2    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        110    9.00  16.00  2♠ E 2    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D1-Beard-Werner
        140    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 3    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        140    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 3    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        140    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 3    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        140    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 3    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        140    5.00  20.00  2♠ E 3    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        150    2.00  23.00  4♣ N -3   C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C12-Snowden-Carson
        170    1.00  24.00  2♠ E 4    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        650    0.00  25.00  4♠ E 5    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
20 ♠4
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2  ♥5/4 ♠2 NT3
EW: 2 4♠ 3NT  ♣5 ♦5
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: -620 4♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ W 4    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D1-Beard-Werner
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ E 4    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C5-Black Jr-Black
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ E 4    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ E 4    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ E 4    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ E 4    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D5-Wright-Wright
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ E 4    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        170   21.50   3.50  3♠ E 4    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        200   16.00   9.00  3♠ E 5    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        200   16.00   9.00  3♠ E 5    D8-Smith-Smith vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        200   16.00   9.00  2♠ E 5    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
        230   13.50  11.50  2♠ E 6    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        230   13.50  11.50  2♠ E 6    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C10-Clelland-Hart
        500   12.00  13.00  5♣* N -2  C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C3-Henke-Kane
        620    9.00  16.00  4♠ E 4    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
        620    9.00  16.00  4♠ E 4    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        620    9.00  16.00  4♠ E 4    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D9-Jones-Ware
        620    9.00  16.00  4♠ E 4    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        620    9.00  16.00  4♠ E 4    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D8-Johnson-Battin
        650    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 5    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C11-Clough-Steele
        650    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 5    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        650    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 5    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        650    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 5    D2-Thornton-French vs D7-Ward-Watson
        650    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 5    D11-Laut-Walker vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        650    3.00  22.00  4♠ E 5    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
        650    3.00  22.00  4 E 5    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C12-Snowden-Carson
21 ♠2
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 2 4  ♠6 NT6
EW: 1♠ 1NT  ♣3 ♦5 ♥2
LoTT: 17 - 20 = -3
Par: +500 4NT*-EW/4♠*-EW-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  850         25.00   0.00  5* S 5   C7-Simmons-Needham vs C3-Henke-Kane
  650         23.00   2.00  5 S 5    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  650         23.00   2.00  5 S 5    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  650         23.00   2.00  4 S 5    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  300         21.00   4.00  4♠* W -2  C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C11-Clough-Steele
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ W -4   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  200         19.50   5.50  4♠ W -4   D11-Laut-Walker vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  150         17.00   8.00  4♠ E -3   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D1-Beard-Werner
  150         17.00   8.00  3♠ W -3   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  150         17.00   8.00  3♠ E -3   C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  100         13.00  12.00  4♠ W -2   C6-Allegar-Beard vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  100         13.00  12.00  4♠ W -2   C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  100         13.00  12.00  4♠ W -2   C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  100         13.00  12.00  4♠ W -2   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  100         13.00  12.00  4♠ E -2   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
   50          5.50  19.50  4♠ W -1   C1-Francis-Marosey vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
   50          5.50  19.50  4♠ E -1   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C5-Black Jr-Black
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ W -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C10-Clelland-Hart
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ W -1   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ W -1   D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ W -1   D2-Thornton-French vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ W -1   D8-Smith-Smith vs D5-Wright-Wright
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ W -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D7-Ward-Watson
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ W -1   D10-Fink-Morgan vs D9-Jones-Ware
   50          5.50  19.50  3♠ E -1   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C6-Luk-Bonner
        140    0.00  25.00  3♠ W 3    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C12-Snowden-Carson
22 ♠T73
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 3 3♠ 3NT  ♣6
EW: 1/-♣
       ♣7/6 ♦6 ♥4/3 ♠4 NT4
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +400 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         24.50   0.50  1N* W -3  D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  800         24.50   0.50  3* E -3  C7-Simmons-Needham vs C3-Henke-Kane
  400         23.00   2.00  1N W -4   D11-Laut-Walker vs D11-Mead-Wainz
  200         21.50   3.50  1N W -2   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D7-Ward-Watson
  200         21.50   3.50  1N E -2   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  170         20.00   5.00  2 S 4    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  140         13.50  11.50  3 N 3    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  140         13.50  11.50  3 N 3    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C11-Clough-Steele
  140         13.50  11.50  3 N 3    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  140         13.50  11.50  2 S 3    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  140         13.50  11.50  2 S 3    D2-Thornton-French vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  140         13.50  11.50  2 S 3    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  140         13.50  11.50  2 N 3    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  140         13.50  11.50  2 N 3    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  140         13.50  11.50  2 N 3    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  140         13.50  11.50  2 N 3    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  140         13.50  11.50  2 N 3    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  140         13.50  11.50  2 N 3    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  110          6.50  18.50  2 N 2    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  110          6.50  18.50  2 N 2    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  100          4.50  20.50  1N E -1   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  100          4.50  20.50  1N E -1   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
         50    1.50  23.50  4 N -1   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D1-Beard-Werner
         50    1.50  23.50  4 N -1   D8-Smith-Smith vs D5-Wright-Wright
         50    1.50  23.50  3 N -1   C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C12-Snowden-Carson
         50    1.50  23.50  3 N -1   D10-Fink-Morgan vs D9-Jones-Ware
23 ♠KT9
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 4 2NT  ♥6 ♠6
EW: 1 1♠  ♣4 ♦3 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +130 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         24.00   1.00  3N N 3    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  600         24.00   1.00  3N N 3    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  600         24.00   1.00  3N N 3    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  200         22.00   3.00  2 E -2   D2-Thornton-French vs D5-Wright-Wright
  150         20.50   4.50  2N N 3    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  150         20.50   4.50  3 N 5    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D7-Ward-Watson
  130         16.00   9.00  4 N 4    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C11-Clough-Steele
  130         16.00   9.00  4 N 4    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  130         16.00   9.00  3 N 4    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  130         16.00   9.00  3 N 4    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  130         16.00   9.00  3 N 4    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D9-Jones-Ware
  130         16.00   9.00  2 N 4    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  130         16.00   9.00  3♣ N 4    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  110         11.00  14.00  3 N 3    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  110         11.00  14.00  3 N 3    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  110         11.00  14.00  3 N 3    D8-Smith-Smith vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  100          9.00  16.00  2 E -1   D11-Laut-Walker vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        100    6.50  18.50  3N N -1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        100    6.50  18.50  2N N -1   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
        100    6.50  18.50  5 N -1   C7-Simmons-Needham vs C2-Strait-Hammond
        100    6.50  18.50  3 N -1   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
        110    4.00  21.00  2 E 2    D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        200    2.50  22.50  3N N -2   C1-Francis-Marosey vs C3-Henke-Kane
        200    2.50  22.50  3N N -2   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
        300    0.50  24.50  3N S -3   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
        300    0.50  24.50  3N N -3   D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D1-Beard-Werner
24 ♠Q52
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 3 5 5NT  ♠6
EW: -/1♠  ♣1 ♦4 ♥0 ♠6/7 NT1
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: +920 6♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  690         25.00   0.00  4* S 5   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  510         24.00   1.00  4 S 7    C7-Simmons-Needham vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  480         19.50   5.50  5♠ S 6    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  480         19.50   5.50  4 S 6    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  480         19.50   5.50  4 S 6    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  480         19.50   5.50  4 S 6    D8-Smith-Smith vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  480         19.50   5.50  4 S 6    D12-Ballon-Warren vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  480         19.50   5.50  4 S 6    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D1-Beard-Werner
  480         19.50   5.50  4 N 6    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  480         19.50   5.50  4 N 6    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  450         14.00  11.00  4 S 5    D2-Thornton-French vs D5-Wright-Wright
  450         14.00  11.00  4 S 5    D11-Laut-Walker vs D10-Innis-Hanson
  450         14.00  11.00  4 N 5    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  420          8.00  17.00  4 S 4    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  420          8.00  17.00  4 S 4    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  420          8.00  17.00  4 S 4    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D7-Ward-Watson
  420          8.00  17.00  5♣ N 6    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C3-Henke-Kane
  420          8.00  17.00  5♣ N 6    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C11-Clough-Steele
  420          8.00  17.00  5♣ N 6    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C13-Yates-Haynes
  420          8.00  17.00  5♣ N 6    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  420          8.00  17.00  5♣ N 6    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D9-Jones-Ware
  420          8.00  17.00  5♣ N 6    D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  170          2.50  22.50  4♣ N 6    C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  170          2.50  22.50  3♣ N 6    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D8-Johnson-Battin
         50    1.00  24.00  4 S -1   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D11-Mead-Wainz
        100    0.00  25.00  6 S -2   C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
25 ♠A4
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 5 2NT  ♥4 ♠4
EW: 2 3♠  ♣3 ♦1 NT4
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: +400 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  520         25.00   0.00  3N N 7    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D7-Ward-Watson
  490         24.00   1.00  3N N 6    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  430         21.00   4.00  3N N 4    C1-Francis-Marosey vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  430         21.00   4.00  3N N 4    C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  430         21.00   4.00  3N N 4    C6-Allegar-Beard vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  430         21.00   4.00  3N N 4    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  430         21.00   4.00  3N N 4    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  420         18.00   7.00  5 S 6    D4-Devere-de Barros vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  400         17.00   8.00  3N N 3    D3-Hay-Vancil vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  150         15.50   9.50  1N N 3    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  150         15.50   9.50  4 S 5    C8-Christopher-Darden vs C3-Henke-Kane
  130         12.50  12.50  4 S 4    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  130         12.50  12.50  3 S 4    D8-Smith-Smith vs D3-Becker-Van Ness
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ N 4    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ N 4    D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D1-Beard-Werner
  110         10.00  15.00  3 S 3    D2-Thornton-French vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
  100          9.00  16.00  3 E -1   D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
         50    6.00  19.00  5 S -1   C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C11-Clough-Steele
         50    6.00  19.00  5 S -1   C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C13-Yates-Haynes
         50    6.00  19.00  5 S -1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D11-Mead-Wainz
         50    6.00  19.00  5 N -1   C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
         50    6.00  19.00  5 N -1   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
        100    2.50  22.50  5 S -2   D11-Laut-Walker vs D9-Jones-Ware
        100    2.50  22.50  4 S -2   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        150    1.00  24.00  6 S -3   D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D5-Wright-Wright
        730    0.00  25.00  3* E 3   C7-Simmons-Needham vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
26 ♠J8432
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2 3 2♠ 1NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥3 ♠4/5 NT6
LoTT: 14 - 16 = -2
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         25.00   0.00  2N E -3   C1-Francis-Marosey vs C2-Strait-Hammond
  200         23.00   2.00  1N E -2   C4-Jurgens-Pedersen vs C8-Van Zevern-Harder
  200         23.00   2.00  1N E -2   C7-Simmons-Needham vs C1-D'Arcy-Chau
  200         23.00   2.00  1N E -2   D3-Hay-Vancil vs D6-Wetzler-Benninghoven
  170         20.00   5.00  3 S 4    D9-Bredall-Hegarty vs D5-Wright-Wright
  170         20.00   5.00  2 N 4    C9-Goldston-Sundbye vs C5-Black Jr-Black
  170         20.00   5.00  2 N 4    D1-Dietrich-Walker vs D2-Jenkins-Lager
  140         16.50   8.50  3 N 3    C3-Pennell-Pennell vs C6-Luk-Bonner
  140         16.50   8.50  2 N 3    C2-Washburn-Ruffin vs C4-Jalving-Gallagher
  140         16.50   8.50  2 N 3    D10-Fink-Morgan vs D7-Ward-Watson
  140         16.50   8.50  2 N 3    D13-Comerford-Comerford vs D13-Weinstein-Eber
  120         14.00  11.00  1N S 2    C5-Farnsworth-McLennan vs C10-Clelland-Hart
  110         13.00  12.00  2♠ N 2    C11-McKenzie-Vetter vs C9-Ranney-Ranney
  100         10.00  15.00  1N E -1   C6-Allegar-Beard vs C12-Snowden-Carson
  100         10.00  15.00  1N E -1   C8-Christopher-Darden vs C3-Henke-Kane
  100         10.00  15.00  1N E -1   D4-Devere-de Barros vs D8-Johnson-Battin
  100         10.00  15.00  1N E -1   D6-Sloop-Schoen vs D12-Kinningham-Curran
  100         10.00  15.00  1N E -1   D12-Ballon-Warren vs D11-Mead-Wainz
   90          7.00  18.00  2 S 2    C12-Gunter-Garrett vs C11-Clough-Steele
         90    5.50  19.50  1N E 1    C10-Nelson-Nelson vs C7-Dorton-Dorton
         90    5.50  19.50  2 W 2    D2-Thornton-French vs D4-Gardner-Marshall
        100    3.00  22.00  3N S -1   D11-Laut-Walker vs D9-Jones-Ware
        100    3.00  22.00  2N S -1   D5-Somervill-Culbertson vs D10-Innis-Hanson
        100    3.00  22.00  2 S -1   D7-Motlong-Blackketter vs D1-Beard-Werner
        200    0.50  24.50  3♠* N -1  C13-Clough-Kristjansdottir vs C13-Yates-Haynes
        200    0.50  24.50  4 N -2   D8-Smith-Smith vs D3-Becker-Van Ness