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ACBL District 19 Regionals and Events
9:30 am, TBA ♦ Sunday A/X Swiss Teams
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Masterpoint Winners Photo Gallery

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180 players with Masterpoints (37 with photos, 143 without photos)

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Patrick Dunn
21.04 MP

Polly Dunn
21.04 MP

Shan Huang
21.04 MP

Daniel Korbel
19.33 MP

Ellen Anten
19.33 MP

Gerry McCully
19.33 MP

Jonathan Steinberg
19.33 MP

Rhonda Foster
19.33 MP

Steve Gross
19.33 MP

Gerry Marshall
16.83 MP

Hendrik Sharples
16.83 MP

James Wu
12.42 MP

John Hurdle
9.82 MP

Trudy Hurdle
9.82 MP

Edgar L'Heureux
8.84 MP

Jane Youngberg
8.84 MP

Rebecca Clough
8.41 MP

Roger Clough
8.41 MP

Tony Petronella
7.36 MP

Justin Lall
6.22 MP

Kevin Dwyer
6.22 MP

Aidan Ballantyne
4.72 MP

John Cox
4.72 MP

Katrin Litwin
4.72 MP

Rock Shi Yan
2.25 MP

Edward Frymoyer
2.00 MP

Stanley Roberts
1.75 MP

Aaron Mohrman
1.50 MP

Bryan Maksymetz
1.50 MP

Curley Anderson
1.50 MP

Martin Henneberger
1.00 MP

Nelson Davis
1.00 MP

Marv Norden
0.75 MP

Ernie Tradewell
0.50 MP

Nicole Dupuis
0.50 MP

Robert Todd
0.25 MP

Theresa Andino
0.25 MP


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