Las Vegas Regional

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Field strength:  Mean: 122 MP  Geomean: 87 MP
(based on 105 players, 5 non ACBL players ignored)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Michael Blanchard - Richard Blacksmith 65.47 5.37 Red
Ellen Coll - Linda Oldenburg 62.77 4.03 Red
Patricia Avotins - Peter Avotins 62.29 3.02 Red
Cherie Dougherty - James Dougherty 62.22 2.27 Red
Alan Cawi - Irwin Rosenfeld 61.98 1.70 Red
Dennis Brewer - Teddie Lynn Brewer 61.47 2.86 Red
Germaine Trenary - Trish Larsen 60.50 1.70 Red
Darlene Harrison - William Dilks 59.99 2.15 Red
Lois Shinberg - Marilyn Box 58.66 1.61 Red
Linda Krause - Robert Krause 57.59 0.85 Red
Mike Sampson - Millie Sampson 56.60 1.21 Red
Eleanor Thomas - Rex Thomas 56.48 1.19 Red
Partnership Pct Masterpoints
Donna Fisher - Maria Poh 56.45 0.98 Red
Marianne Kortes - Norman Kortes 56.40 0.70 Red
Ellen Brabson - Patsy Waltemath 56.10 0.85 Red
Nancy McCormick - Teri Grundstedt 55.93 0.60 Red
Carol Lubomudrov - Sharon Aspenberg 55.50 0.75 Red
Paul Moss - Richard Broughton 54.51 0.54 Red
Carlene Reininga - John Reininga, Jr 54.11 0.75 Red
Mary Bujanovich - Susie Houck 53.52 0.54 Red
James Chisholm - Michael Knight 53.08 0.28 Red
Janice Kunst - Rita Weil 52.65 0.49 Red
M Linda Edlin - Susan Dugas 52.41 0.34 Red
Lori Hays - Mark Hays 52.10 0.28 Red
EVENT>0-300 Aft Charity Pairs  |SESSION>Mon Aft-Only |SECTION> S N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
DATE>June 17, 2013      |SANCTION>R1306013  | 06/17/2013 18:43|EVENT CODE>0102
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--- -----------------
CITY>Las Vegas, NV   |RATING>Regional                     |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  276.0 |TOP>  23 |MP LIMITS>300/200/100    |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT D=14/E=12/F=8                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Patsy Neveau           Duane Fifer              F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    286.54  51.91          
 2 Beverly Hoover         Maudelle Terry           E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    221.72  40.17          
 3 Robert Krause          Linda Krause             E   .     .     .   |   3     3     .    317.88  57.59  0.85Red 
 4 Michael Curry          Dianne Marie Bostic      F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    258.51  46.83          
 5 Carolyn Blair          Barb Thompson            F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    237.12  42.96          
 6 Barbara Dali           Terri Richards           D   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    234.57  42.49          
 7 Kathy Moss             Leyvonne McIntyre        F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    222.14  40.24          
 8 Dennis Brewer          Teddie Lynn Brewer       F   6     4     1   |   2     2     1    339.31  61.47  2.86Red 
 9 Carlene Reininga       John Reininga, Jr        F   .     .     .   |   5     4     2    298.68  54.11  0.75Red 
10 James Meade            Carol Morgan             F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    209.01  37.86          
11 Susie Houck            Mary Bujanovich          F   .     .     .   |   6     5     3    295.41  53.52  0.54Red 
12 Ellen Coll             Linda Oldenburg          E   2     2     .   |   1     1     .    346.47  62.77  4.03Red 
13 Teri Grundstedt        Nancy McCormick          D   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    308.72  55.93  0.60Red 
14 Kenneth Shafer         Christine Woodward       E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    245.59  44.49          
                                          Totals                                           3821.67       

EVENT>0-300 Aft Charity Pairs  |SESSION>Mon Aft-Only |SECTION> S E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  276.0 |TOP>  23 |MP LIMITS>300/200/100    |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT D=14/E=11/F=6                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Pam Nuccio             Pat Sullivan             F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    229.90  41.65          
 2 James Dougherty        Cherie Dougherty         D   4     .     .   |   2     .     .    343.46  62.22  2.27Red 
 3 Judy Lord              Linda Decost             E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    284.06  51.46          
 4 Janice Kunst           Rita Weil                F   .     .     .   |   6     4     .    290.63  52.65  0.49Red 
 5 Linda Dillon           Ruth Roe                 E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    223.62  40.51          
 6 Alan Cawi              Irwin Rosenfeld          D   5     .     .   |   3     .     .    342.14  61.98  1.70Red 
 7 Norman Kortes          Marianne Kortes          F   .     .     .   |   5     3     2    311.34  56.40  0.70Red 
 8 Elizabeth Hamilton     Rolf Houtkooper          F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    275.48  49.91          
 9 John Balzer            Nancy Alvarado           F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    216.83  39.28          
10 Brian Sokolik          Grace Sokolik            E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    250.90  45.45          
11 Maria Poh              Donna Fisher             F   .     .     6   |   4     2     1    311.59  56.45  0.98Red 
12 Richard Blacksmith     Michael Blanchard        E   1     1     .   |   1     1     .    361.38  65.47  5.37Red 
13 Henry Blazek           Geraldine Johnston       D   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    262.57  47.57          
14 David Hawkins          Surendra Gupta           E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    202.43  36.67          
                                          Totals                                           3906.33       

EVENT>0-300 Aft Charity Pairs  |SESSION>Mon Aft-Only |SECTION> T N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  276.0 |TOP>  23 |MP LIMITS>300/200/100    |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT D=14/E=12/F=6                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Shamci Rafani          Sandy Clayton            F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    164.03  29.72          
 2 Sharon Eshelman        Harold Eshelman          D   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    248.86  45.08          
 3 Dan Lester             Ann Matthews             E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    275.99  50.00          
 4 Marilyn Box            Lois Shinberg            F   .     .     3   |   3     3     2    323.83  58.66  1.61Red 
 5 Dawn Campbell          Charles Wright           E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    281.65  51.02          
 6 Patricia Avotins       Peter Avotins            E   3     3     .   |   1     1     .    343.84  62.29  3.02Red 
 7 Millie Sampson         Mike Sampson             F   .     .     4   |   4     4     .    312.45  56.60  1.21Red 
 8 Lori Hays              Mark Hays                F   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    287.61  52.10  0.28Red 
 9 Loretta Green          Donna Phelps             F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    232.16  42.06          
10 Ronda White            Helen Newton             E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    276.56  50.10          
11 Darlene Harrison       William Dilks            F   .     6     2   |   2     2     1    331.17  59.99  2.15Red 
12 Dale Phillips          Peter Clark              D   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    273.82  49.61          
13 M Linda Edlin          Susan Dugas              E   .     .     .   |   5     5     .    289.32  52.41  0.34Red 
14 Nathan Roser           Marlene Jones            E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    264.47  47.91          
                                          Totals                                           3905.76       

EVENT>0-300 Aft Charity Pairs  |SESSION>Mon Aft-Only |SECTION> T E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------,-----------------
AVE>  276.0 |TOP>  23 |MP LIMITS>300/200/100    |TOURN>2013 Las Vegas Regional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT D=14/E=11/F=8                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F|Rnk-D|Rnk-E|Rnk-F| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Cynthia Rose           Gary Rose                F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    267.73  48.50          
 2 Donald Robinson        Vicky Martinez           D   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    232.30  42.08          
 3 Shirley Shane          Clarence Merskin         E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    236.64  42.87          
 4 Darlene Macdonald      Carolyn Parmelee         F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    244.66  44.32          
 5 Germaine Trenary       Trish Larsen             E   .     5     .   |   1     1     .    333.95  60.50  1.70Red 
 6 Ellen Brabson          Patsy Waltemath          D   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    309.65  56.10  0.85Red 
 7 Richard Broughton      Paul Moss                F   .     .     .   |   5     4     3    300.88  54.51  0.54Red 
 8 Sharon Aspenberg       Carol Lubomudrov         F   .     .     .   |   4     3     2    306.36  55.50  0.75Red 
 9 Eleanor Thomas         Rex Thomas               F   .     .     5   |   2     2     1    311.76  56.48  1.19Red 
10 Melinda Johnson        Marie Allison            F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    233.08  42.22          
11 John Hardy             Barry Shomer             F   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    253.01  45.84          
12 James Chisholm         Michael Knight           F   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    292.99  53.08  0.28Red 
13 Virginia Bailey        M Shean Marshall         E   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    222.58  40.32          
                                          Totals                                           3545.59       

1 ♠AQ3
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 1 2/1 1NT  ♠6
EW: 1♠  ♣5 ♦5 ♥5 NT5
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +100 2♠*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  400         22.98   0.02  3N N 3    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S3-Lord-Decost
  150         21.93   1.07  3♠ E -3   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  110         20.89   2.11  2 S 2    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  100         19.85   3.15  3♠ E -2   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
   50         18.80   4.20  3♠ E -1   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S11-Poh-Fisher
         50   13.59   9.41  3N N -1   S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
         50   13.59   9.41  3N N -1   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
         50   13.59   9.41  3N N -1   T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T10-Johnson-Allison
         50   13.59   9.41  2N N -1   T9-Green-Phelps vs T3-Shane-Merskin
         50   13.59   9.41  2N N -1   T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T7-Broughton-Moss
         50   13.59   9.41  2N N -1   T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
         50   13.59   9.41  4 S -1   S6-Dali-Richards vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
         50   13.59   9.41  2 S -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
         50   13.59   9.41  2 S -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T1-Rose-Rose
        100    6.28  16.72  3N N -2   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        100    6.28  16.72  3N N -2   T14-Roser-Jones vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        100    6.28  16.72  2 S -2   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        100    6.28  16.72  2 S -2   T10-White-Newton vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        100    6.28  16.72  3♣ N -2   S4-Curry-Bostic vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        150    2.11  20.89  3N N -3   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        150    2.11  20.89  4 S -3   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        150    2.11  20.89  4 S -3   T12-Phillips-Clark vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        500    0.02  22.98  4* S -3  S5-Blair-Thompson vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
2 ♠KT9
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦4 ♥6 ♠2 NT3
EW: 2 1 4♠ 2NT  ♣6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -420 4♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        200   22.46   0.54  3♠ E 5    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        200   22.46   0.54  3♠ E 5    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        230   20.89   2.11  2♠ E 6    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        420   17.24   5.76  4♠ E 4    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        420   17.24   5.76  4♠ E 4    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S3-Lord-Decost
        420   17.24   5.76  4♠ E 4    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        420   17.24   5.76  4♠ E 4    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        420   17.24   5.76  4♠ E 4    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        420   17.24   5.76  4♠ E 4    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    S6-Dali-Richards vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T1-Rose-Rose
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        450    8.89  14.11  4♠ E 5    T14-Roser-Jones vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        480    1.59  21.41  4♠ E 6    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        480    1.59  21.41  4♠ E 6    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        480    1.59  21.41  4♠ E 6    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        480    1.59  21.41  4♠ E 6    T10-White-Newton vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
3 ♠54
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦6 ♥6 ♠2 NT2
EW: 5♣ 5♠ 4/5NT  ♦6 ♥6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -660 5NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
        170   22.46   0.54  3♠ E 4    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        170   22.46   0.54  2♠ E 4    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        180   20.89   2.11  2N W 4    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        200   19.85   3.15  3♠ W 5    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        600   18.80   4.20  3N W 3    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        620   16.72   6.28  4♠ W 4    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        620   16.72   6.28  4♠ W 4    S6-Dali-Richards vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        620   16.72   6.28  4♠ E 4    T8-Hays-Hays vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ W 5    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ W 5    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ W 5    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ W 5    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ W 5    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ W 5    T10-White-Newton vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T1-Rose-Rose
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        650    7.85  15.15  4♠ E 5    T14-Roser-Jones vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        680    0.02  22.98  4♠ W 6    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
4 ♠73
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 5 4♠ 1NT  ♦6
EW: 1  ♣4 ♥2 ♠3 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +650 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  790         22.98   0.02  4* N 4   T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  650         20.89   2.11  4 N 5    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  650         20.89   2.11  4 N 5    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  650         20.89   2.11  4 N 5    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  620         17.76   5.24  4 S 4    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
  620         17.76   5.24  4 S 4    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
  620         17.76   5.24  4 N 4    T14-Roser-Jones vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  400         14.63   8.37  5 E -4   T8-Hays-Hays vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  400         14.63   8.37  5 E -4   T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
  400         14.63   8.37  2♣ W -4   S5-Blair-Thompson vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
  300         12.54  10.46  2♣ W -3   T9-Green-Phelps vs T1-Rose-Rose
  200          9.93  13.07  3 N 5    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  200          9.93  13.07  2 S 5    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
  200          9.93  13.07  3 E -2   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
  200          9.93  13.07  2♣ W -2   S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
  170          6.80  16.20  3 S 4    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
  170          6.80  16.20  2 S 4    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T7-Broughton-Moss
  140          4.72  18.28  3♠ S 3    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  140          4.72  18.28  2♠ S 3    S6-Dali-Richards vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  100          2.63  20.37  3 E -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S11-Poh-Fisher
  100          2.63  20.37  3 E -1   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        100    1.07  21.93  3♠ S -1   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        110    0.02  22.98  3 E 3    T10-White-Newton vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
5 ♠T87632
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣1 ♦3 ♥1 ♠5/4 NT1
EW: 6♣ 4 6 2♠ 6NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         22.98   0.02  6 E -1   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        400   21.93   1.07  3N E 3    T14-Roser-Jones vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        430   20.89   2.11  3N E 4    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        450   18.28   4.72  4 W 5    S3-Krause-Krause vs S3-Lord-Decost
        450   18.28   4.72  4 W 5    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        450   18.28   4.72  4 W 5    T10-White-Newton vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        450   18.28   4.72  4 W 5    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        460   14.63   8.37  3N W 5    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        460   14.63   8.37  3N W 5    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        460   14.63   8.37  3N E 5    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        480    8.37  14.63  5 W 6    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        480    8.37  14.63  4 W 6    S6-Dali-Richards vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        480    8.37  14.63  4 W 6    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        480    8.37  14.63  4 W 6    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        480    8.37  14.63  4 W 6    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        480    8.37  14.63  4 W 6    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        480    8.37  14.63  4 W 6    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        480    8.37  14.63  4 E 6    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        480    8.37  14.63  4 E 6    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        490    2.11  20.89  3N W 6    T8-Hays-Hays vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        490    2.11  20.89  3N E 6    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        490    2.11  20.89  3N E 6    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        980    0.02  22.98  6 W 6    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T1-Rose-Rose
6 ♠AKQT42
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠ 1/-NT
       ♣6/5 ♦5 ♥3 NT7/6
EW: 1♣ 2 4  ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -300 4♠*-NS-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  500         22.46   0.54  5* E -2  S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  500         22.46   0.54  5* E -2  T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
  420         20.89   2.11  4♠ N 4    T8-Hays-Hays vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  300         19.85   3.15  5 E -3   S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S11-Poh-Fisher
  200         17.76   5.24  5 W -2   T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
  200         17.76   5.24  5 E -2   S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  200         17.76   5.24  5 E -2   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
  110         15.67   7.33  2♠ N 2    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  100         13.59   9.41  4 E -1   T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T1-Rose-Rose
  100         13.59   9.41  4 E -1   T14-Roser-Jones vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  100         13.59   9.41  3 E -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
         50   10.98  12.02  4♠ N -1   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
         50   10.98  12.02  3♠ N -1   S2-Hoover-Terry vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        100    8.37  14.63  4♠ N -2   S3-Krause-Krause vs S3-Lord-Decost
        100    8.37  14.63  4♠ N -2   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        100    8.37  14.63  4♠* N -1  T10-White-Newton vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        150    5.24  17.76  5♠ N -3   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        150    5.24  17.76  4♠ N -3   T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        150    5.24  17.76  4♠ N -3   T12-Phillips-Clark vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        300    3.15  19.85  4♠* N -2  T3-Lester-Matthews vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        500    1.59  21.41  4♠* N -3  S6-Dali-Richards vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        500    1.59  21.41  4♠* N -3  S10-Meade-Morgan vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        620    0.02  22.98  4 E 4    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
7 ♠AQT94
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 3♠  ♣4 ♥4 NT6
EW: 3♣ 3 -/1NT
       ♦4 ♠4 NT6/7
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         22.46   0.54  4 W -3   T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  300         22.46   0.54  4♣ E -3   T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  200         20.89   2.11  3 E -2   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  170         19.85   3.15  2♠ N 4    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  140         18.28   4.72  3♠ N 3    T14-Roser-Jones vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  140         18.28   4.72  2♠ N 3    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  100         13.59   9.41  4 W -1   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S3-Lord-Decost
  100         13.59   9.41  4 E -1   S3-Krause-Krause vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
  100         13.59   9.41  3 E -1   T10-White-Newton vs T1-Rose-Rose
  100         13.59   9.41  2 E -1   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S11-Poh-Fisher
  100         13.59   9.41  2 E -1   S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
  100         13.59   9.41  2 E -1   T9-Green-Phelps vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  100         13.59   9.41  3♣ E -1   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        100    9.41  13.59  3♠ N -1   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        110    7.85  15.15  2 E 2    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        110    7.85  15.15  3♣ W 3    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        140    5.76  17.24  3 W 3    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        140    5.76  17.24  3 E 3    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        170    3.67  19.33  3 E 4    T8-Hays-Hays vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        170    3.67  19.33  3 E 4    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        200    2.11  20.89  3♠ N -2   T3-Lester-Matthews vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        500    1.07  21.93  4♠* N -2  S10-Meade-Morgan vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        620    0.02  22.98  4 E 4    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
8 ♠A2
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 5 1/-♠ 3NT  ♦6 ♠7/6
EW: 1  ♣5 ♥2 ♠6 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +450 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S11-Poh-Fisher
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T8-Hays-Hays vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T10-White-Newton vs T1-Rose-Rose
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
  450         15.67   7.33  4 N 5    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  420          6.28  16.72  4 N 4    S3-Krause-Krause vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
  420          6.28  16.72  4 N 4    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S3-Lord-Decost
  420          6.28  16.72  4 N 4    T14-Roser-Jones vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  200          3.67  19.33  3 N 5    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  200          3.67  19.33  3 N 5    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  170          2.11  20.89  3 N 4    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
  150          1.07  21.93  2N S 3    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
         50    0.02  22.98  5 S -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
9 ♠765
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1/2 4 -/1♠ 3NT
       ♣4 ♠6/7
EW: 3♣  ♦1/5 ♥1 ♠5/6 NT1
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: +420 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  510         22.98   0.02  4 N 7    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  450         21.41   1.59  4 S 5    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  450         21.41   1.59  4 S 5    T8-Hays-Hays vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  420         17.76   5.24  4 S 4    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  420         17.76   5.24  4 S 4    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  420         17.76   5.24  4 S 4    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
  420         17.76   5.24  4 S 4    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  420         17.76   5.24  4 S 4    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T7-Broughton-Moss
  230         14.63   8.37  2 S 6    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  200         13.59   9.41  5♣ W -2   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  170         10.46  12.54  3 S 4    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S3-Lord-Decost
  170         10.46  12.54  3 S 4    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  170         10.46  12.54  3 S 4    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T1-Rose-Rose
  170         10.46  12.54  3 S 4    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  170         10.46  12.54  2 S 4    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
         50    4.72  18.28  4 S -1   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S11-Poh-Fisher
         50    4.72  18.28  4 S -1   S3-Krause-Krause vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
         50    4.72  18.28  4 S -1   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
         50    4.72  18.28  4 S -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
         50    4.72  18.28  4 S -1   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
         50    4.72  18.28  4 N -1   T14-Roser-Jones vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        100    1.07  21.93  5 S -2   S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        130    0.02  22.98  4♣ W 4    T9-Green-Phelps vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
10 ♠Q854
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦1 ♥0 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 6 7 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -2210 7-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         22.98   0.02  6 E -2   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  100         21.93   1.07  6 E -1   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        230   20.37   2.63  3 E 6    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        230   20.37   2.63  2 E 6    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
        620   18.80   4.20  4 E 4    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        630   17.76   5.24  3N E 4    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        650   16.20   6.80  4 E 5    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        650   16.20   6.80  4 E 5    T8-Hays-Hays vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        660   12.54  10.46  3N E 5    S3-Krause-Krause vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        660   12.54  10.46  3N E 5    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        660   12.54  10.46  3N E 5    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        660   12.54  10.46  3N E 5    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T1-Rose-Rose
        660   12.54  10.46  3N E 5    T14-Roser-Jones vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        680    8.37  14.63  4 E 6    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        680    8.37  14.63  4 E 6    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        680    8.37  14.63  4 E 6    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        710    5.76  17.24  4 E 7    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        710    5.76  17.24  4 E 7    T9-Green-Phelps vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
       1430    3.67  19.33  6 E 6    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
       1430    3.67  19.33  6 E 6    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
       1440    2.11  20.89  6N W 6    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
       1460    0.54  22.46  6 E 7    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S3-Lord-Decost
       1460    0.54  22.46  6 E 7    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
11 ♠42
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦2 ♥5 ♠3 NT5
EW: 4 1 3♠ 2NT  ♣6
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   70         22.98   0.02  1♣ S 1    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T1-Rose-Rose
        100   21.93   1.07  3♣ S -2   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        120   20.37   2.63  2N E 2    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        120   20.37   2.63  2N E 2    S6-Dali-Richards vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        130   17.24   5.76  3 E 4    S3-Krause-Krause vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        130   17.24   5.76  3 E 4    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        130   17.24   5.76  3 E 4    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        130   17.24   5.76  3 E 4    T10-White-Newton vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        150    9.41  13.59  3 W 5    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        150    9.41  13.59  3 W 5    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        150    9.41  13.59  3 W 5    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S3-Lord-Decost
        150    9.41  13.59  3 W 5    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        150    9.41  13.59  3 W 5    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        150    9.41  13.59  3 E 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        150    9.41  13.59  2 W 5    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        150    9.41  13.59  2 W 5    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        150    9.41  13.59  2 E 5    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        150    9.41  13.59  2 E 5    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
        150    9.41  13.59  2 E 5    T14-Roser-Jones vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        170    3.15  19.85  3 W 6    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        180    2.11  20.89  1N E 4    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        200    1.07  21.93  2N S -4   T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        400    0.02  22.98  5 W 5    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T3-Shane-Merskin
12 ♠A52
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦6 ♥6 ♠6 NT6
EW: 1♠ 1/-NT
       ♣6 ♦6 ♥6 NT7/6
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -90 1NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
   50         22.98   0.02  2N E -1   S3-Krause-Krause vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
         80   20.37   2.63  1♠ W 1    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
         80   20.37   2.63  1♠ W 1    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
         80   20.37   2.63  1♠ W 1    T10-White-Newton vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
         80   20.37   2.63  1♠ E 1    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
         90   17.24   5.76  1N W 1    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
         90   17.24   5.76  1N W 1    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        110   14.11   8.89  1♠ W 2    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S3-Lord-Decost
        110   14.11   8.89  1♠ W 2    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        110   14.11   8.89  1♠ W 2    T9-Green-Phelps vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        110   14.11   8.89  1♠ E 2    T14-Roser-Jones vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        120   10.98  12.02  1N W 2    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        120   10.98  12.02  1N W 2    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        140    6.80  16.20  2♠ W 3    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        140    6.80  16.20  1♠ W 3    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        140    6.80  16.20  1♠ W 3    S6-Dali-Richards vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        140    6.80  16.20  1♠ W 3    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        140    6.80  16.20  1♠ W 3    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        140    6.80  16.20  1♠ W 3    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T1-Rose-Rose
        150    3.15  19.85  1N W 3    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        170    2.11  20.89  1♠ W 4    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        300    0.54  22.46  3N S -3   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        300    0.54  22.46  3 N -3   S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S11-Poh-Fisher
13 ♠AQ72
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 1♠ 2NT  ♥5
EW: 2/1  ♣3 ♦3 ♠4 NT4/3
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +130 4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         22.98   0.02  4 E -2   T12-Phillips-Clark vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  140         21.93   1.07  2♠ N 3    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  130         20.37   2.63  3 N 4    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  130         20.37   2.63  3♣ S 4    S3-Krause-Krause vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
  120         18.80   4.20  2N N 2    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  110         16.72   6.28  3 N 3    S6-Dali-Richards vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  110         16.72   6.28  2 N 3    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
  110         16.72   6.28  3♣ N 3    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T1-Rose-Rose
  100         13.07   9.93  3♠ E -1   T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
  100         13.07   9.93  3 E -1   T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  100         13.07   9.93  3 E -1   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T7-Broughton-Moss
  100         13.07   9.93  2 E -1   T3-Lester-Matthews vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        100    9.41  13.59  2♠ N -1   S4-Curry-Bostic vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        100    9.41  13.59  3 N -1   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        100    9.41  13.59  4♣ S -1   S2-Hoover-Terry vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        110    7.33  15.67  2 E 2    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        140    5.24  17.76  2 E 3    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        140    5.24  17.76  2 E 3    T10-White-Newton vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        140    5.24  17.76  1 E 3    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S3-Lord-Decost
        200    3.15  19.85  3♣ S -2   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        300    1.07  21.93  3N N -3   S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        300    1.07  21.93  2N N -3   T14-Roser-Jones vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        300    1.07  21.93  2♠ N -3   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
14 ♠J94
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 2 3♠ 2/3NT
EW:  ♣6 ♦3 ♥5 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: +400 3NT-S
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  800         22.98   0.02  2* E -4  T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
  500         21.93   1.07  3N* W -3  T12-Phillips-Clark vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  180         19.85   3.15  2N S 4    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  180         19.85   3.15  2N N 4    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
  180         19.85   3.15  1N S 4    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  150         16.20   6.80  2N N 3    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T1-Rose-Rose
  150         16.20   6.80  1N S 3    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  150         16.20   6.80  3♣ W -3   S3-Krause-Krause vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
  150         16.20   6.80  2♣ E -3   S5-Blair-Thompson vs S3-Lord-Decost
  120         11.50  11.50  2N S 2    T10-White-Newton vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  120         11.50  11.50  1N S 2    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  120         11.50  11.50  1N S 2    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  120         11.50  11.50  1N S 2    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
  120         11.50  11.50  1N S 2    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  100          7.85  15.15  3♣ W -2   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  100          7.85  15.15  2♣ W -2   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T7-Broughton-Moss
   90          5.76  17.24  1N N 1    T14-Roser-Jones vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
   90          5.76  17.24  2 N 2    S6-Dali-Richards vs S5-Dillon-Roe
   50          3.67  19.33  2 E -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
   50          3.67  19.33  2♣ W -1   T3-Lester-Matthews vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
         50    1.07  21.93  1N S -1   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
         50    1.07  21.93  3♠ S -1   S2-Hoover-Terry vs S11-Poh-Fisher
         50    1.07  21.93  2 S -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
15 ♠Q75
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2♠ 2NT  ♦6 ♥5
EW: 1 2  ♣4 ♠5 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +100 3*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  600         22.98   0.02  3N N 3    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  200         21.93   1.07  3♠ E -4   S4-Curry-Bostic vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  150         20.89   2.11  1N N 3    T8-Hays-Hays vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  110         17.76   5.24  3♣ N 3    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  110         17.76   5.24  3♣ N 3    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T1-Rose-Rose
  110         17.76   5.24  2♣ N 3    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
  110         17.76   5.24  2♣ N 3    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  110         17.76   5.24  2♣ N 3    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  100         12.54  10.46  3♠ E -2   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  100         12.54  10.46  3 W -2   T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  100         12.54  10.46  3 E -2   S2-Hoover-Terry vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  100         12.54  10.46  3 E -2   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
  100         12.54  10.46  2 W -2   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S3-Lord-Decost
   90          8.89  14.11  2♣ N 2    S3-Krause-Krause vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
   90          8.89  14.11  2♣ N 2    T14-Roser-Jones vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
   50          7.33  15.67  1N E -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
    PASS       6.28  16.72  Pass Out  S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        100    3.67  19.33  2♠ S -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        100    3.67  19.33  3♣ N -1   S5-Blair-Thompson vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        100    3.67  19.33  3♣ N -1   T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        100    3.67  19.33  3♣ N -1   T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        200    1.07  21.93  3♠ S -2   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        300    0.02  22.98  3N N -3   S6-Dali-Richards vs S4-Kunst-Weil
16 ♠Q76
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♠  ♣5/4 ♦2 ♥5/6 NT5
EW: 1/2♣ 5 1 2NT  ♠6
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -600 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  200         22.98   0.02  5 W -2   S6-Dali-Richards vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  110         20.37   2.63  2♠ S 2    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  110         20.37   2.63  2♠ S 2    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  110         20.37   2.63  2♠ S 2    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  110         20.37   2.63  2♠ S 2    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  100         17.76   5.24  3♣ W -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T7-Broughton-Moss
         50   15.15   7.85  2♠ S -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
         50   15.15   7.85  2♠ S -1   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
         50   15.15   7.85  2♠ S -1   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
         50   15.15   7.85  2♠ S -1   T8-Hays-Hays vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        100    9.41  13.59  3♠ S -2   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        100    9.41  13.59  3♠ S -2   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        100    9.41  13.59  3♠ S -2   T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        100    9.41  13.59  2♠ S -2   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        100    9.41  13.59  2♠ S -2   S3-Krause-Krause vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        100    9.41  13.59  2♠ S -2   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S3-Lord-Decost
        100    9.41  13.59  2♠ S -2   T12-Phillips-Clark vs T1-Rose-Rose
        130    2.63  20.37  4 E 4    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        130    2.63  20.37  3 W 4    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        130    2.63  20.37  3 E 4    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        130    2.63  20.37  3 E 4    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        130    2.63  20.37  3 E 4    T14-Roser-Jones vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        130    2.63  20.37  2 E 4    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S5-Dillon-Roe
17 ♠J3
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1♠  ♣5/4 ♥2 NT3
EW: 2/1♣ 4 4NT  ♦4 ♠5
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: -430 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         22.98   0.02  2♠ S 3    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  130         21.93   1.07  4 S 4    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
   50         19.33   3.67  5 W -1   S2-Hoover-Terry vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
   50         19.33   3.67  5 W -1   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
   50         19.33   3.67  5 E -1   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
   50         19.33   3.67  5 E -1   T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        170   15.15   7.85  3 W 4    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        170   15.15   7.85  3 W 4    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        170   15.15   7.85  3 E 4    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        170   15.15   7.85  3 E 4    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        400   12.54  10.46  3N E 3    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        420    7.33  15.67  4 W 4    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        420    7.33  15.67  4 W 4    S6-Dali-Richards vs S3-Lord-Decost
        420    7.33  15.67  4 W 4    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T1-Rose-Rose
        420    7.33  15.67  4 W 4    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        420    7.33  15.67  4 W 4    T8-Hays-Hays vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        420    7.33  15.67  4 W 4    T9-Green-Phelps vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        420    7.33  15.67  4 W 4    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        420    7.33  15.67  4 E 4    S3-Krause-Krause vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        420    7.33  15.67  4 E 4    T14-Roser-Jones vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
        450    1.59  21.41  4 W 5    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        450    1.59  21.41  4 W 5    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
       1400    0.02  22.98  5♣* N -6  S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
18 ♠Q987
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣3 ♥3 ♠5 NT5
EW: 4♣ 3 2♠ 2NT  ♦4
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  110         22.98   0.02  3 N 3    T14-Roser-Jones vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  100         21.41   1.59  4 W -2   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  100         21.41   1.59  4 W -2   T3-Lester-Matthews vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
   50         13.59   9.41  3N W -1   S2-Hoover-Terry vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
   50         13.59   9.41  3N W -1   S3-Krause-Krause vs S11-Poh-Fisher
   50         13.59   9.41  3N W -1   T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
   50         13.59   9.41  4 W -1   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
   50         13.59   9.41  4 W -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S5-Dillon-Roe
   50         13.59   9.41  4 W -1   S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S4-Kunst-Weil
   50         13.59   9.41  4 W -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
   50         13.59   9.41  4 W -1   T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
   50         13.59   9.41  4 W -1   T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T3-Shane-Merskin
   50         13.59   9.41  4 E -1   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
   50         13.59   9.41  3 E -1   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
   50         13.59   9.41  5♣ E -1   S4-Curry-Bostic vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
   50         13.59   9.41  5♣ E -1   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T1-Rose-Rose
        140    5.76  17.24  3 W 3    T9-Green-Phelps vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        140    5.76  17.24  2 W 3    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        400    3.67  19.33  3N W 3    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        400    3.67  19.33  3N W 3    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        420    2.11  20.89  4 W 4    S6-Dali-Richards vs S3-Lord-Decost
        460    1.07  21.93  3N W 5    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        500    0.02  22.98  3* S -2  T8-Hays-Hays vs T7-Broughton-Moss
19 ♠973
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 2  ♣2 ♠2 NT6
EW: 4♣ 5♠  ♦4 ♥5 NT6
LoTT: 20 - 18 = +2
Par: -500 6*-NS-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  130         22.98   0.02  4 N 4    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  110         21.93   1.07  2 S 2    T10-White-Newton vs T10-Johnson-Allison
   90         20.89   2.11  1N S 1    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
         50   19.33   3.67  4 N -1   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
         50   19.33   3.67  4 N -1   T3-Lester-Matthews vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        140   16.72   6.28  3♠ W 3    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        140   16.72   6.28  3♠ W 3    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S3-Lord-Decost
        140   16.72   6.28  3♠ E 3    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T1-Rose-Rose
        170   14.11   8.89  3♠ W 4    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        170   14.11   8.89  3♠ W 4    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        200   10.98  12.02  3♠ W 5    S3-Krause-Krause vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        200   10.98  12.02  3♠ W 5    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        200   10.98  12.02  3♠ W 5    T8-Hays-Hays vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        200   10.98  12.02  3♠ W 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        300    8.37  14.63  4* N -2  S2-Hoover-Terry vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        650    4.20  18.80  5♠ E 5    T14-Roser-Jones vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        650    4.20  18.80  4♠ W 5    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        650    4.20  18.80  4♠ W 5    S6-Dali-Richards vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        650    4.20  18.80  4♠ W 5    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        650    4.20  18.80  4♠ E 5    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        650    4.20  18.80  4♠ E 5    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        650    4.20  18.80  4♠ E 5    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        680    0.02  22.98  4♠ W 6    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
20 ♠KJ873
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 1 1♠  ♣6 NT6
EW: 1♣ -/1NT
       ♦5/6 ♥6 ♠6 NT6/7
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -90 1NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         21.93   1.07  2N E -3   T10-White-Newton vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  300         21.93   1.07  3♠ E -3   T14-Roser-Jones vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  300         21.93   1.07  2 E -3   S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
  200         18.28   4.72  3N E -2   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
  200         18.28   4.72  3N E -2   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  200         18.28   4.72  2N E -2   S3-Krause-Krause vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  200         18.28   4.72  2♣ W -2   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  110         15.15   7.85  2♠ N 2    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  110         15.15   7.85  2 N 3    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  100         12.02  10.98  2N W -1   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
  100         12.02  10.98  2N E -1   T9-Green-Phelps vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  100         12.02  10.98  1N W -1   T3-Lester-Matthews vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
  100         12.02  10.98  1N E -1   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
         90    7.33  15.67  1N W 1    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
         90    7.33  15.67  1N W 1    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
         90    7.33  15.67  1N W 1    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S4-Kunst-Weil
         90    7.33  15.67  1N W 1    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T7-Broughton-Moss
         90    7.33  15.67  1N E 1    S6-Dali-Richards vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        100    4.20  18.80  2♠ N -1   T8-Hays-Hays vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        120    2.63  20.37  2N E 2    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        120    2.63  20.37  1N E 2    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S3-Lord-Decost
        140    1.07  21.93  2 E 3    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        300    0.02  22.98  3♠ N -3   T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T1-Rose-Rose
21 ♠4
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 5 2♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦4 ♥2 ♠5 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +650 5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  680         22.00   1.00  4 S 6    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
  680         22.00   1.00  4 S 6    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  680         22.00   1.00  4 N 6    T14-Roser-Jones vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  660         20.00   3.00  3N S 5    T10-White-Newton vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
  650         11.00  12.00  5 N 5    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S3-Krause-Krause vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S6-Dali-Richards vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S11-Poh-Fisher
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T1-Rose-Rose
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    T8-Hays-Hays vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
  650         11.00  12.00  4 S 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T7-Broughton-Moss
  650         11.00  12.00  4 N 5    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  650         11.00  12.00  4 N 5    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  630          2.00  21.00  3N N 4    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  620          1.00  22.00  4 S 4    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S3-Lord-Decost
  170          0.00  23.00  2 S 4    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
22 ♠9543
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 3  ♣5 ♠4 NT4
EW: 2/1♣ 1♠ 3/2NT  ♦5 ♥4
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -100 4*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  300         21.50   1.50  4♠ W -3   S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  300         21.50   1.50  4♠ W -3   S3-Krause-Krause vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
  300         21.50   1.50  4♠ E -3   S6-Dali-Richards vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
  300         21.50   1.50  4♠ E -3   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  200         19.00   4.00  3♠ W -2   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  140         18.00   5.00  3 N 3    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
  100         15.00   8.00  3N E -1   T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T1-Rose-Rose
  100         15.00   8.00  4♠ E -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S3-Lord-Decost
  100         15.00   8.00  4♠ E -1   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  100         15.00   8.00  2♠ W -1   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  100         15.00   8.00  2♠ W -1   T9-Green-Phelps vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        120   12.00  11.00  2N E 2    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        140   11.00  12.00  2♠ W 3    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        170    9.50  13.50  3♠ W 4    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        170    9.50  13.50  2♠ W 4    T10-White-Newton vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        600    7.50  15.50  3N E 3    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        600    7.50  15.50  3N E 3    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
        620    4.00  19.00  4♠ E 4    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        620    4.00  19.00  4♠ E 4    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        620    4.00  19.00  4♠ E 4    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        620    4.00  19.00  4♠ E 4    T8-Hays-Hays vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        620    4.00  19.00  4♠ E 4    T14-Roser-Jones vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        630    1.00  22.00  3N E 4    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        650    0.00  23.00  4♠ E 5    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
23 ♠KT86
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦2 ♥2 ♠5 NT2
EW: 5♣ 4 4 2♠ 4NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -630 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         21.93   1.07  3N E -1   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  100         21.93   1.07  4 W -1   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  100         21.93   1.07  4 W -1   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        150   19.33   3.67  4♣ E 5    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        150   19.33   3.67  2♣ E 5    T8-Hays-Hays vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
        600   16.72   6.28  3N W 3    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        600   16.72   6.28  3N E 3    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S3-Lord-Decost
        600   16.72   6.28  3N E 3    S3-Krause-Krause vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        630   11.50  11.50  3N W 4    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        630   11.50  11.50  3N W 4    S6-Dali-Richards vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
        630   11.50  11.50  3N W 4    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        630   11.50  11.50  3N W 4    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        630   11.50  11.50  3N E 4    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        630   11.50  11.50  3N E 4    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        630   11.50  11.50  3N E 4    T10-White-Newton vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        660    3.67  19.33  3N W 5    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        660    3.67  19.33  3N W 5    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        660    3.67  19.33  3N W 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        660    3.67  19.33  3N E 5    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        660    3.67  19.33  3N E 5    T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        660    3.67  19.33  3N E 5    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        660    3.67  19.33  3N E 5    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        660    3.67  19.33  3N E 5    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
24 ♠AT5
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2  ♣6 ♥5 ♠4 NT6
EW: 1 3♠ 1NT  ♣6 ♦5
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  430         22.98   0.02  3N N 4    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  150         21.93   1.07  2N N 3    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  120         20.89   2.11  1N S 2    T8-Hays-Hays vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  100         19.85   3.15  1N W -2   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
   90         18.28   4.72  2 S 2    S1-Neveau-Fifer vs S3-Lord-Decost
   90         18.28   4.72  2 S 2    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T7-Broughton-Moss
   50         15.67   7.33  1N W -1   T9-Green-Phelps vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
   50         15.67   7.33  3♠ W -1   S2-Hoover-Terry vs S5-Dillon-Roe
   50         15.67   7.33  2♠ W -1   S6-Dali-Richards vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
         50   13.59   9.41  3 S -1   S4-Curry-Bostic vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
         90   12.54  10.46  1N W 1    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        100    9.93  13.07  2N N -2   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        100    9.93  13.07  2N N -2   T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        100    9.93  13.07  2♣ S -2   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        100    9.93  13.07  2♣ N -2   T1-Rafani-Clayton vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        110    6.80  16.20  2♠ W 2    T10-White-Newton vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        110    6.80  16.20  1♠ W 2    S3-Krause-Krause vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        120    4.72  18.28  1N W 2    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
        120    4.72  18.28  1N W 2    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        140    1.59  21.41  2♠ W 3    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        140    1.59  21.41  2♠ W 3    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        140    1.59  21.41  2♠ W 3    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        140    1.59  21.41  1♠ W 3    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
25 ♠Q7643
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2♠ 1NT  ♣6/5 ♥5
EW: 1♣ 2  ♦5 ♠5 NT6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  140         23.00   0.00  2♠ N 3    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  110         19.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  110         19.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  110         19.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
  110         19.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  110         19.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    T8-Hays-Hays vs T3-Shane-Merskin
  110         19.00   4.00  3 S 3    S3-Krause-Krause vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
  110         19.00   4.00  3 S 3    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
  100         13.50   9.50  3 E -1   T4-Box-Shinberg vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  100         13.50   9.50  3 E -1   T12-Phillips-Clark vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  100         13.50   9.50  2 E -1   S5-Blair-Thompson vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  100         13.50   9.50  2 E -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
   90         10.50  12.50  1N S 1    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
   90         10.50  12.50  2 S 2    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S4-Kunst-Weil
         50    6.00  17.00  3♠ N -1   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
         50    6.00  17.00  3♠ N -1   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S11-Poh-Fisher
         50    6.00  17.00  3♠ N -1   T9-Green-Phelps vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
         50    6.00  17.00  2♠ N -1   S4-Curry-Bostic vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
         50    6.00  17.00  2♠ N -1   S6-Dali-Richards vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
         50    6.00  17.00  3 S -1   T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
         50    6.00  17.00  3 S -1   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T1-Rose-Rose
        100    2.00  21.00  3 S -2   S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S3-Lord-Decost
        110    0.50  22.50  2 E 2    T10-White-Newton vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        110    0.50  22.50  2 E 2    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
26 ♠53
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦2 ♥3 ♠1 NT1
EW: 4♣ 5/4 4 6♠ 6NT
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -1440 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  100         23.00   0.00  6♠ E -1   T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
        620   21.50   1.50  4♠ E 4    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S3-Lord-Decost
        620   21.50   1.50  4♠ E 4    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S5-Dillon-Roe
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T1-Rose-Rose
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    T10-White-Newton vs T7-Broughton-Moss
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        650   16.00   7.00  4♠ E 5    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        660   11.00  12.00  3N E 5    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T10-Johnson-Allison
        680    7.50  15.50  4♠ E 6    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        680    7.50  15.50  4♠ E 6    S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S1-Nuccio-Sullivan
        680    7.50  15.50  4♠ E 6    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        680    7.50  15.50  4♠ E 6    T2-Eshelman-Eshelman vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
        680    7.50  15.50  4♠ E 6    T8-Hays-Hays vs T3-Shane-Merskin
        680    7.50  15.50  4♠ E 6    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
        690    3.50  19.50  5N E 6    S3-Krause-Krause vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        690    3.50  19.50  3N E 6    S2-Hoover-Terry vs S4-Kunst-Weil
        710    2.00  21.00  4♠ E 7    T9-Green-Phelps vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        720    1.00  22.00  3N E 7    S6-Dali-Richards vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
       1430    0.00  23.00  6♠ E 6    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
27 ♠AK3
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 2 1 4♠ 4NT
EW:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥6 ♠3 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +430 4NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  630         22.98   0.02  3♠* S 4   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
  450         21.41   1.59  4♠ S 5    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  450         21.41   1.59  4♠ S 5    T9-Green-Phelps vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S3-Krause-Krause vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S4-Curry-Bostic vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S5-Blair-Thompson vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S6-Dali-Richards vs S11-Poh-Fisher
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    T3-Lester-Matthews vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ S 4    T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  420         13.07   9.93  4♠ N 4    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T7-Broughton-Moss
  400          4.72  18.28  3N N 3    T8-Hays-Hays vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
  400          4.72  18.28  3N N 3    T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
  170          3.15  19.85  3♠ S 4    T5-Campbell-Wright vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
  150          2.11  20.89  3 W -3   T10-White-Newton vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
         50    0.54  22.46  4♠ S -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
         50    0.54  22.46  4♠ S -1   S10-Meade-Morgan vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
28 ♠K32
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 3♠  ♦4 ♥4 NT6
EW: 3 2 1NT  ♣3 ♠4
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +100 4*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract
  620         22.98   0.02  4♠ N 4    S9-Reininga-Reininga, Jr vs S4-Kunst-Weil
  300         21.41   1.59  5* E -2  S8-Brewer-Brewer vs S2-Dougherty-Dougherty
  300         21.41   1.59  5* E -2  T13-Edlin-Dugas vs T12-Chisholm-Knight
  140         17.24   5.76  3♠ S 3    T12-Phillips-Clark vs T10-Johnson-Allison
  140         17.24   5.76  3♠ N 3    S3-Krause-Krause vs S5-Dillon-Roe
  140         17.24   5.76  2♠ S 3    S14-Shafer-Woodward vs S14-Hawkins-Gupta
  140         17.24   5.76  2♠ S 3    T4-Box-Shinberg vs T7-Broughton-Moss
  140         17.24   5.76  2♠ N 3    T6-Avotins-Avotins vs T11-Hardy-Shomer
  140         17.24   5.76  2♠ N 3    T10-White-Newton vs T6-Brabson-Waltemath
   50         13.59   9.41  4 E -1   S12-Coll-Oldenburg vs S10-Sokolik-Sokolik
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ S -1   S6-Dali-Richards vs S11-Poh-Fisher
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   S4-Curry-Bostic vs S7-Kortes-Kortes
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   S5-Blair-Thompson vs S9-Balzer-Alvarado
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   S7-Moss-McIntyre vs S13-Blazek-Johnston
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   S11-Houck-Bujanovich vs S8-Hamilton-Houtkooper
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   S13-Grundstedt-McCormick vs S12-Blacksmith-Blanchard
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   T3-Lester-Matthews vs T5-Trenary-Larsen
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   T5-Campbell-Wright vs T9-Thomas-Thomas
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   T7-Sampson-Sampson vs T13-Bailey-Marshall
        100    7.33  15.67  4♠ N -1   T8-Hays-Hays vs T2-Robinson-Martinez
        100    7.33  15.67  3♠ S -1   T11-Harrison-Dilks vs T8-Aspenberg-Lubomudrov
        110    0.54  22.46  3 W 3    S10-Meade-Morgan vs S6-Cawi-Rosenfeld
        110    0.54  22.46  3 E 3    T9-Green-Phelps vs T4-Macdonald-Parmelee