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Field strength:  Mean: 1185 MP  Geomean: 522 MP
(based on 115 players, 3 non ACBL players ignored)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Charles Quenneville - Patricia Sohler 74.81 1st OA 2.50
Sadu Marrott - Steve Mansfield 67.76 2nd OA 1.88
Don Pratt - Jim Horton 67.26 1st OB 1.84
David Zapatka - Jo Ann Zapatka 61.46 2nd SA 1.05
Larry Anfinson - Paul Kmetty 60.14 5th OA 0.79
Bob Borengasser - Vernon Hoover 59.19 6th OA 0.59
Carol Gerlach - Derek Mansfield 58.45 1st SA 1.50
Fred Smith - Linda Smith 58.25 3rd OB 1.04
Carolyn A Witmer - Ralph Witmer 57.32 2nd SA 1.05
Cynthia Smith - Marwin Smith 57.24 3rd SA 0.75
Anne Casey - Pennie Vales 57.17 4th SA 0.53
Rita Myrann - Vicki Aubrey 56.80 5th OB 0.58
Chuck Irwin - Judith Edinger 56.54 1st SA 1.50
Kay Glantz - Robert Glantz 56.52 2nd SB 0.62
Cynthia O Neil - Janet Boulanger 56.27 2nd SA 1.05
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Jerry Wasser - Jo Ann Scott 56.09 2nd SB 0.62
Dennis Hoffelt - Susan Hoffelt 56.04 3rd SB 0.44
Sydney Sides - William Stone 53.80 3rd SB 0.44
Charlotte Katz - Richard Katz 53.45 3rd SA 0.75
Ethel Englert - Geraldine Lecky 53.25 2nd SC 0.34
Clifford Hudson - Richard Catero 53.18 4th SA 0.53
Andrea Miller - Gloria Coles 52.08 3rd SB 0.48
Eugene Condon - Maxine Poulton 51.77 6th SA 0.25
Bonnie Butler - Howard Maves 50.85 1st SC 0.40
Jeannine Barnes - Laine Byrnes 50.64 4th SB 0.31
Marci Meyer - Virginia Pedersen 50.57 6th SA 0.25
Pauline Boyd - Rick Boyd 49.80 2nd SC 0.28
Eileen Friend - Sue Robinson 48.42 4th SB 0.31
Margaret Tam - Susan Stewart 46.84 2nd SC 0.22
EVENT>Monday Open Pairs        |SESSION>Monday Aft   |SECTION> A N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>December 1, 2014   |CLUB NO.>237719    | 12/01/2014 16:43
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Susan  Shaver   |RATING>Club Masterpoint (100%, 80%, 80% Open)|MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/NLM  |CLUB>Sun Lakes"At Oakwood" DBC
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=11/C=6                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Cynthia Smith          Marwin Smith             A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    372.08  57.24  0.75(SA)
 2 Laine Byrnes           Jeannine Barnes          B   .     .     .   |   5     4     .    329.16  50.64  0.31(SB)
 3 Hope Castellanos       Evelyn Gore              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    282.18  43.41          
 5 Virginia Pedersen      Marci Meyer              B   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    328.70  50.57  0.25(SA)
 6 Vicki Aubrey           Rita Myrann              C   .     5     3   |   4     3     2    369.22  56.80  0.58(OB)
 7 Cathy Tomlinson        Doris Hausmann           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    313.96  48.30          
 8 Doug Feisler           William Reisenbuchler    B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    303.88  46.75          
 9 Nadine Sutter          Sandra Labute            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    303.04  46.62          
10 Karin Molleman         Myrna Baker              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    309.14  47.56          
11 Tom Sheridan           Patricia Potter          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    258.84  39.82          
12 Anne Newman            Donna Hofer              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    261.44  40.22          
13 Carol Gerlach          Derek Mansfield          B   .     2     .   |   1     1     .    379.92  58.45  1.50(SA)
14 Ellen Bond             Jan Mooers               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    244.98  37.69          
15 Ralph Witmer           Carolyn A Witmer         C   .     4     2   |   2     2     1    372.60  57.32  1.05(SA)
                                          Totals                                           4429.14       

EVENT>Monday Open Pairs        |SESSION>Monday Aft   |SECTION> A E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/NLM  |CLUB>Sun Lakes"At Oakwood" DBC
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=11/C=6                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Larry Anfinson         Paul Kmetty              A   5     .     .   |   3     .     .    390.91  60.14  0.79(OA)
 2 Don Pratt              Jim Horton               B   3     1     .   |   1     1     .    437.19  67.26  1.84(OB)
 3 Katherine Gibbs        Roberta Marcus           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    276.77  42.58          
 4 Edwin Schmidt          Robert Brower            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    279.67  43.03          
 5 Roseanne Rinderknecht  Roger Rinderknecht       B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    316.52  48.70          
 6 Christine Garner       Ginny Troin              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    261.16  40.18          
 7 Vernon Hoover          Bob Borengasser          A   6     .     .   |   4     .     .    384.71  59.19  0.59(OA)
 8 Fred Binder            Robert Binder            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    337.31  51.89          
 9 Ethel Englert          Geraldine Lecky          C   .     .     5   |   .     4     2    346.13  53.25  0.34(SC)
10 Jo Ann Zapatka         David Zapatka            A   4     .     .   |   2     .     .    399.51  61.46  1.05(SA)
11 Michael Hedreen        Terrance Kilbreath       C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    289.92  44.60          
12 Jo Ann Scott           Jerry Wasser             C   .     .     4   |   5     2     1    364.56  56.09  0.62(SB)
13 Dennis Hoffelt         Susan Hoffelt            B   .     .     .   |   6     3     .    364.26  56.04  0.44(SB)
14 Sharyn Baldacci        James Gowan              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    278.22  42.80          
15 James Nulty            Randi Nulty              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    285.11  43.86          
                                          Totals                                           5011.95       

EVENT>Monday Open Pairs        |SESSION>Monday Aft   |SECTION> B N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/NLM  |CLUB>Sun Lakes"At Oakwood" DBC
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=11/C=4                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Charles Quenneville    Patricia Sohler          A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    486.24  74.81  2.50(OA)
 2 Robert Glantz          Kay Glantz               B   .     .     .   |   5     2     .    367.38  56.52  0.62(SB)
 3 Michelle Steiner       Philip Deleo             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    290.74  44.73          
 4 Steve Mansfield        Sadu Marrott             A   2     .     .   |   2     .     .    440.44  67.76  1.88(OA)
 5 Janet Rauscher         Dale Frink               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    296.40  45.60          
 6 Peter Burstynski       Marilee Burstynski       C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    267.32  41.13          
 7 Pennie Vales           Anne Casey               A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    371.62  57.17  0.53(SA)
 8 Sydney Sides           William Stone            B   .     .     .   |   6     3     .    349.72  53.80  0.44(SB)
 9 Susan Stewart          Margaret Tam             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     2    304.44  46.84  0.22(SC)
10 Bea Cannon             Roger Edwards            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    341.04  52.47          
11 Jean Whiteman          Jane McCague             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    259.78  39.97          
12 Lindsay Cantoni        Nancy Seamster           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    249.76  38.42          
13 Diane Anderson         Janis Holle              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    277.58  42.70          
14 Fred Smith             Linda Smith              C   .     3     1   |   3     1     1    378.64  58.25  1.04(OB)
15 Sue Robinson           Eileen Friend            B   .     .     .   |   .     4     .    314.76  48.42  0.31(SB)
                                          Totals                                           4995.86       

EVENT>Monday Open Pairs        |SESSION>Monday Aft   |SECTION> B E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  325.0 |TOP>  25 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/NLM  |CLUB>Sun Lakes"At Oakwood" DBC
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=15/B=12/C=5                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Clifford Hudson        Richard Catero           A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    345.64  53.18  0.53(SA)
 2 Janet Boulanger        Cynthia O Neil           B   .     .     .   |   2     2     .    365.78  56.27  1.05(SA)
 3 Howard Maves           Bonnie Butler            C   .     .     6   |   .     4     1    330.50  50.85  0.40(SC)
 4 Richard Katz           Charlotte Katz           A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    347.42  53.45  0.75(SA)
 5 Walter Chambers        Frances Warinner         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    295.00  45.38          
 6 Karin Hansen           Edie Leo                 C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    258.96  39.84          
 7 Judith Edinger         Chuck Irwin              B   .     6     .   |   1     1     .    367.48  56.54  1.50(SA)
 8 Andrea Miller          Gloria Coles             B   .     .     .   |   5     3     .    338.50  52.08  0.48(SB)
 9 Gloria Schrote         Barbara Hewitt           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    293.38  45.14          
10 Eugene Condon          Maxine Poulton           A   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    336.52  51.77  0.25(SA)
11 Linda Brock            Kathy Ronquist           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    319.60  49.17          
12 C Renee Tooke          Barbara Lubsen           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    263.30  40.51          
13 Kathy Markham          Kathleen Larson          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    280.38  43.14          
14 Pauline Boyd           Rick Boyd                C   .     .     .   |   .     5     2    323.72  49.80  0.28(SC)
15 Thomas Zosel           Cheri Zosel              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    287.96  44.30          
                                          Totals                                           4754.14       

1 ♠AKQ9
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 3 3 2♠ 3NT
       ♣4/2 ♦4/3 ♥4/3 ♠5 NT4/3
LoTT: 14 - 17 = -3
Par: +400 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  490         24.98   0.02  3N S 6    3  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  460         21.34   3.66  3N N 5    ♠J  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  460         21.34   3.66  3N N 5    ♠5  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  460         21.34   3.66  3N N 5    ♠5  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  460         21.34   3.66  3N N 5    ♠5  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  460         21.34   3.66  3N N 5    ♠5  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  460         21.34   3.66  3N N 5    ♠2  B8-Sides-Stone vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  430         16.14   8.86  3N S 4    ♠7  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A6-Garner-Troin
  430         16.14   8.86  3N N 4    ♠5  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A8-Binder-Binder
  430         16.14   8.86  3N N 4    ♠5  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  430         16.14   8.86  3N N 4    ♠5  B14-Smith-Smith vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  400         11.46  13.54  3N S 3    3  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  400         11.46  13.54  3N N 3    4  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B4-Katz-Katz
  400         11.46  13.54  5♣ S 5    ♠8  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
  400         11.46  13.54  5♣ S 5    ♠7  B7-Vales-Casey vs B13-Markham-Larson
  400         11.46  13.54  5♣ S 5    ♠3  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A2-Pratt-Horton
  300          8.34  16.66  1♠* E -2  ♣A  A1-Smith-Smith vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
         50    6.26  18.74  6♣ S -1   ♠8  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
         50    6.26  18.74  5♣ S -1   3  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A9-Englert-Lecky
         50    6.26  18.74  4♣ S -1   ♣8  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        100    2.10  22.90  6♣ S -2   ♠3  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B8-Miller-Coles
        100    2.10  22.90  5♣ S -2   3  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        100    2.10  22.90  5♣ S -2   3  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        100    2.10  22.90  5♣ S -2   2  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        100    2.10  22.90  5♣ S -2   ♣8  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
2 ♠AJ
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 3 3 2NT  ♠5
EW: 1♠  ♣5 ♦3 ♥4 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +140 3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  600         23.94   1.06  3N N 3    Q  B8-Sides-Stone vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  600         23.94   1.06  3N N 3    Q  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  600         23.94   1.06  3N N 3    ♣T  A1-Smith-Smith vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
  180         21.86   3.14  2N N 4    Q  B14-Smith-Smith vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  150         19.26   5.74  2N N 3    ♠9  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A6-Garner-Troin
  150         19.26   5.74  2N N 3    Q  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A8-Binder-Binder
  150         19.26   5.74  2N N 3    ♣T  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
  150         19.26   5.74  1 W -3   ♣A  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  140         16.66   8.34  2 N 3    Q  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  120         15.62   9.38  2N N 2    7  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  100         14.06  10.94  1 W -2   ♣A  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  100         14.06  10.94  1 W -2   ♣A  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        100    9.38  15.62  3N N -1   ♣6  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        100    9.38  15.62  2N N -1   Q  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B8-Miller-Coles
        100    9.38  15.62  2N N -1   ♣T  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B4-Katz-Katz
        100    9.38  15.62  2N N -1   ♣T  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        100    9.38  15.62  2N N -1   ♣8  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        100    9.38  15.62  2 N -1   Q  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        100    9.38  15.62  2 N -1   2  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        110    5.22  19.78  2♠ E 2    ♣3  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        140    3.66  21.34  2♠ E 3    ♣Q  B7-Vales-Casey vs B13-Markham-Larson
        140    3.66  21.34  2♠ E 3    ♣2  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        200    1.58  23.42  2 N -2   Q  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        200    1.58  23.42  3♣ S -2   A  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        400    0.02  24.98  3N N -4   ♠7  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
3 ♠AK7532
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3/2 2/1 4/3♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦4 ♥5 ♠3 NT4
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: +420 4♠-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  420         24.50   0.50  4♠ N 4    ♠6  B8-Sides-Stone vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  420         24.50   0.50  4♠ N 4    ♠4  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B13-Markham-Larson
  200         23.00   2.00  2♠ N 5    A  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A8-Binder-Binder
  170         16.50   8.50  3♠ N 4    A  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
  170         16.50   8.50  3♠ N 4    A  B14-Smith-Smith vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    ♠6  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    ♠6  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    A  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    A  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    A  B7-Vales-Casey vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    A  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B3-Maves-Butler
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    ♣3  A1-Smith-Smith vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    ♣3  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A2-Pratt-Horton
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    ♣3  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  170         16.50   8.50  2♠ N 4    ♣3  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  140          8.00  17.00  3♠ N 3    A  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  140          8.00  17.00  3♠ N 3    ♣3  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  140          8.00  17.00  2♠ N 3    ♠6  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B8-Miller-Coles
  140          8.00  17.00  2♠ N 3    ♠6  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  140          8.00  17.00  2♠ N 3    A  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  110          3.50  21.50  2♠ N 2    ♠6  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
  110          3.50  21.50  2♠ N 2    ♠6  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  110          3.50  21.50  2♠ N 2    ♠4  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  110          3.50  21.50  2♠ N 2    A  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  100          1.00  24.00  2 E -1   3  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        100    0.00  25.00  3N S -2   7  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
4 ♠AQ2
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 4/3 1 2NT  ♠6/5
EW: 1♠  ♣5/4 ♦3 ♥6/5 NT5/4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +130 4-N
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  630         24.50   0.50  3N N 4    ♠6  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  630         24.50   0.50  3N N 4    ♠3  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  300         23.00   2.00  2 W -3   Q  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B13-Markham-Larson
  200         21.00   4.00  3♠ E -2   ♣A  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  200         21.00   4.00  3♠* E -1  ♣A  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  200         21.00   4.00  2♠ E -2   ♣A  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  180         19.00   6.00  2N N 4    ♠6  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  150         17.00   8.00  2N N 3    ♠6  B14-Smith-Smith vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  150         17.00   8.00  3 S 5    6  A1-Smith-Smith vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  150         17.00   8.00  2 S 5    9  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B8-Miller-Coles
  130         13.50  11.50  3 N 4    9  B8-Sides-Stone vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  130         13.50  11.50  2 S 4    A  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  130         13.50  11.50  2 S 4    9  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A8-Binder-Binder
  130         13.50  11.50  2 S 4    9  B7-Vales-Casey vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  120         10.50  14.50  2N N 2    ♠8  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  120         10.50  14.50  2N N 2    ♠6  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  110          8.50  16.50  3 S 3    ♠J  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  110          8.50  16.50  2 S 3    ♠J  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  100          7.00  18.00  3♠ E -1   ♣K  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        100    4.50  20.50  3N S -1   ♠J  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        100    4.50  20.50  3N N -1   2  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        100    4.50  20.50  5 S -1   ♠J  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B3-Maves-Butler
        100    4.50  20.50  3 N -1   9  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        140    2.00  23.00  3♠ E 3    ♣A  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        200    1.00  24.00  4 S -2   ♠J  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        400    0.00  25.00  3N N -4   ♠8  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
5 ♠AQ63
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 2 2♠ 2NT  ♣4
EW: 3♣  ♦4 ♥4 ♠5 NT4
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -110 3♣-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  150         25.00   0.00  1N N 3    ♠5  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  120         23.50   1.50  1N S 2    ♣2  A1-Smith-Smith vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  120         23.50   1.50  1N N 2    5  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
   90         21.00   4.00  2 N 2    ♣8  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
   90         21.00   4.00  2 N 2    ♣8  B14-Smith-Smith vs B10-Condon-Poulton
   90         21.00   4.00  1 N 2    ♣7  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        100   14.50  10.50  2N S -1   ♠2  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   ♣9  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   ♣2  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   ♣2  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   ♣2  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   ♣2  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A6-Garner-Troin
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   ♣2  B8-Sides-Stone vs B13-Markham-Larson
        100   14.50  10.50  1N S -1   ♣2  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        100   14.50  10.50  1N N -1   ♣5  B7-Vales-Casey vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        100   14.50  10.50  2 N -1   ♣8  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        200    7.00  18.00  3N S -2   ♣T  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        200    7.00  18.00  2N S -2   ♣T  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        200    7.00  18.00  2N S -2   ♣9  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        200    7.00  18.00  2N S -2   ♣9  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B4-Katz-Katz
        200    7.00  18.00  2N S -2   ♣2  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B3-Maves-Butler
        300    2.00  23.00  3N S -3   ♣2  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A8-Binder-Binder
        300    2.00  23.00  3N S -3   ♣2  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        300    2.00  23.00  3N S -3   ♣2  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B8-Miller-Coles
        300    2.00  23.00  3N N -3   ♣8  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        300    2.00  23.00  3N N -3   ♣8  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B6-Hansen-Leo
6 ♠952
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 3♠  ♣4 ♥6 NT5
EW: 3♣  ♦5 ♥6 ♠3/4 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  420         25.00   0.00  4♠ S 4    ♣Q  A1-Smith-Smith vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  200         24.00   1.00  3♣ E -2   ♠K  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  170         22.50   2.50  3♠ S 4    ♣Q  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B8-Miller-Coles
  170         22.50   2.50  2♠ S 4    6  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A8-Binder-Binder
  150         21.00   4.00  2N N 3    ♣2  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    ♠3  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    ♣Q  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    ♣Q  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  140         17.50   7.50  3♠ S 3    ♣Q  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  140         17.50   7.50  2♠ S 3    3  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  140         17.50   7.50  2♠ S 3    3  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  100         13.50  11.50  4♣ E -1   ♠K  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A6-Garner-Troin
  100         13.50  11.50  3♣ E -1   ♠K  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
         50   10.00  15.00  4♠ S -1   ♠3  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
         50   10.00  15.00  4♠ S -1   A  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B6-Hansen-Leo
         50   10.00  15.00  4♠ S -1   ♣Q  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
         50   10.00  15.00  4♠ S -1   ♣Q  B7-Vales-Casey vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
         50   10.00  15.00  3♠ S -1   ♠6  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        110    6.50  18.50  2♣ E 3    ♠K  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B4-Katz-Katz
        110    6.50  18.50  2♣ E 3    ♠K  B14-Smith-Smith vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        130    3.50  21.50  3♣ E 4    ♠K  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        130    3.50  21.50  3♣ E 4    ♠K  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B3-Maves-Butler
        130    3.50  21.50  3♣ E 4    ♠K  B8-Sides-Stone vs B13-Markham-Larson
        130    3.50  21.50  3♣ E 4    ♠K  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        200    1.00  24.00  4 S -4   ♣Q  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        300    0.00  25.00  4♠* S -2  ♣Q  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A12-Scott-Wasser
7 ♠J532
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦5 ♥4 ♠6 NT6
EW: 2♣ 2 3 1♠ 1NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  200         22.90   2.10  3N E -2   T  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  200         22.90   2.10  3N E -2   T  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B4-Katz-Katz
  200         22.90   2.10  2N W -2   ♣2  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  200         22.90   2.10  1N W -2   7  B7-Vales-Casey vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  200         22.90   2.10  3 E -2   T  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  100         18.74   6.26  3N W -1   7  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  100         18.74   6.26  2N W -1   7  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  100         18.74   6.26  4 W -1   ♣3  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
         80   16.66   8.34  1♠ E 1    ♣7  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
         90   13.02  11.98  1N W 1    Q  B8-Sides-Stone vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
         90   13.02  11.98  1N W 1    7  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A9-Englert-Lecky
         90   13.02  11.98  1N W 1    7  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
         90   13.02  11.98  1N W 1    7  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B1-Hudson-Catero
         90   13.02  11.98  1N W 1    7  B14-Smith-Smith vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
         90   13.02  11.98  1N W 1    ♣2  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B3-Maves-Butler
        120    7.30  17.70  2N E 2    5  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        120    7.30  17.70  2N E 2    ♣7  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B13-Markham-Larson
        120    7.30  17.70  1N W 2    Q  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
        120    7.30  17.70  1N W 2    7  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        120    7.30  17.70  1N W 2    7  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        150    3.66  21.34  2N E 3    5  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        150    3.66  21.34  1N W 3    7  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        200    2.10  22.90  2 S -2   ♠Q  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        400    1.06  23.94  2 S -4   ♠Q  A1-Smith-Smith vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
       1100    0.02  24.98  2* S -4  ♠Q  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A2-Pratt-Horton
8 ♠KT87
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3/4♣ 2 3 5♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦5 ♥4 ♠2 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +450 5♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ S 5    9  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    8  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    8  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    8  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B13-Markham-Larson
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  B7-Vales-Casey vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  B8-Sides-Stone vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    7  B14-Smith-Smith vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    ♣T  A1-Smith-Smith vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    ♣T  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    ♣6  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  450         15.62   9.38  4♠ N 5    ♣3  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B4-Katz-Katz
  430          4.18  20.82  3N N 4    8  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B3-Maves-Butler
  430          4.18  20.82  3N N 4    7  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  430          4.18  20.82  3N N 4    7  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
         50    1.06  23.94  6♠ S -1   4  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
         50    1.06  23.94  6♠ S -1   T  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
         50    1.06  23.94  3 N -1   ♠Q  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A2-Pratt-Horton
9 ♠A952
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣  ♦3 ♥3 ♠3 NT3
EW: 4 3/4 4♠ 3/4NT  ♣6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -630 4NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  200         24.98   0.02  5* E -1  ♠6  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B13-Markham-Larson
         50   23.42   1.58  1N N -1   ♠Q  A1-Smith-Smith vs A12-Scott-Wasser
         50   23.42   1.58  1N N -1   ♠Q  B14-Smith-Smith vs B8-Miller-Coles
        100   20.30   4.70  1N N -2   ♠Q  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        100   20.30   4.70  1N N -2   ♠Q  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        100   20.30   4.70  1N N -2   ♠Q  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A6-Garner-Troin
        100   20.30   4.70  1N N -2   ♠Q  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        120   17.70   7.30  2N W 2    ♣6  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        140   16.66   8.34  2♠ E 3    6  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        150   14.58  10.42  1N N -3   ♠Q  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        150   14.58  10.42  1N N -3   ♠Q  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B4-Katz-Katz
        150   14.58  10.42  1N N -3   ♠8  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
        170   10.94  14.06  3♠ E 4    ♣8  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        170   10.94  14.06  2♠ W 4    A  B8-Sides-Stone vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        170   10.94  14.06  2♠ E 4    T  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B3-Maves-Butler
        170   10.94  14.06  2♠ E 4    ♣9  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        180    7.30  17.70  2N W 4    A  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        180    7.30  17.70  2N W 4    A  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        180    7.30  17.70  2N W 4    7  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
        200    4.70  20.30  1N N -4   ♠Q  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        200    4.70  20.30  1N N -4   ♠Q  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        630    1.58  23.42  3N W 4    A  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A8-Binder-Binder
        630    1.58  23.42  3N W 4    K  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        630    1.58  23.42  3N W 4    ♣6  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        630    1.58  23.42  3N W 4    ♣6  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B10-Condon-Poulton
10 ♠QJ6
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 1 3♠  ♣4 NT6
EW: 3♣  ♦3 ♥5 ♠3 NT6
LoTT: 19 - 17 = +2
Par: +140 3♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  650         24.98   0.02  4♠ S 5    ♣K  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  620         22.90   2.10  4♠ S 4    ♣K  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
  620         22.90   2.10  4♠ S 4    ♣K  B8-Sides-Stone vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  620         22.90   2.10  4♠ N 4    J  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B3-Maves-Butler
  200         20.30   4.70  3♠ S 5    J  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A6-Garner-Troin
  200         20.30   4.70  3 W -2   ♠Q  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  170         18.74   6.26  2♠ S 4    J  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  150         17.70   7.30  3 N 5    ♠A  B14-Smith-Smith vs B8-Miller-Coles
  140         16.14   8.86  3♠ S 3    J  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  140         16.14   8.86  2♠ S 3    J  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  110         13.54  11.46  2♠ S 2    J  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B13-Markham-Larson
  110         13.54  11.46  3 N 3    ♠A  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  110         13.54  11.46  3 N 3    ♠A  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  100         10.94  14.06  2 W -1   ♠Q  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  100         10.94  14.06  4♣ W -1   ♠Q  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        100    6.78  18.22  4♠ S -1   J  A1-Smith-Smith vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        100    6.78  18.22  4♠ S -1   J  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        100    6.78  18.22  4♠ S -1   ♣K  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        100    6.78  18.22  4♠ S -1   ♣K  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A8-Binder-Binder
        100    6.78  18.22  3♠ S -1   J  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        100    6.78  18.22  2 N -1   ♠A  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B4-Katz-Katz
        110    2.62  22.38  2♣ E 3    ♠T  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        110    2.62  22.38  2♣ E 3    2  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        200    1.06  23.94  4♠ S -2   ♣K  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
        300    0.02  24.98  2 N -3   ♣A  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B6-Hansen-Leo
11 ♠AKQJ9
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣5 ♦5 ♥6 NT6
EW: 2♣ 2  ♥5 ♠5 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: +100 3*-EW/3♣*-EW-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  150         24.98   0.02  2N S 3    K  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  140         23.94   1.06  1♠ N 3    A  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  120         22.38   2.62  2N S 2    K  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  120         22.38   2.62  2N S 2    K  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B13-Markham-Larson
  110         15.62   9.38  2♠ N 2    3  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  110         15.62   9.38  2♠ N 2    A  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  110         15.62   9.38  2♠ N 2    A  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B4-Katz-Katz
  110         15.62   9.38  2♠ N 2    A  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  110         15.62   9.38  1♠ N 2    3  A1-Smith-Smith vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  110         15.62   9.38  1♠ N 2    3  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
  110         15.62   9.38  1♠ N 2    A  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  110         15.62   9.38  1♠ N 2    A  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  110         15.62   9.38  1♠ N 2    A  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  110         15.62   9.38  1♠ N 2    A  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  110         15.62   9.38  1♠ N 2    A  B14-Smith-Smith vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
   90          9.38  15.62  1N S 1    K  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A12-Scott-Wasser
   50          8.34  16.66  3 W -1   ♠A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
         50    5.22  19.78  3N N -1   3  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
         50    5.22  19.78  3♠ N -1   A  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B3-Maves-Butler
         50    5.22  19.78  2♠ N -1   A  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A6-Garner-Troin
         50    5.22  19.78  2♠ N -1   A  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
         50    5.22  19.78  1♠ N -1   A  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
         90    2.10  22.90  2 W 2    ♠A  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        100    1.06  23.94  4♠ N -2   A  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        110    0.02  24.98  2 E 2    ♠7  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
12 ♠5
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 1 2 3NT  ♠6
EW:  ♣2 ♦5 ♥3 ♠6 NT3
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +600 3NT-NS/5♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  630         23.94   1.06  3N S 4    ♠Q  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  630         23.94   1.06  3N S 4    ♠7  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  630         23.94   1.06  3N S 4    ♠7  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  600         20.82   4.18  3N S 3    ♠Q  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B4-Katz-Katz
  600         20.82   4.18  5♣ S 5    ♠A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  600         20.82   4.18  5♣ S 5    4  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  180         18.74   6.26  2N S 4    ♠Q  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  150         15.10   9.90  2N S 3    ♠Q  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  150         15.10   9.90  3♠ W -3   ♣K  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  150         15.10   9.90  3♠ W -3   ♣Q  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  150         15.10   9.90  4♣ S 5    ♠7  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  150         15.10   9.90  2♣ S 5    ♠Q  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  150         15.10   9.90  2♣ S 5    ♠Q  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  130          9.90  15.10  4♣ S 4    ♠Q  B14-Smith-Smith vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  130          9.90  15.10  4♣ S 4    ♠7  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A6-Garner-Troin
  130          9.90  15.10  3♣ S 4    ♠4  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B13-Markham-Larson
  130          9.90  15.10  3♣ S 4    ♠2  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  120          7.30  17.70  1N S 2    ♠7  A1-Smith-Smith vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  100          5.22  19.78  3♠ W -2   ♣2  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  100          5.22  19.78  2♠ W -2   ♣K  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  100          5.22  19.78  2♠ W -2   ♣K  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B1-Hudson-Catero
   50          2.62  22.38  2♠ W -1   ♣K  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
   50          2.62  22.38  2♠ W -1   ♣K  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        100    0.54  24.46  5♣ S -1   ♠Q  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B3-Maves-Butler
        100    0.54  24.46  4♣ S -1   ♠Q  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
13 ♠A2
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥6 ♠2 NT3
EW: 1♣ 5 1 5♠ 3NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -650 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  100         24.46   0.54  3N W -1   ♣5  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  100         24.46   0.54  5♠ E -1   ♣2  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B3-Maves-Butler
        170   22.90   2.10  2♠ E 4    7  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        200   21.86   3.14  2♠ E 5    7  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        620   17.70   7.30  4♠ E 4    ♠5  A1-Smith-Smith vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        620   17.70   7.30  4♠ E 4    9  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        620   17.70   7.30  4♠ E 4    9  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        620   17.70   7.30  4♠ E 4    6  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
        620   17.70   7.30  4♠ E 4    T  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A6-Garner-Troin
        620   17.70   7.30  4♠ E 4    ♣T  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        620   17.70   7.30  4♠ E 4    ♣T  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        630   13.54  11.46  3N W 4    3  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B13-Markham-Larson
        650    8.34  16.66  5♠ E 5    ♣2  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A8-Binder-Binder
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    ♠T  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    9  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    7  B7-Vales-Casey vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    6  B14-Smith-Smith vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    ♣Q  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B8-Miller-Coles
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    ♣T  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    ♣T  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B4-Katz-Katz
        650    8.34  16.66  4♠ E 5    ♣9  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        660    2.10  22.90  3N W 5    3  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        660    2.10  22.90  3N W 5    3  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        660    2.10  22.90  3N W 5    3  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        680    0.02  24.98  4♠ E 6    6  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
14 ♠Q832
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦3 ♥2 ♠3 NT2
EW: 5♣ 3 5/4 4♠ 4NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -450 5-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
        120   24.46   0.54  2N E 2    3  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        120   24.46   0.54  1N E 2    3  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        140   22.90   2.10  2♠ W 3    9  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        150   21.86   3.14  2N E 3    4  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
        400   19.78   5.22  3N E 3    3  A1-Smith-Smith vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        400   19.78   5.22  3N E 3    3  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        400   19.78   5.22  3N E 3    3  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
        420   17.70   7.30  4♠ W 4    K  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        430   13.02  11.98  3N W 4    ♣6  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        430   13.02  11.98  3N E 4    4  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        430   13.02  11.98  3N E 4    2  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        430   13.02  11.98  3N E 4    2  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        430   13.02  11.98  3N E 4    8  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B13-Markham-Larson
        430   13.02  11.98  3N E 4    3  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A8-Binder-Binder
        430   13.02  11.98  3N E 4    3  B14-Smith-Smith vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        430   13.02  11.98  3N E 4    ♣5  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        460    4.18  20.82  3N W 5    8  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B8-Miller-Coles
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    2  B7-Vales-Casey vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    8  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    8  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    8  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    8  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B3-Maves-Butler
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    3  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A6-Garner-Troin
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    3  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        460    4.18  20.82  3N E 5    3  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B4-Katz-Katz
15 ♠K7
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣  ♦6 ♥5 ♠4 NT6
EW: 2 3♠  ♣4 ♦6 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  130         24.46   0.54  3♣ N 4    Q  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  130         24.46   0.54  3♣ N 4    Q  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  110         21.34   3.66  3♣ N 3    Q  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  110         21.34   3.66  3♣ N 3    Q  B14-Smith-Smith vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  110         21.34   3.66  3♣ N 3    ♣Q  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  110         21.34   3.66  2♣ N 3    Q  B7-Vales-Casey vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  100         16.66   8.34  4♠ W -2   A  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  100         16.66   8.34  4♠ W -2   A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B13-Markham-Larson
  100         16.66   8.34  3♠ W -2   ♣Q  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  100         16.66   8.34  3♠ E -2   K  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  100         16.66   8.34  3 W -2   ♣Q  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A8-Binder-Binder
   50         11.98  13.02  4♠ E -1   A  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B4-Katz-Katz
   50         11.98  13.02  3 W -1   ♣Q  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
   50         11.98  13.02  3 W -1   ♣Q  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
   50         11.98  13.02  3 W -1   ♣Q  B8-Sides-Stone vs B8-Miller-Coles
        100    8.86  16.14  4♣ N -1   Q  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        100    8.86  16.14  4♣ N -1   Q  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B3-Maves-Butler
        110    6.26  18.74  2♠ E 2    K  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A6-Garner-Troin
        110    6.26  18.74  2♠ E 2    K  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        110    6.26  18.74  2 W 2    ♣Q  A1-Smith-Smith vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        140    2.10  22.90  3♠ W 3    ♣Q  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
        140    2.10  22.90  2♠ E 3    K  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        140    2.10  22.90  3 W 3    A  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        140    2.10  22.90  3 W 3    ♣Q  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        140    2.10  22.90  3 W 3    ♣Q  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A2-Pratt-Horton
16 ♠T876
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4 1 2♠ 3NT  ♣5
EW: 2♣  ♦3 ♥6 ♠5 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +400 3NT-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  460         24.98   0.02  3N S 5    8  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  400         22.90   2.10  3N S 3    ♣6  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  400         22.90   2.10  3N S 3    ♣4  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B3-Maves-Butler
  400         22.90   2.10  3N S 3    ♣3  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B13-Markham-Larson
  180         20.82   4.18  1N S 4    ♣4  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A6-Garner-Troin
  150         18.74   6.26  2N S 3    ♣4  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  150         18.74   6.26  2N S 3    ♣4  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
  150         18.74   6.26  1N S 3    ♣A  B7-Vales-Casey vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  130         14.58  10.42  3 N 4    K  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  130         14.58  10.42  3 N 4    K  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  130         14.58  10.42  3 N 4    K  B8-Sides-Stone vs B8-Miller-Coles
  130         14.58  10.42  3 N 4    ♣2  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  130         14.58  10.42  2 N 4    K  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A8-Binder-Binder
  120         11.46  13.54  2N S 2    ♣4  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A2-Pratt-Horton
  110          8.34  16.66  2♠ N 2    ♣J  A1-Smith-Smith vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  110          8.34  16.66  3 S 3    6  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  110          8.34  16.66  3 S 3    ♣A  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  110          8.34  16.66  3 N 3    K  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  110          8.34  16.66  2 N 3    K  B14-Smith-Smith vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
         50    3.66  21.34  3N S -1   ♠J  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
         50    3.66  21.34  3♠ N -1   K  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
         50    3.66  21.34  3 N -1   K  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B4-Katz-Katz
         50    3.66  21.34  5 N -1   ♣2  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
         90    1.06  23.94  2♣ E 2    K  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        150    0.02  24.98  3♣ N -3   K  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
17 ♠J87532
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 2♠ 2NT  ♣6 ♦4
EW: 1♣ 3  ♥5 ♠5 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -100 3NT*-NS/3♠*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  110         24.98   0.02  2♠ N 2    ♣K  B7-Vales-Casey vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
   50         23.42   1.58  4 W -1   ♠7  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
   50         23.42   1.58  4 W -1   ♠2  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A6-Garner-Troin
    PASS      16.14   8.86                A1-Smith-Smith vs A8-Binder-Binder
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A2-Pratt-Horton
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      A14-Bond-Mooers vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B8-Miller-Coles
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B3-Maves-Butler
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      B9-Stewart-Tam vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
    PASS      16.14   8.86  Pass Out      B14-Smith-Smith vs B4-Katz-Katz
         50    6.78  18.22  3♠ N -1   ♣K  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
         50    6.78  18.22  3♠ N -1   ♣K  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A9-Englert-Lecky
         50    6.78  18.22  3♠ N -1   ♣K  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B10-Condon-Poulton
         50    6.78  18.22  2♠ N -1   ♣K  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B1-Hudson-Catero
         50    6.78  18.22  2♠ N -1   ♣K  B8-Sides-Stone vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
         50    6.78  18.22  2♠ N -1   ♣K  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        100    2.10  22.90  3♠ N -2   Q  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        100    2.10  22.90  3♠ N -2   4  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        100    2.10  22.90  3♠ N -2   ♣Q  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        110    0.02  24.98  3 W 3    ♠J  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
18 ♠543
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦6 ♥5 ♠3 NT4
EW: 3♣ 1 2 4♠ 3NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -420 4♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  100         24.98   0.02  4♠ W -2   4  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B8-Miller-Coles
   50         23.94   1.06  4♠ W -1   5  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        110   22.38   2.62  2♠ W 2    8  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        110   22.38   2.62  2♠ W 2    ♣2  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A6-Garner-Troin
        140   19.26   5.74  3♠ W 3    ♣9  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        140   19.26   5.74  3♠ E 3    6  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        140   19.26   5.74  2♠ W 3    A  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
        140   19.26   5.74  2♠ W 3    6  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        170   14.06  10.94  3♠ W 4    8  B8-Sides-Stone vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        170   14.06  10.94  3♠ W 4    ♣9  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        170   14.06  10.94  2♠ W 4    6  B7-Vales-Casey vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        170   14.06  10.94  2♠ W 4    4  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        170   14.06  10.94  2♠ W 4    ♣9  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        170   14.06  10.94  2♠ W 4    ♣9  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        200    8.86  16.14  3♠ W 5    A  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        200    8.86  16.14  3♠ E 5    8  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B3-Maves-Butler
        200    8.86  16.14  2♠ W 5    5  B14-Smith-Smith vs B4-Katz-Katz
        200    8.86  16.14  2♠ W 5    ♣9  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        230    6.26  18.74  2♠ W 6    8  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        420    4.18  20.82  4♠ W 4    ♠3  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        420    4.18  20.82  4♠ W 4    ♠3  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        420    4.18  20.82  4♠ W 4    6  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        450    1.58  23.42  4♠ W 5    5  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        450    1.58  23.42  4♠ W 5    ♣9  A1-Smith-Smith vs A8-Binder-Binder
        480    0.02  24.98  4♠ W 6    4  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
19 ♠642
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1♣ 3 3♠  ♦3 NT5
EW: 4 2/-NT
       ♣5 ♥3 ♠4 NT8/5
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: -100 4♠*-NS/4*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  170         24.98   0.02  3 N 4    A  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B13-Markham-Larson
  140         23.42   1.58  3 N 3    K  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  140         23.42   1.58  3 N 3    K  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  110         21.34   3.66  2 N 2    A  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  110         21.34   3.66  2 N 2    A  B8-Sides-Stone vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  100         18.74   6.26  5 W -1   A  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  100         18.74   6.26  5 W -1   A  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  100         18.74   6.26  5 W -1   A  B14-Smith-Smith vs B3-Maves-Butler
         50   15.62   9.38  3 N -1   A  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
         50   15.62   9.38  3 N -1   A  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B1-Hudson-Catero
         50   15.62   9.38  3 N -1   K  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A6-Garner-Troin
        100   13.02  11.98  3 N -2   A  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        100   13.02  11.98  3 N -2   A  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A8-Binder-Binder
        130    7.30  17.70  4 W 4    A  A1-Smith-Smith vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        130    7.30  17.70  4 W 4    A  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        130    7.30  17.70  4 W 4    A  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        130    7.30  17.70  4 W 4    A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        130    7.30  17.70  4 W 4    A  B7-Vales-Casey vs B4-Katz-Katz
        130    7.30  17.70  4 W 4    A  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        130    7.30  17.70  3 W 4    A  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        130    7.30  17.70  3 W 4    A  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        130    7.30  17.70  3 W 4    A  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        150    1.06  23.94  4 N -3   A  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        150    1.06  23.94  4 N -3   A  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B8-Miller-Coles
        150    1.06  23.94  4 N -3   K  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
20 ♠43
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 5 3NT  ♥4 ♠5
EW: 3 1♠  ♣2 ♦2 NT2
LoTT: 20 - 21 = -1
Par: +500 5*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  600         18.74   6.26  5 S 5    K  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    K  B14-Smith-Smith vs B3-Maves-Butler
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    7  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    7  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    7  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    7  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B8-Miller-Coles
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    7  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    T  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    T  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A2-Pratt-Horton
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    T  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A6-Garner-Troin
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    9  A1-Smith-Smith vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    8  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A8-Binder-Binder
  600         18.74   6.26  5♣ N 5    T  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  500         10.42  14.58  5* E -2  6  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  500         10.42  14.58  5* E -2  ♣Q  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  500         10.42  14.58  5* E -2  ♣Q  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  200          7.82  17.18  4* E -1  Q  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  200          7.82  17.18  4* E -1  ♣Q  B8-Sides-Stone vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  150          5.22  19.78  4 N 5    5  B7-Vales-Casey vs B4-Katz-Katz
  150          5.22  19.78  4 N 5    2  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
  150          5.22  19.78  3 N 5    8  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  100          3.14  21.86  4 E -1   ♣Q  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        100    1.58  23.42  6 N -1   Q  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        100    1.58  23.42  6 N -1   7  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B13-Markham-Larson
        140    0.02  24.98  3 E 3    Q  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
21 ♠653
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣0 ♦1 ♥4 ♠3 NT0
EW: 7♣ 5 2 3♠ 7NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -1520 7NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  250         24.98   0.02  6 E -5   4  B7-Vales-Casey vs B3-Maves-Butler
        460   23.94   1.06  3N E 5    4  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        490   21.86   3.14  3N E 6    6  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        490   21.86   3.14  3N E 6    6  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        490   21.86   3.14  3N E 6    4  A1-Smith-Smith vs A6-Garner-Troin
        520   14.06  10.94  4N E 7    6  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        520   14.06  10.94  3N W 7    5  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        520   14.06  10.94  3N W 7    4  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    6  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderkne
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  B8-Sides-Stone vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        520   14.06  10.94  3N E 7    4  B14-Smith-Smith vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        920    7.30  17.70  6 W 6    ♣2  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B4-Katz-Katz
        940    5.22  19.78  6♣ E 7    ♠4  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        940    5.22  19.78  6♣ E 7    ♠4  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B8-Miller-Coles
        940    5.22  19.78  6♣ E 7    4  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        990    3.14  21.86  6N E 6    4  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A9-Englert-Lecky
       1020    1.06  23.94  6N E 7    4  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A8-Binder-Binder
       1020    1.06  23.94  6N E 7    4  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A2-Pratt-Horton
       1020    1.06  23.94  6N E 7    4  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B10-Condon-Poulton
22 ♠AQT54
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♠  ♣4 ♦4 ♥4 NT4
EW: 2♣ 3 3 1NT  ♠5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -100 3♠*-NS-1
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  110         24.98   0.02  2♠ N 2    T  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
  100         23.94   1.06  4 E -1   ♠9  B7-Vales-Casey vs B3-Maves-Butler
         50   18.22   6.78  3♠ N -1   T  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
         50   18.22   6.78  3♠ N -1   2  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B6-Hansen-Leo
         50   18.22   6.78  3♠ N -1   A  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B8-Miller-Coles
         50   18.22   6.78  3♠ N -1   ♣7  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
         50   18.22   6.78  2♠ S -1   ♣A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B10-Condon-Poulton
         50   18.22   6.78  2♠ N -1   J  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
         50   18.22   6.78  2♠ N -1   T  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
         50   18.22   6.78  2♠ N -1   ♣A  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
         50   18.22   6.78  2♠ N -1   ♣7  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A2-Pratt-Horton
         50   18.22   6.78  2♠ N -1   ♣5  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
         90   12.50  12.50  1N W 1    ♠5  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        100    9.38  15.62  3♠ N -2   A  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        100    9.38  15.62  3♠ N -2   A  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderkne
        100    9.38  15.62  3♠ N -2   A  B8-Sides-Stone vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        100    9.38  15.62  3♠ N -2   ♣5  B14-Smith-Smith vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        100    9.38  15.62  2♠ N -2   ♣5  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A8-Binder-Binder
        110    6.26  18.74  3 E 3    A  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        130    4.18  20.82  4 E 4    A  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        130    4.18  20.82  4 E 4    A  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        130    4.18  20.82  2 E 4    A  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B4-Katz-Katz
        150    1.58  23.42  2N W 3    ♠5  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        150    1.58  23.42  1N W 3    ♠5  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        180    0.02  24.98  1N W 4    ♠5  A1-Smith-Smith vs A6-Garner-Troin
23 ♠T52
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦3 ♥5 ♠3 NT3
EW: 2♣ 4 2 3/4♠ 3/4NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -630 4NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  400         24.98   0.02  3N W -4   K  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  100         20.30   4.70  3N W -1   K  B8-Sides-Stone vs B4-Katz-Katz
  100         20.30   4.70  2N W -1   K  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  100         20.30   4.70  2N W -1   K  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A6-Garner-Troin
  100         20.30   4.70  4♠ W -1   K  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  100         20.30   4.70  4♠ E -1   2  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  100         20.30   4.70  3♠ W -1   K  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B3-Maves-Butler
  100         20.30   4.70  2♠ W -1   K  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  100         20.30   4.70  3 E -1   5  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B6-Hansen-Leo
   80         15.62   9.38  1 S 1    ♠3  A1-Smith-Smith vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
         90   14.06  10.94  1N W 1    K  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B10-Condon-Poulton
         90   14.06  10.94  2 E 2    ♣A  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        100   11.46  13.54  1 S -1   ♠3  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        100   11.46  13.54  1 S -1   ♠3  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        100   11.46  13.54  1 S -1   ♠3  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        110    8.34  16.66  2♠ W 2    K  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        110    8.34  16.66  1♠ W 2    K  B7-Vales-Casey vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        110    8.34  16.66  2 E 3    ♠A  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        120    6.26  18.74  1N W 2    K  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        140    5.22  19.78  2 W 3    7  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B13-Markham-Larson
        150    4.18  20.82  2 E 5    2  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        200    2.62  22.38  2♠ W 5    K  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A8-Binder-Binder
        200    2.62  22.38  2 S -2   K  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B8-Miller-Coles
        300    1.06  23.94  1 S -3   ♠4  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        630    0.02  24.98  3N W 4    K  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
24 ♠32
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6 6♠ 2NT  ♣5 ♥5
EW: 2♣ 2  ♦0 ♠1 NT1
LoTT: 20 - 19 = +1
Par: +980 6♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  940         24.98   0.02  6 N 7    Q  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  480         21.86   3.14  4♠ S 6    A  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  480         21.86   3.14  4♠ S 6    A  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  480         21.86   3.14  4♠ S 6    A  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  480         21.86   3.14  4♠ S 6    A  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  480         21.86   3.14  4♠ S 6    K  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A8-Binder-Binder
  420         16.14   8.86  5 S 6    A  A1-Smith-Smith vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  420         16.14   8.86  5 S 6    A  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B13-Markham-Larson
  420         16.14   8.86  5 S 6    A  B8-Sides-Stone vs B4-Katz-Katz
  420         16.14   8.86  5 S 6    A  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B8-Miller-Coles
  420         16.14   8.86  5 N 6    8  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  420         16.14   8.86  5 N 6    5  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  230          8.34  16.66  3♠ S 6    A  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A9-Englert-Lecky
  230          8.34  16.66  3♠ S 6    A  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A2-Pratt-Horton
  230          8.34  16.66  3♠ S 6    A  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A6-Garner-Troin
  230          8.34  16.66  3♠ S 6    A  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  230          8.34  16.66  3♠ S 6    A  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  230          8.34  16.66  3♠ S 6    A  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B3-Maves-Butler
  230          8.34  16.66  2♠ S 6    A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  230          8.34  16.66  2♠ S 6    A  B7-Vales-Casey vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
  230          8.34  16.66  2♠ S 6    K  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
  200          3.14  21.86  3♠ S 5    A  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  170          2.10  22.90  3 S 6    A  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  150          1.06  23.94  3 W -3   ♠3  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
   50          0.02  24.98  2 W -1   ♠3  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A12-Scott-Wasser
25 ♠7
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣  ♦2 ♥5 ♠0 NT0
EW: 4 1 7♠ 2NT  ♣4
LoTT: 22 - 20 = +2
Par: -2210 7♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
        680   24.98   0.02  4♠ E 6    ♣K  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        710   19.78   5.22  5♠ E 7    ♣A  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A6-Garner-Troin
        710   19.78   5.22  5♠ E 7    ♣A  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        710   19.78   5.22  5♠ E 7    ♣A  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        710   19.78   5.22  5♠ E 7    ♣A  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        710   19.78   5.22  5♠ E 7    ♣A  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        710   19.78   5.22  5♠ E 7    ♣K  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        710   19.78   5.22  4♠ W 7    J  A1-Smith-Smith vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        710   19.78   5.22  4♠ E 7    ♣A  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A8-Binder-Binder
        710   19.78   5.22  4♠ E 7    ♣A  B7-Vales-Casey vs B1-Hudson-Catero
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ W 7    ♣A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B8-Miller-Coles
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A12-Scott-Wasser
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B4-Katz-Katz
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  B8-Sides-Stone vs B3-Maves-Butler
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
       1460    8.86  16.14  6♠ E 7    ♣A  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B13-Markham-Larson
       1470    2.10  22.90  6N W 7    5  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
       1860    1.06  23.94  6♠* E 7   ♣A  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
       2210    0.02  24.98  7♠ E 7    ♣A  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
26 ♠A
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 5 3/2 3NT  ♠6
EW: 1/-♠  ♣5 ♦2 ♥4 ♠7/6 NT4
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: +600 3NT-NS/5-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  800         24.98   0.02  5♠* W -3  A  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  620         22.90   2.10  5 S 6    ♠K  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
  620         22.90   2.10  5 S 6    ♣T  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
  620         22.90   2.10  5 S 6    ♣T  B1-Quenneville-Sohler vs B4-Katz-Katz
  600         18.74   6.26  5 S 5    ♠9  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  600         18.74   6.26  5 S 5    ♠7  A1-Smith-Smith vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  600         18.74   6.26  5 S 5    ♠3  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B13-Markham-Larson
  600         18.74   6.26  5 S 5    ♣T  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  600         18.74   6.26  5 N 5    ♣5  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  200         15.62   9.38  3♠ W -2   A  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  170         14.58  10.42  4 S 6    ♣T  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  150          9.90  15.10  4 S 5    ♠8  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  150          9.90  15.10  4 S 5    A  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  150          9.90  15.10  4 S 5    ♣T  B7-Vales-Casey vs B1-Hudson-Catero
  150          9.90  15.10  3 S 5    ♠8  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B10-Condon-Poulton
  150          9.90  15.10  3 S 5    ♠7  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A6-Garner-Troin
  150          9.90  15.10  3 S 5    ♠3  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  150          9.90  15.10  3 S 5    ♣T  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A8-Binder-Binder
  150          9.90  15.10  3 S 5    ♣T  B8-Sides-Stone vs B3-Maves-Butler
  140          5.22  19.78  3 N 3    ♠4  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
  100          4.18  20.82  2♠ W -1   T  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        100    1.58  23.42  5 S -1   ♠9  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        100    1.58  23.42  5 S -1   ♠7  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        100    1.58  23.42  5 S -1   A  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B8-Miller-Coles
        100    1.58  23.42  5 S -1   ♣T  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
27 ♠KJ42
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♥5 ♠6 NT6
EW: 3♣ 2 1♠ 1NT  ♦6
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -110 2-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  200         24.98   0.02  3N W -4   4  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  100         22.90   2.10  3N W -2   4  B7-Vales-Casey vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  100         22.90   2.10  3N W -2   2  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  100         22.90   2.10  2♠ E -2   J  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B8-Miller-Coles
   50         18.22   6.78  3N E -1   ♣3  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A12-Scott-Wasser
   50         18.22   6.78  2N E -1   J  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
   50         18.22   6.78  2 E -1   ♣A  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B6-Hansen-Leo
   50         18.22   6.78  2 W -1   ♣J  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B13-Markham-Larson
   50         18.22   6.78  3♣ E -1   4  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
   50         18.22   6.78  3♣ E -1   4  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A6-Garner-Troin
    PASS      14.06  10.94  Pass Out      B9-Stewart-Tam vs B4-Katz-Katz
    PASS      14.06  10.94  Pass Out      B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B10-Condon-Poulton
         50   12.50  12.50  2N S -1   ♠5  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
         90   11.46  13.54  2♣ E 2    J  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
        100    9.90  15.10  2N S -2   ♠5  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        100    9.90  15.10  2 N -2   A  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        110    4.70  20.30  3♣ E 3    4  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        110    4.70  20.30  3♣ E 3    J  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        110    4.70  20.30  3♣ E 3    3  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        110    4.70  20.30  3♣ E 3    3  B8-Sides-Stone vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
        110    4.70  20.30  2♣ E 3    ♠6  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A8-Binder-Binder
        110    4.70  20.30  2♣ E 3    6  B14-Smith-Smith vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        110    4.70  20.30  2♣ E 3    4  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A2-Pratt-Horton
        110    4.70  20.30  2♣ E 3    3  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
        150    0.02  24.98  3 N -3   A  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
28 ♠Q53
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 2NT  ♦6 ♥6 ♠6
EW: 1 1  ♣3 ♠6 NT3
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +130 4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  630         24.98   0.02  3N N 4    ♠T  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
  250         23.94   1.06  4 W -5   ♣9  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
  150         20.30   4.70  3♠ E -3   ♣Q  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
  150         20.30   4.70  2 W -3   ♣5  B7-Vales-Casey vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
  150         20.30   4.70  4♣ S 5    ♠8  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A12-Scott-Wasser
  150         20.30   4.70  4♣ S 5    ♠6  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B6-Hansen-Leo
  150         20.30   4.70  3♣ S 5    ♠8  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
  150         20.30   4.70  3♣ S 5    ♠8  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
  130         12.50  12.50  4♣ S 4    ♠8  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A8-Binder-Binder
  130         12.50  12.50  4♣ S 4    ♠6  A2-Byrnes-Barnes vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    ♠8  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    ♠8  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A2-Pratt-Horton
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    ♠8  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A4-Schmidt-Brower
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    ♠8  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A6-Garner-Troin
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    ♠8  B2-Glantz-Glantz vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
  130         12.50  12.50  3♣ S 4    ♠8  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B4-Katz-Katz
  130         12.50  12.50  2♣ S 4    ♠8  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
  100          7.30  17.70  3♠ E -2   ♣A  B14-Smith-Smith vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
   50          4.18  20.82  3♠ E -1   ♣A  B8-Sides-Stone vs B2-Boulanger-O Neil
   50          4.18  20.82  2♠ E -1   ♣A  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
   50          4.18  20.82  2♠ E -1   ♣A  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
   50          4.18  20.82  2♠ E -1   ♣A  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
   50          4.18  20.82  2♠ E -1   ♣A  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B8-Miller-Coles
        140    1.06  23.94  3♠ E 3    ♣A  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        400    0.02  24.98  4 N -4   ♠9  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B13-Markham-Larson
29 ♠JT752
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦6 ♥3 ♠5 NT2
EW: 5♣ 1 2 2♠ 4NT
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -630 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  180         24.98   0.02  1N S 4    ♠J  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        100   23.94   1.06  2 S -1   ♠8  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        110   22.90   2.10  2 E 2    2  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        150   18.74   6.26  3♣ W 5    A  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
        150   18.74   6.26  3♣ W 5    A  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        150   18.74   6.26  3♣ W 5    A  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        150   18.74   6.26  3♣ W 5    5  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        150   18.74   6.26  3♣ W 5    5  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        150   18.74   6.26  2♣ W 5    A  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        150   18.74   6.26  2♣ W 5    A  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        180   10.94  14.06  2N E 4    ♠9  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B8-Miller-Coles
        180   10.94  14.06  2N E 4    ♠9  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        180   10.94  14.06  2N E 4    ♠9  B7-Vales-Casey vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        180   10.94  14.06  2N E 4    ♠4  B14-Smith-Smith vs B13-Markham-Larson
        180   10.94  14.06  2N E 4    6  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A6-Garner-Troin
        180   10.94  14.06  1N W 4    ♠5  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        180   10.94  14.06  1N W 4    ♠5  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
        180   10.94  14.06  1N W 4    ♠5  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        200    6.26  18.74  2 S -2   A  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        210    4.70  20.30  2N W 5    ♠J  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        210    4.70  20.30  2N W 5    ♠5  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt
        240    3.14  21.86  2N W 6    ♠5  B8-Sides-Stone vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        500    2.10  22.90  2* S -2  8  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B3-Maves-Butler
        660    1.06  23.94  3N W 5    ♠5  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
       1100    0.02  24.98  2* N -4  ♣A  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
30 ♠43
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣  ♦6 ♥6 ♠1 NT2
EW: 1 1 5♠ 3NT  ♣4
LoTT: 19 - 19 = 0
Par: -450 5♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
   50         24.46   0.54  6♠ E -1   A  A15-Witmer-Witmer vs A15-Nulty-Nulty
   50         24.46   0.54  6♠ E -1   A  B14-Smith-Smith vs B13-Markham-Larson
        200   22.90   2.10  3♠ E 5    ♣2  B3-Steiner-Deleo vs B6-Hansen-Leo
        450   18.74   6.26  4♠ W 5    A  A3-Castellanos-Gore vs A6-Garner-Troin
        450   18.74   6.26  4♠ E 5    ♠6  A10-Molleman-Baker vs A5-Rinderknecht-Rinderknecht
        450   18.74   6.26  4♠ E 5    A  B4-Mansfield-Marrott vs B8-Miller-Coles
        450   18.74   6.26  4♠ E 5    5  B6-Burstynski-Burstynski vs B12-Tooke-Lubsen
        450   18.74   6.26  4♠ E 5    ♣2  A13-Gerlach-Mansfield vs A11-Hedreen-Kilbreath
        450   18.74   6.26  4♠ E 5    ♣2  B8-Sides-Stone vs B1-Hudson-Catero
        450   18.74   6.26  4 E 5    T  B15-Robinson-Friend vs B15-Zosel-Zosel
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♠6  A5-Pedersen-Meyer vs A10-Zapatka-Zapatka
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♠6  A8-Feisler-Reisenbuchler vs A1-Anfinson-Kmetty
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    4  B7-Vales-Casey vs B14-Boyd-Boyd
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♣7  B12-Cantoni-Seamster vs B9-Schrote-Hewitt
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♣2  A6-Aubrey-Myrann vs A12-Scott-Wasser
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♣2  A7-Tomlinson-Hausmann vs A14-Baldacci-Gowan
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♣2  A9-Sutter-Labute vs A3-Gibbs-Marcus
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♣2  B9-Stewart-Tam vs B3-Maves-Butler
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♣2  B10-Cannon-Edwards vs B5-Chambers-Warinner
        480    9.90  15.10  4♠ E 6    ♣2  B11-Whiteman-McCague vs B7-Edinger-Irwin
        510    2.62  22.38  4♠ E 7    7  A11-Sheridan-Potter vs A7-Hoover-Borengasser
        510    2.62  22.38  4♠ E 7    4  A12-Newman-Hofer vs A9-Englert-Lecky
        510    2.62  22.38  4♠ E 7    4  B5-Rauscher-Frink vs B10-Condon-Poulton
        510    2.62  22.38  4♠ E 7    ♣2  B13-Anderson-Holle vs B11-Brock-Ronquist
        980    0.02  24.98  6♠ E 6    ♣7  A14-Bond-Mooers vs A13-Hoffelt-Hoffelt