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Field strength:  Mean: 194 MP  Geomean: 101 MP
(based on 66 players, 5 non ACBL players ignored, missing masterpoint data for 1 ACBL player)
★ ★ ★  Masterpoint Winners  ★ ★ ★
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Jean Petrilli - Richard Sentner 61.65 1st OA 2.14
Anita Mellen - Mark Mellen 59.95 1st OB 1.64
Nick Stevens - Ted Gushee 58.71 2nd OB 1.23
Daniel Goldstein - John Dunlap 58.26 4th OA 0.90
Carol Johns - Neta Lee 58.03 5th OA 0.68
Bernard Gross - Jo Lindamood 57.81 3rd OB 0.92
Deborah Weiss - Ellen Blum 56.90 4th OB 0.69
Jean Crawford - Jeannie Guthery 56.56 5th OB 0.52
Anita King - Clifford King 55.32 3rd OC 0.56
Partnership Pct Rank MP
Bette Segal - Stan Segal 55.09 4th OC 0.42
Brian kuffner - Dorothy Kuffner 54.98 6th SA 0.18
Hugh Kirkpatrick - Mohammed Mohiuddin 54.19 4th SB 0.28
Jane Coleman - Leslie Herman 53.39 7th SA 0.15
Kathleen Ashby - Suzy Doyle 52.60 5th OC 0.31
Deborah Ampe - Gayle Djavadi 52.04 2/3rd SC 0.32
Linda Herman - Mary Jane Bloom 52.04 2/3rd SC 0.32
Kenneth Gaskins - Richard Welc 51.02 6th SB 0.13
EVENT>0-750 Pairs              |SESSION>Thursday Aft |SECTION> C N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>January 28, 2016   |CLUB NO.>269399    | 01/28/2016 16:03
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jim Woodside    |RATING>Junior Fund                  |MOVEMENT>WEB
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  221.0 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>750/300/100    |CLUB>In Tempo Bridge Club
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=18/B=14/C=5                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Grant Deger            Nancy Brooks             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    207.50  46.95          
 2 Barbara Chadwick       Lynn Poncher             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    188.50  42.65          
 3 Arline Weiner          Anita Mandelbaum         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    214.00  48.42          
 4 Clifford King          Anita King               C   .     6     3   |   4     2     2    244.50  55.32  0.56(OC)
 5 Sandy Fox              Joyce Gellenbeck         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    205.00  46.38          
 6 John Dunlap            Daniel Goldstein         A   4     .     .   |   2     .     .    257.50  58.26  0.90(OA)
 7 Kathleen Ashby         Suzy Doyle               C   .     .     5   |   7     5     .    232.50  52.60  0.31(OC)
 8 Richard Welc           Kenneth Gaskins          B   .     .     .   |   .     6     .    225.50  51.02  0.13(SB)
 9 Bernard Gore           Eddy Cohen               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    193.50  43.78          
10 Sharon Graves          Vivian Nicholas          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    216.00  48.87          
11 Debbie Laut            Lorraine Allen           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    211.50  47.85          
12 Carol Johns            Neta Lee                 A   5     .     .   |   3     .     .    256.50  58.03  0.68(OA)
13 Nick Stevens           Ted Gushee               C   3     2     2   |   1     1     1    259.50  58.71  1.23(OB)
14 Judy Lucas             Bonita Gimple            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    182.50  41.29          
15 Malee Mann             Shirley Levine           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    225.00  50.90          
16 Hugh Kirkpatrick       Mohammed Mohiuddin       B   .     .     .   |   6     4     .    239.50  54.19  0.28(SB)
17 Stan Segal             Bette Segal              C   .     .     4   |   5     3     .    243.50  55.09  0.42(OC)
18 Patrica Bogacz         Georgia Reithal          A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    175.50  39.71          
                                          Totals                                           3978.00       

EVENT>0-750 Pairs              |SESSION>Thursday Aft |SECTION> C E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
AVE>  221.0 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>750/300/100    |CLUB>In Tempo Bridge Club
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=18/B=15/C=8                     ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 
 1 Neil Goldstein         Stewart Metosky          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    199.00  45.02          
 2 Gayle Djavadi          Deborah Ampe             C   .     .     .   |   .    5/6   2/3   230.00  52.04  0.32(SC)
 3 Cissie Lilien          Susan Sacks              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    206.00  46.61          
 4 Linda Herman           Mary Jane Bloom          C   .     .     .   |   .    5/6   2/3   230.00  52.04  0.32(SC)
 5 Steven Schaffner       Lois Foulds              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    185.00  41.86          
 6 Bernard Gross          Jo Lindamood             B   6     3     .   |   3     2     .    255.50  57.81  0.92(OB)
 7 Jay Victor             Marianne Victor          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    208.50  47.17          
 8 Kathleen Ryan          Marilyn Box              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    188.50  42.65          
 9 Dorothy Kuffner        Brian kuffner            A   .     .     .   |   6     .     .    243.00  54.98  0.18(SA)
10 Judith Rubin           Edward Rubin             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    196.00  44.34          
11 Mark Mellen            Anita Mellen             C   2     1     1   |   2     1     1    265.00  59.95  1.64(OB)
12 Deborah Weiss          Ellen Blum               B   .     4     .   |   4     3     .    251.50  56.90  0.69(OB)
13 Maxeen Claymon         William Claymon          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    201.50  45.59          
14 Jean Crawford          Jeannie Guthery          B   .     5     .   |   5     4     .    250.00  56.56  0.52(OB)
15 Leslie Herman          Jane Coleman             A   .     .     .   |   7     .     .    236.00  53.39  0.15(SA)
16 Richard Sentner        Jean Petrilli            A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    272.50  61.65  2.14(OA)
17 Joan Ohre              Ginny Wexler             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    136.00  30.77          
18 Michael Rosnick        Chari Rosnick            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    224.00  50.68          
                                          Totals                                           3978.00       

1 ♠T7
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 5 1 1♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣1 ♦2 ♥5 ♠5 NT2
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +400 5-NS/5♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  460         17.00   0.00  3N S 5    ♠4  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  240         16.00   1.00  2N S 6    T  11-Laut-Allen vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  210         14.00   3.00  1N S 5    ♠J  12-Johns-Lee vs 7-Victor-Victor
  210         14.00   3.00  1N S 5    T  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
  210         14.00   3.00  1N S 5    T  17-Segal-Segal vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  170         12.00   5.00  4♣ N 6    5  9-Gore-Cohen vs 4-Herman-Bloom
  130         10.50   6.50  4♣ N 4    ♠3  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
  130         10.50   6.50  3♣ S 4    T  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
  120          6.00  11.00  2N S 2    ♠4  4-King-King vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  120          6.00  11.00  2N S 2    ♠4  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  120          6.00  11.00  2N S 2    ♠4  15-Mann-Levine vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  120          6.00  11.00  1N S 2    ♠J  1-Deger-Brooks vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  120          6.00  11.00  1N S 2    ♠9  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 8-Ryan-Box
  120          6.00  11.00  1N S 2    ♠4  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  120          6.00  11.00  1N S 2    ♠4  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
         50    1.00  16.00  3N S -1   ♠4  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
         50    1.00  16.00  3N S -1   ♠4  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
         50    1.00  16.00  3N S -1   ♠4  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
2 ♠52
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦3 ♥3 ♠1 NT1
EW: 2♣ 4 4 6♠ 5NT
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -980 6♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  150         17.00   0.00  6 E -3   ♠A  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        230   16.00   1.00  3♠ W 6    3  17-Segal-Segal vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        420   14.50   2.50  4♠ W 4    7  11-Laut-Allen vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        420   14.50   2.50  4♠ W 4    ♣T  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        430   13.00   4.00  3N E 4    ♠6  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    7  1-Deger-Brooks vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    7  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    7  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    4  15-Mann-Levine vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    9  4-King-King vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    9  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    ♣T  12-Johns-Lee vs 7-Victor-Victor
        450    8.00   9.00  4♠ W 5    ♣T  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        450    8.00   9.00  4 E 5    ♠A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        480    2.50  14.50  4♠ W 6    7  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        480    2.50  14.50  4♠ W 6    7  9-Gore-Cohen vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        490    1.00  16.00  3N W 6    4  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 8-Ryan-Box
        590    0.00  17.00  4♠* W 4   ♣2  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
3 ♠7632
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦5 ♥5/6 ♠5 NT5
EW: 3♣ 2 1 2♠ 2NT
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  140         17.00   0.00  2 S 3    ♣K  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  110         16.00   1.00  2 S 2    ♣K  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  100         14.00   3.00  3N W -1   K  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  100         14.00   3.00  2N W -1   5  12-Johns-Lee vs 8-Ryan-Box
  100         14.00   3.00  1N W -1   K  1-Deger-Brooks vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
         50   11.50   5.50  2 S -1   ♠A  11-Laut-Allen vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
         50   11.50   5.50  2 N -1   ♠A  15-Mann-Levine vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
         90    8.50   8.50  1N W 1    5  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
         90    8.50   8.50  1N W 1    5  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
         90    8.50   8.50  1N W 1    K  4-King-King vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
         90    8.50   8.50  1N W 1    K  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        100    5.50  11.50  2 S -2   ♠A  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        100    5.50  11.50  2 S -2   ♠A  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        120    3.00  14.00  1N W 2    K  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        120    3.00  14.00  1N W 2    K  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        120    3.00  14.00  1N W 2    J  9-Gore-Cohen vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        150    1.00  16.00  1N W 3    K  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 7-Victor-Victor
        180    0.00  17.00  1N E 4    5  17-Segal-Segal vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
4 ♠T95
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦2 ♥3 ♠2 NT2
EW: 3/4♣ 5 3/4 5♠ 4/5NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -660 5NT-E
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  200         17.00   0.00  3N W -2   ♠T  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        600   15.50   1.50  3N E 3    ♣8  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        600   15.50   1.50  3N E 3    ♣8  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        630   10.50   6.50  3N W 4    ♠8  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        630   10.50   6.50  3N W 4    9  9-Gore-Cohen vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        630   10.50   6.50  3N W 4    ♣Q  12-Johns-Lee vs 8-Ryan-Box
        630   10.50   6.50  3N E 4    ♠3  1-Deger-Brooks vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        630   10.50   6.50  3N E 4    A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 7-Victor-Victor
        630   10.50   6.50  3N E 4    6  11-Laut-Allen vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        630   10.50   6.50  3N E 4    ♣7  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        630   10.50   6.50  3N E 4    ♣2  17-Segal-Segal vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        660    3.50  13.50  3N W 5    J  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        660    3.50  13.50  3N W 5    9  15-Mann-Levine vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        660    3.50  13.50  3N W 5    ♣2  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        660    3.50  13.50  3N W 5    ♣2  4-King-King vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        660    3.50  13.50  3N W 5    ♣2  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        660    3.50  13.50  3N E 5    ♠8  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        690    0.00  17.00  3N W 6    ♣2  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
5 ♠T94
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣5 ♦6 ♥5 ♠3 NT4
EW: 1♣ 1 1 3♠ 2NT
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  100         17.00   0.00  3N E -2   4  4-King-King vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
   50         15.50   1.50  3♠ W -1   K  12-Johns-Lee vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
   50         15.50   1.50  3♠ W -1   K  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        110   13.00   4.00  2♠ W 2    K  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        110   13.00   4.00  2♠ W 2    K  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        110   13.00   4.00  2♠ W 2    2  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        120   11.00   6.00  1N E 2    4  15-Mann-Levine vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        140    7.50   9.50  3♠ W 3    K  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        140    7.50   9.50  3♠ W 3    K  11-Laut-Allen vs 7-Victor-Victor
        140    7.50   9.50  2♠ W 3    K  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        140    7.50   9.50  2♠ W 3    K  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        140    7.50   9.50  2♠ W 3    K  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        140    7.50   9.50  2♠ W 3    K  17-Segal-Segal vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        170    3.00  14.00  3♠ W 4    K  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        170    3.00  14.00  2♠ W 4    K  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        170    3.00  14.00  2♠ W 4    K  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 8-Ryan-Box
        200    1.00  16.00  3♠ W 5    K  9-Gore-Cohen vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        420    0.00  17.00  4♠ W 4    2  1-Deger-Brooks vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
6 ♠J85
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣4 ♦6 ♠3 NT4
EW: 2♣ 1 4♠ 1NT  ♥6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -620 4♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  100         13.50   3.50  5♠ E -1   ♣Q  9-Gore-Cohen vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  100         13.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   Q  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
  100         13.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   Q  15-Mann-Levine vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  100         13.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   4  17-Segal-Segal vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
  100         13.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   2  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 8-Ryan-Box
  100         13.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   J  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  100         13.50   3.50  4♠ E -1   ♣Q  1-Deger-Brooks vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  100         13.50   3.50  3♠ E -1   ♣Q  4-King-King vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        100    9.00   8.00  3 S -2   ♠Q  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        110    8.00   9.00  2♠ E 2    J  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        140    6.00  11.00  3♠ E 3    J  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        140    6.00  11.00  2♠ E 3    ♣Q  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        140    6.00  11.00  2♠ E 3    ♣Q  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        170    3.50  13.50  3♠ E 4    ♣Q  11-Laut-Allen vs 7-Victor-Victor
        170    3.50  13.50  2♠ E 4    Q  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        200    2.00  15.00  5 S -4   ♣A  12-Johns-Lee vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        620    1.00  16.00  4♠ E 4    ♣Q  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        650    0.00  17.00  4♠ W 5    5  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 12-Weiss-Blum
7 ♠JT9652
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 3 3♠ 1NT  ♣5
EW: 2/1♣  ♦6 ♥4 ♠4 NT5
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: +140 3♠-NS/3-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  620         17.00   0.00  4♠ S 4    ♣7  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  170         15.00   2.00  2♠ S 4    ♣9  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  170         15.00   2.00  2♠ S 4    ♣9  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
  170         15.00   2.00  2♠ S 4    ♣7  4-King-King vs 4-Herman-Bloom
  140         11.50   5.50  3♠ S 3    J  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  140         11.50   5.50  2♠ S 3    J  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  140         11.50   5.50  2♠ S 3    J  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  140         11.50   5.50  2 S 3    ♠K  11-Laut-Allen vs 8-Ryan-Box
  110          8.00   9.00  2♠ S 2    J  17-Segal-Segal vs 7-Victor-Victor
  110          8.00   9.00  2♠ S 2    ♣7  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
  110          8.00   9.00  2♠ S 2    ♣7  12-Johns-Lee vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        100    3.50  13.50  2N S -1   ♣7  9-Gore-Cohen vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        100    3.50  13.50  1N S -1   ♣7  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        100    3.50  13.50  4♠ S -1   J  1-Deger-Brooks vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        100    3.50  13.50  4♠ S -1   J  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        100    3.50  13.50  4♠ S -1   ♣7  15-Mann-Levine vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        100    3.50  13.50  3♠ N -1   A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        200    0.00  17.00  4♠ S -2   2  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
8 ♠J985
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣1 ♦1 ♥2 ♠5 NT1
EW: 6♣ 6 5/4 2♠ 6NT
LoTT: 17 - 16 = +1
Par: -990 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
        170   16.50   0.50  3♣ W 6    8  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        170   16.50   0.50  2♣ W 6    8  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        420   14.50   2.50  5♣ W 6    J  15-Mann-Levine vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        420   14.50   2.50  5♣ E 6    9  4-King-King vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        490    9.00   8.00  4N E 6    ♠4  11-Laut-Allen vs 8-Ryan-Box
        490    9.00   8.00  3N W 6    ♠5  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        490    9.00   8.00  3N W 6    ♠5  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        490    9.00   8.00  3N W 6    5  9-Gore-Cohen vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        490    9.00   8.00  3N W 6    5  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        490    9.00   8.00  3N E 6    ♠4  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        490    9.00   8.00  3N E 6    ♠4  12-Johns-Lee vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        490    9.00   8.00  3N E 6    T  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        490    9.00   8.00  3N E 6    4  17-Segal-Segal vs 7-Victor-Victor
        920    3.50  13.50  6♣ W 6    Q  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        920    3.50  13.50  6♣ W 6    ♣4  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        990    1.00  16.00  6N E 6    ♠A  1-Deger-Brooks vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        990    1.00  16.00  6N E 6    ♠A  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        990    1.00  16.00  6N E 6    ♠4  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 15-Herman-Coleman
9 ♠7
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 2 6 2NT  ♠6
EW:  ♣1 ♦4 ♥0 ♠6 NT1
LoTT: 18 - 19 = -1
Par: +980 6-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  510         17.00   0.00  4 S 7    ♣J  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  480         13.00   4.00  5 N 6    ♠A  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  480         13.00   4.00  5 N 6    ♠A  12-Johns-Lee vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
  480         13.00   4.00  4 S 6    ♠Q  17-Segal-Segal vs 8-Ryan-Box
  480         13.00   4.00  4 S 6    ♠6  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  480         13.00   4.00  4 S 6    ♠5  4-King-King vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
  480         13.00   4.00  4 S 6    ♠5  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 7-Victor-Victor
  480         13.00   4.00  4 N 6    ♠A  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
  400          9.00   8.00  4♠ E -4   K  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  300          7.50   9.50  4♠ E -3   K  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  300          7.50   9.50  4♠ E -3   K  11-Laut-Allen vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  230          6.00  11.00  3 N 6    ♠A  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
  170          2.50  14.50  3 N 4    ♠A  15-Mann-Levine vs 4-Herman-Bloom
  170          2.50  14.50  4♣ N 6    ♠A  1-Deger-Brooks vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  170          2.50  14.50  4♣ N 6    ♠A  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  170          2.50  14.50  3♣ N 6    ♠A  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  170          2.50  14.50  3♣ N 6    ♠A  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  170          2.50  14.50  3♣ N 6    ♠K  9-Gore-Cohen vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
10 ♠AT
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3♣ 1 4 2♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣3 ♦5/6 ♥2 ♠5 NT4
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: +620 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  650         16.50   0.50  4 S 5    ♣Q  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  650         16.50   0.50  4 S 5    ♣3  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  630         15.00   2.00  3N N 4    K  1-Deger-Brooks vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  620         13.50   3.50  4 S 4    3  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  620         13.50   3.50  4 S 4    3  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  600         11.50   5.50  3N N 3    K  4-King-King vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
  600         11.50   5.50  3N N 3    K  15-Mann-Levine vs 4-Herman-Bloom
  170          9.50   7.50  3 S 4    T  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  170          9.50   7.50  3 S 4    3  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 7-Victor-Victor
  140          8.00   9.00  2 N 3    K  17-Segal-Segal vs 8-Ryan-Box
  120          7.00  10.00  1N N 2    K  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  110          6.00  11.00  1♠ S 2    4  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
   90          5.00  12.00  2♣ N 2    K  11-Laut-Allen vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        100    3.00  14.00  4 S -1   ♠3  12-Johns-Lee vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        100    3.00  14.00  4 S -1   T  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        100    3.00  14.00  4 S -1   T  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        200    0.50  16.50  4 S -2   3  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        200    0.50  16.50  3 S -2   T  9-Gore-Cohen vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
11 ♠KJ42
Dlr: South
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 6♣ 1 5 6♠ 2NT
EW:  ♣1 ♦6 ♥2 ♠0 NT1
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: +980 6♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  510         17.00   0.00  4♠ S 7    8  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 8-Ryan-Box
  490         16.00   1.00  3N S 6    ♠6  17-Segal-Segal vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  480         11.00   6.00  5♠ S 6    J  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
  480         11.00   6.00  5♠ S 6    J  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  480         11.00   6.00  4♠ S 6    J  1-Deger-Brooks vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  480         11.00   6.00  4♠ S 6    J  4-King-King vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  480         11.00   6.00  4♠ S 6    J  12-Johns-Lee vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  480         11.00   6.00  4♠ S 6    J  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 7-Victor-Victor
  480         11.00   6.00  4♠ N 6    2  9-Gore-Cohen vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  480         11.00   6.00  4♠ N 6    A  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  480         11.00   6.00  4♠ N 6    A  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
  450          4.00  13.00  4♠ S 5    J  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 4-Herman-Bloom
  450          4.00  13.00  4♠ S 5    J  11-Laut-Allen vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  450          4.00  13.00  4♠ S 5    J  15-Mann-Levine vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  450          4.00  13.00  4♠ N 5    A  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  450          4.00  13.00  4 S 5    Q  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
  420          1.00  16.00  4 N 4    A  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
         50    0.00  17.00  3N N -1   A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
12 ♠Q852
Dlr: West
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 2 4♠ 2NT  ♦4
EW: 3  ♣3 ♥5 ♠2 NT4
LoTT: 19 - 18 = +1
Par: +300 5*-EW-2
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  130         14.50   2.50  3♣ S 4    ♠J  11-Laut-Allen vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  130         14.50   2.50  3♣ S 4    A  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 4-Herman-Bloom
  130         14.50   2.50  3♣ S 4    A  12-Johns-Lee vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  130         14.50   2.50  3♣ S 4    A  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  130         14.50   2.50  3♣ S 4    A  15-Mann-Levine vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  130         14.50   2.50  2♣ S 4    A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
  110         10.50   6.50  2♠ S 2    A  1-Deger-Brooks vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  110         10.50   6.50  3♣ N 3    A  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
   50          7.50   9.50  1N W -1   7  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
   50          7.50   9.50  1N W -1   6  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 15-Herman-Coleman
   50          7.50   9.50  4 E -1   ♣9  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
   50          7.50   9.50  3 W -1   A  9-Gore-Cohen vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
         90    5.00  12.00  2 W 2    ♣Q  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 7-Victor-Victor
        100    4.00  13.00  3N S -1   Q  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        110    1.50  15.50  3 W 3    ♣9  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        110    1.50  15.50  3 W 3    ♣9  4-King-King vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        110    1.50  15.50  3 W 3    ♣9  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 8-Ryan-Box
        110    1.50  15.50  3 W 3    ♣9  17-Segal-Segal vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
13 ♠-
Dlr: North
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3  ♣6 ♦5 ♠3 NT6
EW: 1 3♠  ♣6 ♥3/4 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: -140 3♠-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  620         17.00   0.00  4 S 4    ♠Q  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  500         16.00   1.00  4♠* W -2  4  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  200         14.00   3.00  4♠ W -2   Q  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  200         14.00   3.00  4♠ W -2   Q  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 7-Victor-Victor
  200         14.00   3.00  4♠ W -2   Q  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 8-Ryan-Box
  140         12.00   5.00  3 S 3    A  11-Laut-Allen vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
  100         10.50   6.50  4♠ W -1   Q  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  100         10.50   6.50  3♠ W -1   Q  17-Segal-Segal vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        100    9.00   8.00  3 S -1   ♠2  12-Johns-Lee vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        110    7.50   9.50  2♠ W 2    Q  4-King-King vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        110    7.50   9.50  2♠ W 2    4  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        170    5.50  11.50  3♠ W 4    Q  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        170    5.50  11.50  3♠ W 4    4  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        200    4.00  13.00  4* S -1  A  15-Mann-Levine vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        500    3.00  14.00  5* S -2  ♠Q  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        620    1.50  15.50  4♠ W 4    Q  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        620    1.50  15.50  4♠ W 4    4  1-Deger-Brooks vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        790    0.00  17.00  4♠* W 4   Q  9-Gore-Cohen vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
14 ♠AK4
Dlr: East
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1 1  ♣5 ♠3 NT3
EW: 2♣ 3♠ 3/2NT  ♦6 ♥6
LoTT: 16 - 15 = +1
Par: -400 3NT-W
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  300         17.00   0.00  1* E -2  ♣7  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  150         15.00   2.00  3N W -3   ♣4  17-Segal-Segal vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  150         15.00   2.00  3N E -3   8  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  150         15.00   2.00  3N E -3   ♣7  4-King-King vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  100         11.50   5.50  3N E -2   8  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 7-Victor-Victor
  100         11.50   5.50  3N E -2   6  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
  100         11.50   5.50  3N E -2   6  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  100         11.50   5.50  4♠ W -2   4  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
   50          8.50   8.50  4♠ W -1   ♣6  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
   50          8.50   8.50  4♠ E -1   K  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 8-Ryan-Box
        110    7.00  10.00  2♠ E 2    ♣7  12-Johns-Lee vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        120    6.00  11.00  2N E 2    ♣7  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        420    4.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    4  1-Deger-Brooks vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        420    4.50  12.50  4♠ W 4    4  15-Mann-Levine vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        430    2.50  14.50  3N E 4    6  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        430    2.50  14.50  3N E 4    6  11-Laut-Allen vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        460    0.50  16.50  3N E 5    6  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        460    0.50  16.50  3N E 5    ♣6  9-Gore-Cohen vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
15 ♠A962
Dlr: South
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 5♣ 5 4 2♠ 3NT
EW:  ♣2 ♦2 ♥2 ♠4 NT3
LoTT: 15 - 16 = -1
Par: +620 4-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  690         17.00   0.00  3N N 6    2  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  660         16.00   1.00  3N N 5    J  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
  630         13.00   4.00  3N N 4    ♠K  12-Johns-Lee vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  630         13.00   4.00  3N N 4    ♠T  11-Laut-Allen vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  630         13.00   4.00  3N N 4    ♠5  1-Deger-Brooks vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  630         13.00   4.00  3N N 4    ♠5  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 4-Herman-Bloom
  630         13.00   4.00  3N N 4    ♠5  15-Mann-Levine vs 7-Victor-Victor
  620         10.00   7.00  5♣ N 6    3  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠K  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠K  17-Segal-Segal vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠5  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠5  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 8-Ryan-Box
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠5  9-Gore-Cohen vs 15-Herman-Coleman
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠5  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠5  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  600          5.00  12.00  3N N 3    ♠5  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  600          5.00  12.00  5♣ N 5    ♣4  4-King-King vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        100    0.00  17.00  6♣ N -1   ♠K  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
16 ♠8762
Dlr: West
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣4 ♦6 ♥2 ♠5 NT5
EW: 2♣ 5 1♠  ♦6 NT6
LoTT: 17 - 17 = 0
Par: -650 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  100         17.00   0.00  4 W -1   ♠6  15-Mann-Levine vs 7-Victor-Victor
   90         16.00   1.00  1N N 1    ♣6  4-King-King vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        140   15.00   2.00  3 W 3    4  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        150   14.00   3.00  3 S -3   ♣5  12-Johns-Lee vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        170   10.50   6.50  3 W 4    Q  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        170   10.50   6.50  3 W 4    Q  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        170   10.50   6.50  2 W 4    Q  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        170   10.50   6.50  2 W 4    Q  9-Gore-Cohen vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        170   10.50   6.50  2 W 4    4  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        170   10.50   6.50  1 W 4    Q  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        200    5.50  11.50  3 W 5    ♠8  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        200    5.50  11.50  3 W 5    ♠8  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        200    5.50  11.50  3 W 5    4  1-Deger-Brooks vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        200    5.50  11.50  2 W 5    Q  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 8-Ryan-Box
        620    2.50  14.50  4 W 4    ♠2  17-Segal-Segal vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        620    2.50  14.50  4 W 4    4  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        650    0.50  16.50  4 W 5    ♠8  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        650    0.50  16.50  4 W 5    4  11-Laut-Allen vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
17 ♠9
Dlr: North
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 4♣ 3 1NT  ♦6 ♠5
EW: 1 2♠  ♣3 ♥4 NT5
LoTT: 18 - 18 = 0
Par: +130 4♣-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  130         16.50   0.50  4♣ N 4    ♠A  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
  130         16.50   0.50  3♣ N 4    ♠A  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  110         15.00   2.00  3♣ N 3    ♠A  9-Gore-Cohen vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  100         12.50   4.50  3♠ E -2   ♣7  4-King-King vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  100         12.50   4.50  3♠ E -2   ♣7  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
  100         12.50   4.50  3♠ E -2   ♣4  15-Mann-Levine vs 8-Ryan-Box
  100         12.50   4.50  2♠ E -2   ♣5  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
   50          8.00   9.00  4♠ E -1   A  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
   50          8.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   ♣7  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 15-Herman-Coleman
   50          8.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   ♣7  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 7-Victor-Victor
   50          8.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   ♣7  12-Johns-Lee vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
   50          8.00   9.00  3♠ E -1   ♣7  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        110    4.50  12.50  2♠ E 2    ♣6  11-Laut-Allen vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        110    4.50  12.50  2♠ E 2    ♣4  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        140    1.50  15.50  3♠ E 3    ♣5  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        140    1.50  15.50  3♠ E 3    ♣4  1-Deger-Brooks vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        140    1.50  15.50  2♠ E 3    A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        140    1.50  15.50  2♠ E 3    ♣7  17-Segal-Segal vs 12-Weiss-Blum
18 ♠KQ432
Dlr: East
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 3 2♠  ♣0 ♦1 NT1
EW: 6♣ 6 2NT  ♥4 ♠4
LoTT: 21 - 19 = +2
Par: -800 6*-NS-3
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  140         16.00   1.00  3 S 3    ♠T  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
  140         16.00   1.00  3 S 3    Q  4-King-King vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
  140         16.00   1.00  3 N 3    A  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 7-Victor-Victor
        100   14.00   3.00  3 S -1   ♠T  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        120   13.00   4.00  2N E 2    ♣4  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        150   12.00   5.00  4 W 5    Q  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        170   10.50   6.50  3 W 6    ♠K  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        170   10.50   6.50  3 W 6    Q  17-Segal-Segal vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        180    9.00   8.00  1N E 4    8  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        190    7.50   9.50  4♣ E 7    K  12-Johns-Lee vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        190    7.50   9.50  4♣ E 7    J  9-Gore-Cohen vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        240    6.00  11.00  2N E 6    J  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        420    4.50  12.50  5 W 6    ♠K  11-Laut-Allen vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        420    4.50  12.50  5 W 6    Q  15-Mann-Levine vs 8-Ryan-Box
        490    2.00  15.00  3N E 6    ♠A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        490    2.00  15.00  3N E 6    J  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        490    2.00  15.00  3N E 6    T  1-Deger-Brooks vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        550    0.00  17.00  3N* E 3   ♠9  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 4-Herman-Bloom
19 ♠AJ73
Dlr: South
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦2 ♥2 ♠4 NT2
EW: 5♣ 5 5 3♠ 3NT
LoTT: 15 - 15 = 0
Par: -650 5-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
        130   17.00   0.00  2 E 4    ♣7  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        150   13.50   3.50  1N E 3    ♠2  12-Johns-Lee vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        150   13.50   3.50  1 E 5    ♠9  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        150   13.50   3.50  1 E 5    ♠2  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        150   13.50   3.50  1 E 5    ♠2  17-Segal-Segal vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        150   13.50   3.50  1 E 5    A  9-Gore-Cohen vs 8-Ryan-Box
        150   13.50   3.50  1 E 5    ♣7  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        600    7.00  10.00  3N E 3    ♠2  1-Deger-Brooks vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        600    7.00  10.00  3N E 3    ♠2  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        600    7.00  10.00  3N E 3    ♠2  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        600    7.00  10.00  3N E 3    ♠2  4-King-King vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        600    7.00  10.00  3N E 3    ♠2  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        600    7.00  10.00  3N E 3    ♠2  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        600    7.00  10.00  3N E 3    ♠2  11-Laut-Allen vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        630    2.50  14.50  3N E 4    ♠2  15-Mann-Levine vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        630    2.50  14.50  3N E 4    2  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 7-Victor-Victor
        660    0.50  16.50  3N E 5    A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        660    0.50  16.50  3N E 5    J  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
20 ♠T7654
Dlr: West
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 1  ♣3 ♦5 ♠5 NT5
EW: 3♣ 1 1♠ 2NT  ♥5
LoTT: 16 - 16 = 0
Par: -120 2NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  140         17.00   0.00  3 N 3    ♣A  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  110         15.50   1.50  2 S 2    ♣8  11-Laut-Allen vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  110         15.50   1.50  2 S 3    ♣8  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
  100         13.50   3.50  3♣ E -1   A  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  100         13.50   3.50  3♣ E -1   K  9-Gore-Cohen vs 8-Ryan-Box
   70         12.00   5.00  1 S 1    ♣8  12-Johns-Lee vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
         90   11.00   6.00  2♣ E 2    A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        100    9.50   7.50  2 S -1   ♣8  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        100    9.50   7.50  1 S -1   ♣8  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        110    7.50   9.50  3♣ E 3    A  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 7-Victor-Victor
        110    7.50   9.50  2♣ E 3    A  4-King-King vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        200    4.00  13.00  2 S -2   ♣4  17-Segal-Segal vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        200    4.00  13.00  2 S -2   ♣8  15-Mann-Levine vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        200    4.00  13.00  2 S -2   ♣8  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        200    4.00  13.00  2 S -2   ♣4  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        200    4.00  13.00  2 S -2   ♣3  1-Deger-Brooks vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        300    0.50  16.50  3 S -3   ♣8  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        300    0.50  16.50  2 S -3   ♣8  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 12-Weiss-Blum
21 ♠AT952
Dlr: North
Vul: N-S
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣ 2♠  ♦5/1 ♥1 NT2
EW: 2 3 2NT  ♣5 ♠4
LoTT: 17 - 18 = -1
Par: -140 3-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  100         17.00   0.00  4 W -2   ♣2  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
   50         16.00   1.00  4 E -1   6  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        100   15.00   2.00  4♠ N -1   A  15-Mann-Levine vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        110   13.50   3.50  2 W 2    ♣2  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        110   13.50   3.50  2 E 2    ♠Q  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        140    8.00   9.00  3 W 3    ♣3  1-Deger-Brooks vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        140    8.00   9.00  3 W 3    ♣2  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        140    8.00   9.00  2 E 3    ♠Q  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        140    8.00   9.00  2 E 3    ♠Q  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 8-Ryan-Box
        140    8.00   9.00  2 E 3    ♠3  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        140    8.00   9.00  2 E 3    ♠3  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        140    8.00   9.00  2 E 3    ♠3  12-Johns-Lee vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        140    8.00   9.00  2 E 3    ♠3  17-Segal-Segal vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        140    8.00   9.00  2 E 3    ♣A  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        420    3.00  14.00  4 E 4    ♠Q  9-Gore-Cohen vs 7-Victor-Victor
        480    1.50  15.50  4 E 6    ♠Q  11-Laut-Allen vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        480    1.50  15.50  4 E 6    ♠2  4-King-King vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        490    0.00  17.00  3N E 6    ♠3  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
22 ♠K7543
Dlr: East
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2 1 2♠  ♣4 NT6
EW: 2♣  ♦5 ♥6 ♠5 NT5
LoTT: 16 - 17 = -1
Par: +110 2♠-NS
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  200         17.00   0.00  3♣ E -2   ♠9  17-Segal-Segal vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
  140         16.00   1.00  2♠ N 3    A  1-Deger-Brooks vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  110         13.00   4.00  2♠ S 2    A  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 8-Ryan-Box
  110         13.00   4.00  2♠ N 2    3  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  110         13.00   4.00  3 S 3    ♣J  15-Mann-Levine vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
  110         13.00   4.00  2 S 3    ♣J  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
  110         13.00   4.00  2 S 3    ♣J  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  100         10.00   7.00  3 W -1   ♠K  9-Gore-Cohen vs 7-Victor-Victor
         50    6.00  11.00  3♠ N -1   3  11-Laut-Allen vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
         50    6.00  11.00  3♠ N -1   6  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
         50    6.00  11.00  2♠ N -1   9  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
         50    6.00  11.00  2♠ N -1   9  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
         50    6.00  11.00  2♠ N -1   8  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
         50    6.00  11.00  2♠ N -1   3  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
         50    6.00  11.00  3 S -1   ♣J  12-Johns-Lee vs 4-Herman-Bloom
         90    1.50  15.50  2♣ E 2    Q  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
         90    1.50  15.50  2♣ E 2    2  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        110    0.00  17.00  2♣ E 3    ♠9  4-King-King vs 15-Herman-Coleman
23 ♠3
Dlr: South
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣2 ♦1 ♥3 ♠2 NT1
EW: 5♣ 5 3 5♠ 6NT
LoTT: 13 - 14 = -1
Par: -1440 6NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  400         17.00   0.00  6 E -4   J  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  200         16.00   1.00  6 E -2   J  12-Johns-Lee vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  100         15.00   2.00  6N W -1   4  9-Gore-Cohen vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        620   13.50   3.50  4♠ W 4    ♣8  1-Deger-Brooks vs 8-Ryan-Box
        620   13.50   3.50  4♠ W 4    ♣5  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        630   10.00   7.00  4N W 4    4  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        630   10.00   7.00  4N W 4    4  17-Segal-Segal vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        630   10.00   7.00  3N W 4    4  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        630   10.00   7.00  3N W 4    4  11-Laut-Allen vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        630   10.00   7.00  3N W 4    4  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        660    4.50  12.50  4N W 5    4  15-Mann-Levine vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        660    4.50  12.50  3N W 5    8  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        660    4.50  12.50  3N W 5    4  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        660    4.50  12.50  3N W 5    4  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 7-Victor-Victor
        660    4.50  12.50  3N W 5    4  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        660    4.50  12.50  3N W 5    3  4-King-King vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        690    0.50  16.50  3N W 6    ♠3  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        690    0.50  16.50  3N W 6    4  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
24 ♠T63
Dlr: West
Vul: None
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣3 ♦2 ♥2 ♠3 NT2
EW: 4♣ 4 5 3♠ 5NT
LoTT: 14 - 14 = 0
Par: -460 5NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
         90   16.00   1.00  1N E 1    ♠5  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
         90   16.00   1.00  1 E 2    ♣9  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 4-Herman-Bloom
         90   16.00   1.00  2♣ W 2    ♠6  1-Deger-Brooks vs 8-Ryan-Box
        100   14.00   3.00  1♣ N -2   6  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        120   13.00   4.00  2N E 2    ♠4  12-Johns-Lee vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        150   11.50   5.50  1N E 3    ♠4  4-King-King vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        150   11.50   5.50  1♣ S -3   2  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
        170    9.50   7.50  1 W 4    ♠3  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        170    9.50   7.50  1 W 4    ♠3  17-Segal-Segal vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        180    7.00  10.00  2N W 4    3  11-Laut-Allen vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        180    7.00  10.00  2N W 4    3  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 7-Victor-Victor
        180    7.00  10.00  1N W 4    ♣4  15-Mann-Levine vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        430    4.50  12.50  3N E 4    ♠4  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        430    4.50  12.50  3N E 4    ♠4  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        460    1.50  15.50  3N E 5    ♠4  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
        460    1.50  15.50  3N E 5    ♠3  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        460    1.50  15.50  3N E 5    ♠2  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
        460    1.50  15.50  3N E 5    ♣9  9-Gore-Cohen vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
25 ♠KQ93
Dlr: North
Vul: E-W
Double Dummy Makes
NS:  ♣6 ♦2 ♥3 ♠5 NT2
EW: 3 3 2♠ 4NT  ♣6
LoTT: 15 - 14 = +1
Par: -630 4NT-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  200         16.50   0.50  4* W -1  ♠K  1-Deger-Brooks vs 7-Victor-Victor
  200         16.50   0.50  4 W -2   ♠K  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  100         14.50   2.50  3N E -1   ♣9  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  100         14.50   2.50  4 W -1   8  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
         90   13.00   4.00  2 E 2    ♠J  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        100   12.00   5.00  2♠ N -2   A  11-Laut-Allen vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        110   10.50   6.50  2 W 2    ♠3  4-King-King vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        110   10.50   6.50  2 W 2    ♣Q  9-Gore-Cohen vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
        120    9.00   8.00  1N W 2    ♣4  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        600    6.50  10.50  3N W 3    ♣4  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 8-Ryan-Box
        600    6.50  10.50  3N E 3    3  12-Johns-Lee vs 6-Gross-Lindamood
        600    6.50  10.50  3N E 3    3  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        600    6.50  10.50  3N E 3    2  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
        630    3.50  13.50  3N W 4    ♣T  17-Segal-Segal vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
        630    3.50  13.50  3N E 4    ♣9  15-Mann-Levine vs 12-Weiss-Blum
        660    1.50  15.50  3N E 5    3  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        660    1.50  15.50  3N E 5    2  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        690    0.00  17.00  3N E 6    3  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
26 ♠K9
Dlr: East
Vul: Both
Double Dummy Makes
NS: 2♣  ♦3 ♥3 ♠3 NT3
EW: 4 4 3♠ 3NT  ♣5
LoTT: 18 - 17 = +1
Par: -620 4-EW
  N-S   E-W    N-S    E-W   Contract  Ld
  200         16.00   1.00  4 E -2   ♠4  7-Ashby-Doyle vs 1-Goldstein-Metosky
  200         16.00   1.00  4 E -2   6  15-Mann-Levine vs 12-Weiss-Blum
  200         16.00   1.00  4 E -2   ♣4  17-Segal-Segal vs 16-Sentner-Petrilli
  100         11.50   5.50  2N W -1   ♣5  18-Bogacz-Reithal vs 18-Rosnick-Rosnick
  100         11.50   5.50  4 W -1   8  13-Stevens-Gushee vs 8-Ryan-Box
  100         11.50   5.50  4 W -1   2  2-Chadwick-Poncher vs 9-Kuffner-kuffner
  100         11.50   5.50  4 W -1   2  10-Graves-Nicholas vs 2-Djavadi-Ampe
  100         11.50   5.50  4 W -1   ♣J  9-Gore-Cohen vs 5-Schaffner-Foulds
  100         11.50   5.50  4 W -1   ♣5  6-Dunlap-Goldstein vs 17-Ohre-Wexler
        110    8.00   9.00  2 E 2    6  3-Weiner-Mandelbaum vs 11-Mellen-Mellen
        140    7.00  10.00  2 W 3    ♣3  4-King-King vs 13-Claymon-Claymon
        170    6.00  11.00  2 E 4    6  8-Welc-Gaskins vs 3-Lilien-Sacks
        200    5.00  12.00  3 W 5    ♠K  16-Kirkpatrick-Mohiuddin vs 14-Crawford-Guthery
        620    3.00  14.00  4 W 4    ♠4  5-Fox-Gellenbeck vs 15-Herman-Coleman
        620    3.00  14.00  4 W 4    2  1-Deger-Brooks vs 7-Victor-Victor
        620    3.00  14.00  4 W 4    2  14-Lucas-Gimple vs 10-Rubin-Rubin
        650    0.50  16.50  4 W 5    2  11-Laut-Allen vs 4-Herman-Bloom
        650    0.50  16.50  4 E 5    ♠4  12-Johns-Lee vs 6-Gross-Lindamood